
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 62 No way

Chapter 62 No way

When the warmth of parting dissipated, people became realistic again.

Before Fiorentina could celebrate their entry into the UEFA Champions League again, the club's executive chairman Pakinwa received a notice from the Italian Football Association to hold a league meeting.

If it were in the past, people would not feel that much. At the end of each season, all Italian professional league teams would gather in Rome to hold a meeting to discuss some matters for the next season.

But this time is obviously different, because before the Football Association sent a letter to notify, but this time it was indeed the president of the Italian Football Association who personally called Pakinwa. The call not only went to Pakinwa, but also Della Valle Talked with the president of the Italian Football Federation for nearly half an hour.

Although Della Valle was banned from participating in football-related activities by the Italian Football Association because of the phone call time, everyone knew that the real talker in Florence was Della Valle, and Pakinwa was pushed to the front desk, but it was just a mouthpiece.

"Rod! It seems that your guess is right. Berlusconi really has his idea on us!"

It was Degan's first visit to the place in the mansion in De La Valle, having been to Riodo's private residence before when he was in Atlanta.

Sure enough, as Degan expected, after losing the last round of the league and losing the qualification for the UEFA Champions League, Berlusconi was not reconciled. He first approached UEFA, and as the defending champion, asked UEFA to give him a foreign award. Card, following Liverpool's precedent, let them participate in the Champions League, but was rejected by Platini.

Liverpool played with a wild card before and played from the first round of the qualifiers, which is already an exception. At that time, UEFA said that the situation like Liverpool will never happen again in the future.

UEFA was unwilling to slap itself, so it could only return the ball to the Italian Football Association. What can the Italian Football Association do?

They can't afford to offend Berlusconi, and can only hope that Fiorentina will take the initiative to promote their style, give up the Champions League places, and fulfill AC Milan.

"They are wishful thinking." Degan had already had a premonition. Although Italian football has shown some signs of rectification after the Calciopoli incident, after all, Italy is a country that is not ordinary from top to bottom. They really purify the big environment of football, which is more difficult than that.

AC Milan is unwilling to miss the UEFA Champions League next season, and because they are the defending champions, they have enough confidence in speaking, and the Italian Football Association can only compromise.

But is it really that easy for Florence to satisfy Berlusconi, a greedy kid?

"Why do we give up the hard-won seats? Is it just to satisfy Berlusconi?"

De La Valle nodded and said: "Rod! To be honest, I don't want to either, but sometimes, we have to make some compromises!"

Digan couldn't help frowning when he heard this, did De La Valle really intend to give in?

"Mr. Chairman, I want to know what you really think, whether to let it go or not?" Digan doesn't like to talk around corners. If De La Valle said today that he intends to give up the Champions League ticket to AC Milan, he would not No matter how fiercely he opposed it, it was just that his relationship with Florence ended here.

Degan didn't want to be put off by a club that didn't have the slightest temper.

Della Valle naturally understands Degan's character. In fact, if it wasn't because of Degan, he really planned to compromise. After all, for AC Milan, Berlusconi's offer is not low, not only will he share the Champions League bonus equally, And it is also preparing to start a more comprehensive cooperation with Fiorentina, such as loaning players and so on.

But Florence has Degan, the situation is completely different. If Florence without Degan is just an important force that cannot be ignored in Italian football, then with Degan, Florence, they already have the ability to compete for the championship. Ability, and may even completely subvert the separatist regime of Italian football and usher in a new era.

Now that he has taken the road of football, De La Valle is of course not reconciled to just playing around. He also has ambitions, and his ambition is to let Florence dominate Italy.

Since this is the case, it is impossible to make concessions to AC Milan. Now that Fiorentina has promoted itself to the same position as AC Milan, who is willing to make concessions to their competitors?

Della Valle smiled. Although Degan's attitude was tough, he didn't feel disgusted. If they want to make a big career in football, Fiorentina need a player like Degan as their commander.

