
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 111

Chapter 111 Our Dream

It will be the day when they will play against AC Milan at home. Degan is a little excited. He will face Kaka again and face to face with his brother on the court. Degan is even fantasizing about Kaka. Holding a small flag, the heroic figure of coming to the door to beg for abuse. .

However, the recent situation of the team has made him a little worried. In the past two days, he doesn't know why. The club chairman Riodo, who has always been mysterious before, often appears on the team's training ground.

Every time I come here, I will find a chance to have a chat with him, and the nasty words of concern make Degan want to vomit.

But this is also a good thing. The chairman of the club cares about the team, and no one can blame him. At least for Riodo, a man full of real money, such a change is a good thing.

At the beginning, the teammates were very excited, but this excitement was soon replaced by disappointment. Every time Riodo came, he talked the most about the players and everyone in the team, and then he said some unnutritious words of encouragement However, the bonus issue that the players are most concerned about has never been mentioned.

Players are human beings, and honors can't fill their stomachs. Finally, there is such a good opportunity to advance to the league championship. The players all want to gain both fame and fortune. In the end, Riodo seemed to forget about it and didn't mention it. , How could it not disappoint.

Mandolini is also worried. He really hates that miser now. Since he is reluctant to pay, he might as well not appear in front of the team. Since he is here, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, it should be interesting. Express it!

Degan is more anxious than Mandolini. Although he is also very dissatisfied with Riodo, he cares more about the championship. It is time for this situation to be resolved.

"After today's training, I want to treat everyone to a drink!"

After the training, in the locker room, Degan suddenly said such a sentence, which stunned everyone.

Atlanta players have a lot of private gatherings, but Digan rarely attends. He doesn't even want to go out for dinner. After training every day, he always goes home immediately. What happened today?

"This is really good news!" Pacini said with a smile, "Okay! Rhodes! It seems that you have finally figured it out! Your previous life was so boring, and you looked like a Puritan. A lot of time wasted."



"Demi!" Digan interrupted before Albertini could finish his refusal, "I hope all of us can go together, I have something very important to tell you!"

Albertini hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded: "Okay! I will participate!"

After everyone changed their clothes, they rushed to the biggest nightclub in Bergamo and asked for a private room. Pacini was planning to hook up some beautiful and sexy girls to accompany him for a drink, but He was stopped by Digan. .

"Gianpaolo! Let me finish my sentence first, and then all expenses tonight will be on my account!"

Seeing Digan's serious expression, Pacini became more honest, and said with a smile, "Okay! Rhodes! I'll listen to you!"

After a few glasses of wine, Digan saw that the atmosphere was getting warmer, and he was ready: "Guys! I have a few words to say!"

Everyone was taken aback and looked at Digan. They couldn't think of what Digan wanted to say at this moment.

"First of all, I am very honored to be in the same club as everyone. I didn't say anything high-sounding. These are sincere. I am really honored. In my opinion, everyone sitting here is the best player. ,! We were not favored by people before the start of the season, but we have finally come to today. Juventus, AC Milan, Inter Milan, Roma, Lazio and other strong teams have all been trampled by us. I think we have almost To accomplish a feat that shocks the world."

After yelling out the last few words, Degan's expression suddenly became a little depressed: "However, recently I found that there are some bad signs in the team. Before we are about to face a strong enemy like AC Milan, some of us People, slack off!"

The players present were also silent, they all knew what had happened recently.

Digan looked at everyone and said calmly, "I want to know, is it really just for money when we play football?"

Everyone was stunned, wasn't it for money? What else could it be? We are all professional players. We work hard on the training field and the game field, and then earn a salary. This relationship is very clear and clear. Is there anything wrong?

Degan saw what they were thinking from the doubts of his teammates, and continued: "Aside from money, why did we choose football? There are many jobs that can make money, but why did we choose football? When we were children, What made us choose football, what made us chase such a shabby football in the street with our mates, and never tire of it, guys? Didn't we know at that time that we would definitely be able to rely on football as a career in the future, making money? Get paid much more than the average person?"

Everyone became more silent, the atmosphere in the private room seemed a bit weird, the doubts on people's faces disappeared, they were probably reminiscing about the past, the memory was just like Digan said, chasing a football from morning to night, laughing , I forgot to go home, forgot my homework, and the scene of being taught by my mother after returning home, I couldn't help laughing. .

"Let me tell you why." Degan's voice suddenly became louder, and the expression on his face looked like a pilgrim, "It's because of the love for football and the pursuit of victory, all the players, Of course, including all of us here, we all like to win in the game, even if it is just a street game with bricks as the goal, we also hope to beat the opponent and win with our teammates. We all love football, even for This injury is not spared. This is why we chose football as a sport, has our love for football and our desire to win disappear with the passage of time?"

Everyone asked themselves, did it disappear?

Obviously every time I see football, my blood is still burning!

