
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 33 Get Out

Chapter 33 Get Out

Without warning, Degan suddenly exerted force, catching Mikel, who had been marking him every step of the way since he came on the field, by surprise, subconsciously pulled behind him, but failed to catch anything.

After Degan turned around, facing Chelsea's penalty area, his foot speed became faster and faster. Ferreira stepped forward to intercept and was easily swayed by him, and then he dunked the ball and cut inside.

The whole Barcelona team is also taking action at this moment. Although most of the Barcelona players are eager for Digan to leave as soon as possible, this is the final of the Champions League. next game.

Messi has already made another high-speed push, ready to respond, but at this moment Degan only has Chelsea's goal in his eyes. Messi raised his hand for the ball several times, but he just pretended not to see it. In the past two seasons, he played in Barcelona. It was so difficult, and the Argentine flea played a key factor. When he thought that he was suppressed by that damn dwarf and almost ruined his career, Degan couldn't get angry at all.

Vilanova on the sidelines was also yelling anxiously at this moment, reminding Degan to pass the ball, but Degan, who had already rushed up, obviously felt that he had the ball, which was a greater threat to Chelsea, and turned a deaf ear to it.

Terry bumped over from the side, trying to knock Digan down, but he apparently forgot that Digan's terrifying physique was not something he could easily challenge.

But Terry didn't intend to give up. He stuck to Degan tightly and didn't give him a chance to shoot. Gan was the first to expose it. That incident ruined Terry's reputation. Not only was he stripped of the captain's armband of the England team, but he was also ridiculed by Chelsea fans for a long time. In his heart, for so many years, all he has been thinking about is to seek revenge from Digan, but unfortunately this opportunity has never come, and now he finally has an opportunity, of course he does not want to miss it.

Before, Degan took the ball a few times and was destroyed by Terry. However, he was still not satisfied. He wanted to completely freeze Degan in the next period of time, and then stepped on Degan's head, holding Champions League trophy.

Terry's idea is very good, very fantasy, but it's a pity that there has always been a big gap between reality and ideals. Looking at Digan's performance now, it is not difficult for people to imagine that he was suppressed by Terry in the short period of time just now. It is to adapt to the rhythm of the game. Now that the adaptation period is over, it is naturally the stage of full firepower.

Terry tried several times to poke the ball away, but Degan's ball protection was very good. What made Terry even more difficult was that Degan's foot frequency was so fast that Terry couldn't grasp the timing at all.

Moreover, Degan's speed is very fast and his body is very strong. Gradually, Terry can't keep up. Looking forward, he is directly in front of the goal. Once there is a small gap, he may be caught by Degan. Stop, Terry has no choice but to fall to the ground and put the shovel.

The referee's whistle sounded immediately, pointed to Chelsea's goal, and showed Terry a yellow card.

Although Digan was tackled, he quickly stood up, tidied up his equipment, and was about to take a free kick.

"I asked for the ball just now, didn't you see it?"

Digan turned his head, looked at Messi who was standing next to him with an angry face and was roaring, and sneered: "You damn flea, you better shut your big mouth!"

Messi was even angrier when he heard the words. What he hates the most is someone talking about his height: "Don't forget, who is the core of this team and who has the final say on the court!"

Digan really didn't bother to talk to this self-righteous bastard: "You can say these words to your little friends, I don't care about you!"

"Degan and Messi seem to have had a quarrel. Messi should be questioning why Degan didn't pass the ball just now. Anyone who knows a little about football should know that Messi has already ran to the open space just now. If Degan can pass the ball According to the past, Barcelona may have evened the score now, but it's a pity that Degan was selfish at that moment."

The commentators in Catalonia are naturally on Messi's side. If they were a little fairer before, now, because Diganjishan has already finalized his transfer and leave, they will naturally favor himself. Man Messi.

Seeing that there was a quarrel, Puyol hurried forward, pulled Messi away, then frowned and said to Degan: "I know you don't like each other, but I have to let you understand that the most important thing now is this game, For me, nothing is more important than winning the Champions League, and if someone loses this game because of someone, I will not just sit idly by!"

Degan didn't have a good impression of Puyol either. When the La Masia youth gang led by Messi pushed him out, Puyol, as the captain, let him go. Such a captain does not deserve his respect.

"Then you'd better review yourself first, before I play, you have already lost a goal!"

After Degan finished speaking, he ignored Puyol's angry eyes and just stood in front of the ball, waiting for the referee's whistle.

"This ball, I will take the penalty!"

Digan glanced at the aggressive Messi, and said with disdain: "You're a fucking old man, get the hell out of here! This kind of technical work is not something you, a brat, can do!"

Although Messi often took free kicks before, but to be honest, that level is really average, not to mention that this opportunity was earned by Digan himself, and he has no reason to give it to others.

Vilanova was also silent at the moment. Although Messi is his designated first free throw shooter, at this critical moment, he obviously still hopes that Degan, who has scored countless free kicks so far in his career, can take The goal was scored to equalize the score, putting aside the emotional struggle, the victory of the game is the most important thing.

But Messi was unwilling to give in: "I said, I will punish this ball!"

Messi doesn't want to be robbed of his starring role by Degan. He also wants to be the hero of Barcelona. He missed it once last season. This time, he came to the stage of the Champions League final again. He doesn't want to miss it again .