"No! Of course I won't agree. We fought for this Champions League ticket. It is our real strength. And everyone knows what the Champions League means. It is not only an honor, but also a huge benefit. Rhodes Don't forget that I'm a businessman, there's no reason to give away the money I get!"

Hearing what Della Valle said, Degan felt relieved, but since Della Valle already had a plan in mind, why did he let him come over?

Della Valle quickly gave the answer: "Rod! Demi is retired now, and the team needs a new captain. I hope you can take on this responsibility. In Florence, no one is more suitable to bring you. The captain's armband is on!"

Degan had already guessed this matter before. He was the vice-captain of Fiorentina before. Since his comeback, Dainelli has become the team's third captain. After Albertini retired, Degan will also It is logical to become the new captain of Florence.

"Of course! I would love to, and would be very honored!"

De La Valle smiled and said: "No! Rhodes! You haven't understood what I really mean, I need you to take on more important responsibilities!"

More important responsibilities?

"Last summer, I was very satisfied with the work of you and Prandelli in the transfer market, really! I am very pleased that you have joined forces to create a super team for Fiorentina, now I hope you can really Take over the work in this area, and from now on, I hope that you can take on the transfer power of Florence!"

If Della Valle had some doubts about Degan before, then after this season, he was really convinced. Every player that Degan insisted on bringing in showed their value, even Even Wenger, who claims to be the best at discovering and cultivating new stars, pales in comparison to Degan.

Will Deagan say no?

of course not!

"No problem, I am willing to accept this task!"

After meeting with Degan, Della Valle quickly issued a statement through Pakinwa. This statement is very simple. Doesn't AC Milan hope that Fiorentina can carry forward their style and take the overall situation into consideration, and give up their seats in the Champions League?

Florence's answer was only two words - no way!

Immediately afterwards, Degan, who was preparing to go on vacation, also accepted an interview with reporters at the airport: "We are not interested in giving up what belongs to us to others. This season, my teammates and I, as well as the coaching staff of Florence We have also worked hard, we have also shed sweat on the football field, now it is time to harvest, why should we give up our interests and let others pick the peaches, not only us players, but also the coach will not agree, Fiorentina fans We will not agree, because of some things, we have already missed the UEFA Champions League once, and we will never miss another one. As for AC Milan, what happens to them is not what we need to care about."

"Who stipulated that the defending champion must participate? Even if it is the World Cup, I don't think there will be such absurd regulations. If you all think that AC Milan must participate, why should we waste a season to compete for what we now have? It's enough to let UEFA directly announce the quota for the competition before the start of each season, wouldn't it be more troublesome!"

"Okay! I don't want to listen to your bullshit anymore, and I don't intend to 'do justice' for AC Milan. What's ours is ours, and it's not ours. We won't be as cheeky as some people. , the place in the Champions League is the result of our team's hard work, and it is also the greatest gift we give to the fans. We will not let anyone tell Berlusconi that he is not Florentino, and AC Milan is not Royal Madrid, we are not Zaragoza!"

Degan's words completely defeated AC Milan's hope of snatching Fiorentina's Champions League seat. Everyone knows the importance of Degan to Fiorentina. If he does not agree, even if Dela Valle is tempted, he has to weigh For a moment, if you really pissed off that bastard Deegan, he could do anything.

But will Berlusconi give up?

The interests of the Champions League and the UEFA Cup are very different. AC Milan is used to delicacies from mountains and seas, and the banquet is full of Han people. Now they are suddenly asked to eat Northeast pork dishes. Can they eat it?

But there is no way, Florence is not open, unwilling to satisfy their appetite, Berlusconi can only find another way.

"If the defending champions can't participate in the UEFA Champions League next season, I don't know what the meaning of that trophy is. ."

Berlusconi's righteous words, Degan, who has already arrived in the resort of Bali, just replied lightly: "The defending champion can't even make it to the Champions League. This is the biggest shame!"

It is said that after Berlusconi heard Degan's remarks, he was so angry that he did not raise his hand for three consecutive months.