
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 151 Digan's Position

Chapter 151 Digan's Position

On July 6, 2006, the second semi-final of the World Cup was played at the Allianz Arena in Munich.

Some people predicted before the game that Degan might not appear in this game. After all, he was injured in a row against France and Brazil, and all of them were injured in the same position. If there is another accident in this game, Degan's career may be affected.

It is said that AC Milan has negotiated with the Belgian Football Association because of Degan's injury. After all, if Degan is injured in the national team, the interests of the club will be damaged.

The Belgian Football Association is also in a dilemma. Of course, they don't want Degan to be injured in the World Cup in Germany. Degan is not yet 21 years old. At this age, he can still play for the Belgian national team for at least three World Cups. Digan didn't agree to take a break, what would they do, not to mention, they had already reached the semi-finals, who wouldn't want to go one step further.

That's why Galliani sent fierce contact letters several times. The Belgian Football Association just pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Respect the player's decision! ?

Who the hell doesn't know that Digan is a complete idiot, the master who can get excited to the point of diabetes in an instant when he hears about a competition!

Keep him out of the game?

What a joke, if Antiiennis really didn't let Digan play, Digan would dare to wear a bomb all over his body and die with Antiiennis.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, even if Degan plays in this game, he will definitely be placed on the bench. When the situation on the field cannot be opened, or Belgium is in danger, Degan will be sent to the bench. played, but the fact is that not only did Degan play, but he was also the main force.

In this game, the two teams played with all their main players. On the Belgian side, except for Degan's left leg injury, all other players are healthy and can maintain world peace. The Portuguese midfielder Deco?

?? Costinha ended the suspension, and Figo and Jin Maoluo, who have recently trained alone with minor thigh injuries, also passed the medical examination.

Comparing the strength of the two teams, although the players in Portugal are more famous than Belgium, but because of Degan's existence, the strength of the two sides is basically evened out.

People are also looking forward to a close contest.

After the Belgian team eliminated the two world champions, France and Brazil, their morale was also high at the moment. In the opening 34 seconds of the game, Gul's midfielder made a long pass behind Miguel. Half-volley, just wide of the far post.

Degan, who missed a good chance to score, also seemed a little annoyed. Portugal was startled into a cold sweat. Scolari on the sidelines did not expect Belgium to play so proactively and attack so fast at the beginning. Just a long pass to form a shot.

Scolari thought about it, walked to the sidelines, pressed his hands down, and signaled the players on the field to stabilize and slow down the rhythm of the game.

In the previous games, Scolari had already learned about the Belgian's tactics, which is to use speed to counterattack. In front of him is a super shooter like Digan. Although the tactics are simple, they still pose a great threat.

In the 4th minute, there was a gap in the front defense of the Belgian team's penalty area. Deco shot a low shot with his right foot 20 meters in front of the goal. Proto swung to the right and blocked it with one hand. He didn't have a chance to kick his feet, so he could only watch helplessly as the football was crushed by Proto who got up.

In the next game, Portugal, who gradually mastered the rhythm of the game, continued to create threats.

In the 9th minute, after Jin Maoluo cut in from the left, the sole of his right foot called back. Maniche was 28 meters in front of the goal, and he volleyed vigorously with his right foot and flew out close to the crossbar!

Immediately afterwards, Figo made a low pass to Pauletta after breaking through from the right, and Kompany fell to the ground with a tackle to destroy it.

In the 11th minute, Mela made a long-distance pass from the midfielder and almost sent it to Pauleta's feet, but it was a pity that Kompany's first kick destroyed it.

In this World Cup, the best player in the Belgian team is naturally Degan. Apart from Degan, the most eye-catching player is the center back Kompany who plays for the Belgian domestic giants Anderlecht. .

It is said that the Bundesliga giants Bayern Munich have great interest in Kompany and hope to introduce him after the World Cup.

Degan, who comes from later generations, naturally knows Kompany's future achievements. Without him, Kompany would soon become the captain of the Belgian national team, and then after experiencing the low tide in Hamburg, he would transfer to the Premier League local tycoon Manchester City, and At Manchester City reached the peak of his career.