Digan was a little annoyed by Messi's quarrel, and grabbed Messi by the collar. Only those who had confronted him knew how strong he was. Like having no weight, he was almost dragged off the ground with his feet.

"You fucking better get away from me, and don't talk to me in a commanding tone!"

As Digan said, with just a slight push, Messi almost flew out.

Degan really doesn't like this unlucky boy, he is too domineering, especially in the past two years, especially in the club, he has lost a little restraint and humility before, sometimes he needs the ball, if his teammates don't do it in time If there is no response, he will immediately show it, whether it is the language or the reproach in the eyes.

What is the result of this? Look at Barcelona's forward line, except Digan, who is about to be forgotten, Pedro, Sanchez, and Villa. Sometimes they are in a good position and can shoot by themselves. Make the ball to Messi, who is heavily guarded.

Sometimes it is Messi who breaks through with the ball, and there are unguarded teammates next to him, but he does not score the ball, and finally misses the opportunity to score. This is actually not conducive to the healthy development of the team. First, it will suppress the competition of other forwards. State and self-confidence, but Messi's dependence is getting worse.

No matter when, insisting on the supremacy of the interests of the team can make the team go further. The best choice is to see whether the best results can be achieved. It was predictable before.

When Degan was in Fiorentina, people often said that he was a ball tyrant, but after carefully analyzing the statistics of Degan in each season, it is not difficult to find that the number of goals scored by those teammates around Degan is more than 100 per season. Quite a few, and Digan is often the one who assists them.

Degan's domineering is more reflected in the strict requirements for his teammates, but Degan will not constantly criticize his teammates like Messi.

If "ball bully" is a commendatory term, Degan is undoubtedly the number one ball bully in the world.

Such a ball bully is at least much better than that self-righteous Messi!

Having taught Messi a lesson, and seeing the referee whose face was changing, Degan said coldly, "When will I be able to play?"

The referee saw that there was no major problem after all, and then blew the whistle.

The referee's whistle blew, and Degan completed his run-up almost at the instant the whistle sounded. The human wall built by the Chelsea players felt great pressure at this moment. They all had the experience of fighting against Degan. Facing Digan, who can be called the best free kick expert in the world, they all have no idea.

In the last two seasons, Degan's works have indeed decreased a lot, but don't forget that Degan is the only player in the world who can take free kicks as penalties.

In Degan's career so far, he has scored more than 100 free kicks. In world football, as long as the goalkeeper with a little reputation has been his ghost.

Which naturally includes Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech!

Cech is even more serious at the moment. He has had the experience of being directly scored by Degan from a free kick, and it is not just once. Facing Degan at this moment, he dare not be careless at all!

His eyes were fixed on the football, and he didn't dare to blink, for fear that if he blinked, he would meet the football in the goal next time.


Degan exhausted all his strength and slammed the bottom of the football fiercely. The huge force deformed the football in an instant, and then flew out suddenly, like a cannonball. Chelsea's human wall didn't even have time to jump A moment later, the football flew past their scalps.

It's really too fast, as fast as lightning, and the human reflex nerve arc has no time to make a timely feedback, and then dominate the body to act again.

After crossing the human wall, the football swung violently across an arc to the right, and at the same time fell rapidly. Although Cech was concentrating, he still couldn't see the trajectory of the football clearly and could only pounce towards the left side of his body. In the past, he judged the right direction, but the speed and angle of Digan's free kick were simply at their peak.

Depressed for two full seasons, Degan also broke out completely at this moment, taking a high-quality free kick and conquering Chelsea's defense line at once.

Cech's fingertips touched the football, but they couldn't change the trajectory of the football at all. After bypassing Cech, the football hit the inside of the goalpost and flew directly into the goal.


Everyone at the scene was stunned by Degan's free kick stunt. At that moment, they seemed to see a bolt of lightning across Celtic Park, and then tore apart Chelsea's goal. It was all so fast that they didn't even have time to react.

Seeing the ball go in, the blood all over Degan's body burned in an instant, roaring and rushing to the sidelines, his jersey was directly torn by him.

The Barcelona fans in the stands also erupted in an instant. Park Zhiyan and others also jumped up and hugged each other. Park Zhiyan, who was by Digan's side, knew it best. Although Digan had always acted indifferent in front of her, Pu Zhiyan was very clear about the depression in Digan's heart.

"Sister! Sister! Oppa scored, he scored!"

The other members of t-ara were also very excited, not only excited for their good sister, but also very excited for Digan, a super handsome man, to stage a strip show.

"Hmm! Digan's brother-in-law has a really good figure!"

Pu Zhiyan was excited, when she heard this sentence, she immediately turned into a tyrannosaurus rex: "Sister Ju Li! What are you looking at!?"

Li Juli didn't even blush when she found out what was on her mind. Looking at the angry Pu Zhiyan, she held that cute face with a smile and gave a kiss: "Okay! I'm sorry! Zhiyan! I put I will pay you myself!"


Pu Zhiyan's face turned red!

Turning her head to look at the court, the "chiluo" man with his upper body showing his muscular muscles was running wildly at the moment, which made Pu Zhiyan feel a sense of pride in her heart: that man is my man!

And in a corner of the stands, Zahavi and Levi almost toasted!

"Congratulations! Mr. Levy! You have got one of the best players!"

Levi smiled, and the color on his face became even stronger!