"I didn't want to say these big words, but today, when I was driving to the training camp in Bergamo, I met a fan." Degan's expression became extraordinarily serious, "That's an old man, He has loved football since he was a child and dreamed of becoming a professional player, but unfortunately, his talent is limited, but this does not affect his love for football, he loves football, loves Atlanta, he said to me' Rod! Please, lead us to a championship, please!' Guys, I don't know what to say when I hear this, you all know this guy, he's our gatekeeper , He loves Atlanta, so after retiring, he voluntarily came to the Bergamo training camp and became a janitor to do his part for his support and favorite team. For this reason, he has not been to the scene for many years to watch the game Yes, guys! I believe there are many people in Bergamo who love Atalanta like him, and I think we should do something for them!"

After Digan finished speaking, he was silent for a while, and then continued: "Guys! I want to say, how happy we are compared with the fans, even if one day Atlanta is finished, relegated, or even like the original Florence Bankrupt, we can still choose other teams. With our performance this season, I believe we will not lack chasers. We can leave Bergamo, leave that stingy chairman, and play for a bigger team. Continue our career, but what about the fans here? They can't. They are all Bergamo, they were born here, they grew up here, they are even older than here. From the moment they were born, they were destined They are fans of Atalanta, because there is only one team in Bergamo that can play in the first division. They support Atalanta, even if Atalanta does not bring them many happy memories. The Coppa Italia won ten years ago is really nothing to be proud of, but they will still be fans of Atlanta, and they will even let their offspring become fans of Atlanta, just like they were brought together by their father when they were young Go to the Blue Italy Stadium, shouting 'go forward, good-looking novel:! Atalanta', pass this love down through the blood. Why? Who doesn't like the strong? Juventus, AC Milan, and Inter Milan are all better than Atalanta They are much more dazzling, they are the champion team, but the Bergamo people still only cheer for Atlanta, even though in the past few decades, this team has been unknown and insignificant, going back and forth between the first and second levels all the year round. They never change because they love this team and we can change teams, but they can't change their home team."

"I say these words, not to embarrass you, but to let everyone look up and look at the fans who adore us, they are the people who cheer for us in the stands, and they will support us every game. Hoarse voice during the game, are we going to disappoint the fans who support us at this critical moment?"

Digan looked at everyone, his eyes were like a sharp scalpel, which could easily cut through everyone's chest and reach their hearts.

Some people feel embarrassed to be stared at by a junior like Digan. These days they are indeed arguing about the bonus. They feel that if they work hard and strive for honor, they should be rewarded accordingly. People are disappointed.

But after hearing Degan's words, they felt that they were the ones who were really disappointed.

Degan continued: "This season, our performance so far has been perfect. We should be proud and proud of what we have done now. Why can't we temporarily put aside those things that bother us and continue to fight? I know I can't get you to fight because none of us get paid for our efforts, that's not true, but I hope we can recall the days when we really loved football and didn't fight for money , with the good performances of this season, those of us can easily find a better contract in other teams, but before leaving, I hope we can continue to maintain our previous efforts for the fans of Bergamo Make a memory to last forever, a memory to last a lifetime, a legendary experience and that's the league title this season! Guys! None of us have ever won it except for Demi, Paul and of course Salah For any championship, we are just a group of insignificant people in the eyes of others. The meaning of our existence is to set off the quality of those giant champions, but the situation is different this season. We are in very good condition now. There may be only one time in a career. A group of small people defeated countless powerful enemies and finally won the Italian Serie A championship. A few years later, when those of us here recall this crazy season, won't we be overwhelmed by it? What an amazing experience to be champions of the league when everyone thought we were a relegation team, and all this was created by us, a bunch of rednecks in Atlanta!"

As Digan said, he suddenly laughed at himself and said, "Perhaps when I said these big words, you all thought I was so stupid. There is no money, and the chairman of the club is not even willing to pay a lira for our efforts. Why do you have to work so hard? I just want to fight for the love of football, for the desire for victory, and for the lovely fans!"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Albertini looked at Digan, and he couldn't imagine hearing such words today. After leaving AC Milan, he felt that he would never fall in love with any team anymore. Every time he put on Different team jerseys, he would have conflicting thoughts in his heart, but today, after Degan finished speaking, he suddenly had a long-lost desire burst out of his chest, and then he stretched out He raised his hands and applauded Deegan.

Soon the applause became warm, and everyone began to look at their bad situation these days. They felt ashamed of themselves, but at this moment when they reawakened the love for football in their hearts, all the troubles, Anger and resentment are gone.

"Forward! Atlanta!"

When Mandolini came to the Bergamo training camp the next day and was about to talk to some players, he was suddenly surprised to find that his team had come to life again.

Mondonico said: "It's Digan! He's such a great guy!"

Mandolini was taken aback, and looked at Digan. At this moment, Digan was running on the training ground, sweating heartily, and Mandolini's eyes couldn't help getting a little moist.

This is a person who is destined to become the king of the ball!