
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Belgium won the game without any suspense. After the game, Degan, who broke the World Cup scoring record shared by himself and the famous Brazilian star Ronaldo, naturally became the biggest star after the game.

"We were able to score so many goals in the final game of the World Cup. In fact, we did not expect that during the game, we just completed every touch of the ball as required by the coach before the game, and we were able to win this big victory. It's a bit of a surprise, but I still think it's a sign of the strength of Belgian football!"

Degan is different when he is in love. At least when he was interviewed by reporters, he did not sarcasm this time, and his words were not even sarcasm. On the contrary, it made reporters feel a little uncomfortable.

"Being the player with the most goals in the history of the World Cup really makes me very excited. However, I didn't take this as my goal before the game. In fact, from the moment I stepped on the field, it was difficult to let myself Distracted to think about something else, broke the record, and I didn't know until Coach Antiiennis handed me that flag! It's really good, you all know, I like being in the first place One position!"

At the press conference after the game, Antiiennis also praised his players: "We completed a great game. This is a historic moment. Everything today is perfect. My players are the best for the world." The fans gave the best football, this start made our prospects in this world cup very bright, I want to thank my players, especially Rod, he is a great player, I bet he is in In the World Cup in South Africa, one miracle after another will continue to be created."

In the warm-up match before the start of the World Cup, Degan did not perform well, but after the start of the World Cup, he suddenly broke out.

"It's not worth making a fuss about. Rhodes will play well. In my expectation, he can always adjust himself to the best condition. In the previous warm-up match, I knew he was very tired. After all, he just ended. It was a difficult season, and Fiorentina ended the season at the latest, so I intentionally adjusted his playing time in the warm-up match, in order to accumulate strength and prepare for the World Cup. Adjust your state to the best!"

Regarding this game, the performance of several young people in the Belgian team has also attracted much attention. Antiiennis is also very excited about this: "Yes! Their performance is surprising, that's it. As their coach, I Proud of their performance, Courtois, Hazard, Lukaku, of course we can't forget Alderweireld, I think through today's game, they have announced to the world, Belgium's young generation It's exciting to see their ability to prove themselves on the big stage of the World Cup."

Compared to Antiiennis' elation, the Nigerian coach was obviously disappointed with the result of the game: "Yes! We lost, and the result is disappointing, but I want to say that it is not the result of both of us. The strength is really ahead of time. The Belgian team is indeed very strong, but our strength should not be as bad as it is now. I can only say that this game deviated from our planned track from the very beginning. The Belgian team fought hard as soon as they came up. Very fierce, my players obviously lack mental preparation for this, okay! This game is over, I don't think it's over, our World Cup journey has just begun, the whole team, as well as our fans , all have great enthusiasm for the World Cup, we will not just give up, and we will still do our best in the next games!"

It is good not to admit defeat, but next Nigeria will face the South American powerhouse Argentina led by Messi.

After the game, Degan returned to the hotel with the whole team, and received a congratulatory message from Park Ji-yeon as soon as he entered the door. Degan didn't reply, but called directly.

It looked a bit messy over there, and it took Digan a long time to figure out where she was now. After making an appointment to meet, Digan changed his clothes and was about to go out.

Seeing this, Fellaini, who lived in the same room as Digan, smirked and said, "Hey! Rhodes! Are you going to meet your girlfriend?"

Digan laughed and said, "Why? This doesn't seem to violate the rules!"

Fellaini got up, went to Degan's side, put his shoulders on his shoulders and said, "Of course, of course, but, Rhodes! Can you take me with you? I guess your girlfriend definitely didn't come here alone. She didn't come here alone. Is it an idol group? Also introduce her friends to me!"

Fellaini looked eager, but Degan ruthlessly refused: "I'm sorry, Marouane, this is a private meeting, not a sorority. If you want to meet girls, you'd better go to Find Vincent, he's better at this!"

After Digan finished speaking, he pushed Fellaini away and went out. Fellaini hesitated for a while, and then knocked on the door of Kompany's room. As a result, Kurtu, who also lived in this room, Watt told, Kompany went to see his girlfriend.

In order to keep the players' fighting spirit strong, the Belgian Football Association did not announce an abstinence order during the World Cup. Instead, it made a special trip to bring the wives and girlfriends of each player to South Africa so that they could meet. Let the players of other teams envy.

What's more, after the big victory over Nigeria, there is basically no suspense in the next game against South Korea. The team is about to qualify, and naturally there is no need to be so eager for management.

In South Africa, an unfamiliar place, Digan searched for a long time before he found the hotel where Park Zhiyan was staying, because this time, apart from cheering Digan, Park Zhiyan and her group also wanted to film a reality show. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are all arranged, and it is obviously impossible to expect the program team to arrange a good place for them.