But now, all of this probably won't happen, at least not like Digan's previous life.

Several consecutive attacks failed, Portugal attacked more and more fiercely, Deco moved to the right in a wide range, after Figo got the ball, he went straight to the penalty area on the right rib, but Pauleta did not foresee Figo's intention and ran past, the football was caught Proto directly attacked and won.

During this period of time, the Portuguese team was most active on the two sides. The veteran Figo and the junior Jin Maoluo took turns attacking the two sides of Belgium.

Simmons and Bufer, who had shined in the match against Brazil before, looked a little embarrassed at this time, focusing on defense, and there was no way to help Digan in offense.

A change must be made.

In the 14th minute, the Belgian team intercepted the ball in the middle, Guer made a short pass, and Degan quickly moved to the left. After getting the ball, he gently poked the ball with his toe, and the football passed through Miguel's legs. , Degan took advantage of the moment when the opponent was stunned, forced a breakthrough, and slid a low pass across the goal, but it was a pity that Mponsa did not touch the ball.

"It's a pity! Degan passed the ball very beautifully. It's a pity that Mponsa didn't understand Degan's intention and was a little bit late! In the first fifteen minutes, although Portugal's offensive was very fierce, but the Belgian side The quality of the two attacks is obviously higher, but it's a pity that they missed the goal!"

In the 16th minute, Miguel made a low pass from the right. Figo made a low shot with his left foot 25 meters in front of the goal. Proto fell to the ground and held him in his arms. In the middle, Digan unloaded the ball from his chest, then swayed to the right, escaped Costinha's pressure, rushed all the way to the front of Portugal's penalty area, suddenly cut inside, and his right-footed shot was blocked by Ricardo.

"Judging from the opening period, Degan's position does not seem to be on the front line. He has a very wide range of activities. He appears in the middle for a while, pulls across the left side for a while, and launched an attack from the right side just now. ~~~~~~"

It seems to be the frontcourt libero played by Digan when he was in AC Milan!

That's right!

Digan is now a free frontcourt player. The overall strength of the Portuguese team is obviously better than that of Belgium, and the two sides are more active. With Deco in the midfield, the offensive range and offensive methods, if Belgium is purely defensive, or like playing Like Brazil, Belgium obviously does not have the advantage if it is against the opponent.

In this game, Antiiennis wants to give full play to Degan's comprehensiveness as much as possible, making him the only offensive core on the Belgian field. All the balls must be handed over to Degan's feet. If it is on the front line, it will limit Degan's performance. In this case, it is better to give him absolute rights to let Degan play freely on the field, and decide how to deal with it according to the situation on the field.

If Degan's left leg is not injured, this task is not difficult for him. He has speed and outstanding physical fitness. Even if he runs all over the field for 90 minutes, it is not difficult.

But it can't work now. Digan is in great pain even if he doesn't take a step out on the court. Only ten minutes into the game, Digan felt the pain in his left leg again.

So he must score as soon as possible, at least one goal in the first half to take the initiative, and in the second half, he will be able to play more calmly.

In the twenty-eighth minute, Degan and Gul played a beautiful two-to-one in the midfield, a huge inverted triangle pass. After Degan regained the ball on the left side of the penalty area, he tricked Miguel with continuous fake moves. Passing and shooting from the outside of the instep, he picked the ball to the far end of the goal, followed by Mponsa Jr. with a header, but it was a pity that Ricardo, who reacted quickly, saved it with a single palm.

In the 33rd minute, the Belgian team made a comeback. This time Degan pulled to the side to defend. In the face-to-face contest with Jin Maoluo, Degan won the victory. Jin Maoluo stepped on the bicycle continuously, but was stabbed by Digan. Get out, and attack.

The most impressive thing about Belgium in this World Cup is their speed of advancement. Degan passed the ball to Bufer, who passed the ball to Gour in the middle, and Gour returned the ball To Bufer, Bufer goes down and crosses.