In the lobby of the hotel, Digan called Park Zhiyan.

Meanwhile, in the room, Park Ji-yeon was surrounded by several older sisters.

"Jiyan! The phone is ringing, answer it quickly!"

"Yes! Come on!"

Pu Zhiyan really couldn't bear to face several older women, and she couldn't help being a little shy when talking on the phone with her boyfriend in front of her sisters.

"Jiyan! We won't take your boyfriend away, we just went to meet you! I'm also a Deegan fan!"

"That's right! We are all fans. When Deegan came to Korea for the first time, we all went to the airport. It turned out that you, a stinky girl, got lucky and even got an autograph! I'm so pissed off!"

"That's right! Zhiyan! It's just a meeting! Don't worry, we won't disturb you!"

"That's right! Even if we don't go back to the hotel tonight, we will keep it a secret from the president!"

Pu Zhiyan was blushed by several sisters, what is "not going back to the hotel", her young age doesn't mean she doesn't understand anything, the relationship between her and Digan has always been innocent Yes, the most intimate gesture is nothing more than the hug after Degan led the team to win the Champions Cup.

Really unable to hold back, Park Ji-yeon could only get through the phone: "Hi! pp! Are you~~~~~~ Are you here?"

Seeing that it took so long for Park Ji-yeon to answer the phone, Digan couldn't help being a little puzzled: "Yes! I just arrived, why did it take me so long to answer the phone!"

Pu Zhiyan took a sneak peek at the older sisters, and seeing each one's longing looks, Pu Zhiyan gritted her teeth and said, "I'm sorry! pp! It's like this, I~~~~~ My members hope to see pp, I don't know~ ~~~~I don't know~~~~~"

Digan laughed and said, "What's the matter! See you soon! I'll wait for you downstairs!"

After hanging up the phone, Pu Zhiyan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay! I talked to pp, and he said it's okay! But~~~~~~~"

Before Pu Zhiyan could finish speaking, several girls cheered and took out their cosmetics one after another, and some even tried on clothes, completely looking like a little fan meeting a big idol.

Seeing this, Pu Zhiyan said angrily: "Hey! Are you listening to me! When we meet later, you are not allowed to ask some strange questions!"

A handsome girl with short hair waved her hand: "Got it! Got it! Anyway, no matter what we say, he can't understand Korean!"

Finally finished dressing up and was about to go out, but was blocked in the room by the program crew. The pd who came to South Africa this time to shoot looked at Pu Zhiyan, looking eager and embarrassed, and said: "Park Zhiyan! We saw someone downstairs just now. Digan, are you going to meet Digan now?"

Pu Zhiyan nodded: "Yes! We are going down!"

When pd heard the words, his eyes suddenly burst into joy: "That's it, see if you can persuade Digan to participate in the filming of our show, don't worry, it won't delay him for a long time!"

When Pu Zhiyan heard the words, she felt very embarrassed. The pd's request was different from that of her sisters. She knew that what Digan hated most was accepting interviews. What if Digan was upset, what should I do?

But this is not about her alone. Since the debut of her group, the reason why she has accumulated a lot of popularity in a short period of time is that her relationship with Digan has become the biggest selling point. Appearing in the reality show they are currently recording will definitely be of great benefit to increasing the ratings, and similarly, their combination will also benefit from it.

"PD! I need to discuss this matter with PP, and I don't know if he will agree!"

When pd heard this, he couldn't help being very excited. In his opinion, this is not a difficult thing. Wouldn't it also make Digan famous in Korea?

There was no reason for Digan not to agree, let alone helping his girlfriend!

"Okay! Zhiyan! I'll just wait for your good news!"

Pu Zhiyan answered in embarrassment, and led the members downstairs. As soon as she arrived in the lobby, Pu Zhiyan saw Digan. If no one else was there, Pu Zhiyan would have rushed over with a cheer.

But now~~~~~~~

Let's be more reserved!

Digan also saw Pu Zhiyan and the five girls beside him, stood up with a smile, went forward, and took the initiative to hug Pu Zhiyan.

"Jiyan! It's really not easy to see you now!"

In front of the members, Park Zhiyan was so close to Deegan, she couldn't help but blush with shame: "That~~~~~~pp! This~~~~~ These are my members!"

Digan looked over, sure enough, South Korea's star-making ability is strong, at least in Asia, the girls are all very beautiful, and Digan smiled and said hello: "Hello!"

When the girls saw Digan just now, they were so nervous that they forgot to speak. Seeing Digan greet them, they took a step back and bowed ninety degrees: "Hello! We are -r!"


Digan didn't pay much attention to the Korean entertainment industry in his previous life. The only thing he knew about was Girls' Generation, but he didn't know how many people there were. He really had never heard of the team in front of him in his previous life.

"Jiyeon! What's your name~~~~!?"

Pu Zhiyan was taken aback when she heard the words, and then she was very dissatisfied. How can the two of them be boyfriend and girlfriend, who knew that Digan didn't pay attention to her affairs so much, and didn't even know the name of the group she was in.

But thinking about it again, Degan is full of football all day long, and when they debuted, it happened to be the most intense time for Serie A and the Champions League. How could Degan have time to pay attention to Asian stars.

"It's -r! It means the crown! Our president hopes that we can become the queen of music!"

Deegan couldn't help laughing. He really didn't expect a Korean girl group to have such big ambitions. The Queen of Music, it seems that Beckham's wife Victoria, the Spice Girls, failed to do it. Let's talk about the world's music In the circle, the only girl group that can be called the title of queen is Destiny's Child.

"Hello! I'm Captain Han Enjing!"

"I'm the boss Daquan Baolan!"

"I'm Park So-yeon, the foreign liaison officer!"

"I'm the face of Li Juli!"

"I'm the real face Park Hyo Min!"

Of course Digan couldn't understand the Korean spoken by the girls. After Park Zhiyan translated it, he managed to remember the names of the girls.

"Jiyeon! Where do you want to go?"

Of course Park Ji-yeon hopes to live a two-person world with Digan. Although it is said that they are lovers, but because they each have their own careers, there are not many opportunities for the two to meet. But leaving a few older sisters behind, her I also feel sorry for it, and there is also a request from the program team.

Pu Zhiyan thought about it, and couldn't help being embarrassed: "pp! My sisters usually take care of me, can you~~~~~~"

Of course Digan could guess what Pu Zhiyan was thinking, and said with a smile: "Of course it's no problem, let's go out and play together, anyway, I'm not familiar with this place, you guys came early, so you can be my tour guide!"

Park Zhiyan was naturally very happy when she heard the words, and hurriedly told her sisters, the five girls were even more excited, Deegan is a super star, almost no one in Korea does not know it, to know Deegan, that is simply What a great thing, after the excitement, I thank you again and again.

Pu Zhiyan then wondered again: "pp! There is one more thing, if I say it, pp must not be unhappy!"

Digan nodded in surprise, the Pu Zhiyan he knew was not like this, she was a little girl who said something, why did she become hesitant today.

"Say it!"

Pu Zhiyan hesitated for a moment, and said: "It's like this, just now when PP was waiting for us, someone from the program team saw it!"

Digan asked, "It's the reality show you guys are going to film this time!?"

Park Zhiyan nodded quickly: "Yes! So, the pd of the show hopes to discuss with pp to see if he can accept an interview. If pp is not willing, forget it!"

Hearing this, Degan pretended to be unhappy and said, "You agreed!"

Seeing this, Pu Zhiyan panicked and waved her hands again and again: "No! No! I didn't agree, although it's pd's request, but I said, I need to ask pp's permission, pp! If you don't want it, forget it!"

Digan laughed and said, "Why didn't you agree! Can't you agree for me?"

In the interview, Digan was of course somewhat repelled, but he also knew that now that Park Ji-yeon's acting career had just started, he couldn't persuade Park Ji-yeon to give up, so if he could help, he would naturally not refuse.

When Pu Zhiyan heard this, she didn't react for a while, she stared blankly at Digan, and said after a while, "pp! Do you really agree?"

Digan smiled and nodded: "Of course, but I can only accept interviews here. The time is only ten minutes. They can't follow all the way later, understand?"

Pu Zhiyan nodded excitedly, quickly took out her mobile phone, dialed the number of pd, and told Digan what she meant.

The other five girls didn't expect that Digan would really agree.

"That stinky girl in the maknae is really lucky, if I have such a considerate boyfriend, how wonderful it would be!"

"Gulioni! You don't have to think about it, I can see that Digan really likes Zhiyan!"

"I don't understand it! I don't understand it! Why does Deegan like **? Don't we have charm?"

Pu Zhiyan could hear the conversations of the older sisters clearly, and the more she listened to her, the more arrogant she became. To be honest, having a boyfriend like Digan is really something to be proud of.

He is tall and handsome, young and rich, and even a world-class football star. Sometimes, Park Zhiyan feels that she has made a lot of money.

But can two people really last long?

Digan's career focuses on Europe, and her career focuses on South Korea. The two of them don't see each other several times a year. Although Park Zhiyan made a rare effort because of Digan's relationship, she has learned English, so she doesn't have to worry about communication, but They haven't seen each other for a long time, and can only contact by phone. In front of a big star like Degan, those sexy beauties are indispensable. After a long time, can their relationship still be like it is now?