Degan received a pass from Bufer on the edge of the penalty area, and suddenly changed the line with the outside of his right foot. Carvalho stretched his right leg to clear the siege but kicked empty. After losing his balance, his left foot hooked onto Degan's right foot. Degan Down on the ground, the referee on duty awarded a free kick on the penalty area line.

The referee's penalty aroused dissatisfaction from both sides. The Portuguese believed that Digan flopped, while the Belgian believed that the foul occurred in the penalty area and should be awarded a penalty kick.

Play back in slow motion.

"It was supposed to be a penalty. When Carvalho tripped Degan, Degan's right foot had already stepped into the box. The Portuguese had nothing to complain about. The referee's miscalculation helped them avoid a penalty. , Digan also seemed very helpless!"

Degan was really helpless, he knew very well that this was a penalty kick, but the referee had already made a penalty.

Degan stood up and separated the teammates who were arguing around the referee. He was the captain of the field, and he should naturally be in charge of negotiating with the referee.

"Are you sure it's not a penalty?"

The referee's eyes flickered, obviously he was not very sure, and he was more inclined to take a penalty kick, but the penalty has already been made, and there are some reasons that are inconvenient to say.

"I'm pretty sure it's not a penalty, let your people leave quickly, otherwise, I don't mind showing a few more yellow cards!"

Degan didn't tell either. It's not a wise decision to go against the referee on the field, but when he left, he didn't forget to say: "I hope you can be more confident next time!"

There is no penalty without a penalty. Don't you know that I always take free kicks as penalties?

The Portuguese stopped entanglement. Figo and Carvalho whispered for a while, and the Portuguese immediately became honest, and went to line up the wall in a well-behaved manner. No one knows about Degan's free kick skills.

In AC Milan this season, Degan scored nine free kicks, but Degan only took fifteen free kicks in total, almost two out of every three free kicks.

Who can not worry about this terrifying scoring efficiency.

Seeing Degan standing in front of the ball, the Portuguese felt as if they were facing an enemy. Except for the fastest Jin Maoluo left in the midfield, everyone else was stuffed into the penalty area, waiting for Degan to shoot.

Taking a deep breath, Degan started his run-up, took three steps forward, and suddenly stopped, the Portuguese team's human wall was shaken, and they jumped up collectively, but when they jumped up, they realized that Degan A sinister smile on that face.


The football brushed the scalp of the Portuguese player who had just started to fall, and the ball was very fast. Although the goalkeeper Ricardo of the Portuguese team judged the right direction, the ball still touched his fingertips and entered the net. The Belgian team 1:0 Got a head start!

Seeing the goal scored, Degan did not run to celebrate as before, but just raised his hands high, one hand gestured a one, and the other hand gestured a two. The 12th goal is only one away from French sharpshooter Fontaine's 13-goal record. At the same time, this is also Portugal's second goal conceded in this cup since being scored by Mexico in the group stage.

The Belgian players who saw the goal were shouting and ran over, but fortunately they were able to keep calm while being excited. Now Degan is the key to be protected, but they must be treated with care.

Antiiennis on the sidelines didn't care so much. He ran a few steps and jumped up, shaking his fist vigorously. He scored a goal and was closer to the final. This was a major breakthrough in the history of Belgian football. His name will forever be recorded in the history of Belgian football.

This is a remarkable achievement!

The Belgian fans in the stands were also cheering. To be honest, their team has exceeded their expectations. All of this is unbelievable. Leading Portugal in the final.

Scolari, on the other hand, was full of frustration. He could see clearly the development trend of the game just now. The Portuguese team seemed to have a slight advantage on the scene, but in fact, under the attack of the Portuguese team, Belgium was a little bit There is no panic, and every counterattack is very efficient.

This is where Degan's goal came in!

Now everyone knows that if you want to beat Belgium, you must first defend Degan. The French team did not do it, and the Brazilian team did not do it. Can the current Portuguese team do it?