
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

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794 Chs

74 After the chaotic game

74 After the chaotic game

No one expected that the long-awaited battle between dragons and tigers would end in such a way. Manchester United only played a good goal for ten minutes, and after conceding a goal, they did not fight back. Lost like a mountain.

The old and new generations of world-class head coaches are fighting each other. On the contrary, Prandelli showed a calm and sophistication that does not match his age, while Ferguson showed his immature side in front of people because he wanted to save face. At this age, he has already cultivated to a certain level, but he never expected that he would be tricked.

The biggest mistake Ferguson made was the arrangement of the midfielders in this game. Before the game, no one expected that Ferguson would arrange Giggs to start the game, and he would also play the position of midfielder. Generally speaking, Anderson , Carrick stares at one person alone, and there must be a protection behind him. As a result, Ferguson unexpectedly sent Giggs, Giggs was in front, and even played himself as a second center. This was the biggest mistake. Ferguson let Anderson and Carrick stare at Modric. And Montolivo, no matter who it is, it is difficult.

In fact, it is also conceivable that Ferguson hesitated when choosing a lineup. It was not difficult for him to choose. He could either learn from Hiddink and stick to it. As a result, he hesitated when he should not have hesitated. As soon as Giggs started, the interception ability of the midfielder was gone, and Rooney was at the center forward position. On the left and right sides were Jin Maoluo and Park Ji-sung. There was no protection behind him. Jin Maoluo and Park Ji-sung had no advantage. In front of the Italians, the power and impact do not exist at all, and the strength is not dominant. The Jin Maoluo has the strength, but the technology and speed cannot be displayed.

In fact, it shows a mentality. There is a man in Manchester United's midfield who holds the ball and passes the ball to catch the ball. He wants to attack. But in fact, it turned out that facing Fiorentina's midfielder, no one should fantasize about attacking. They can destroy him with a frontal attack. .

The smartest choice for Manchester United should be to play mainly on the defensive counterattack. It is best to play first when they come up. The opponent wanted to play, and Manchester United had to stick to their own style of play and control the rhythm of the game in their own hands. As a result, when he arrived on the field, he was still hit by Prandelli's pre-match aggressive method.

It was already a mistake to let Giggs start first, but it turned out to be another big failure when replacing Anderson in the second half. Anderson made some mistakes in the first half, but the interception was very successful.

As a result, after Anderson was replaced, Giggs and Carlos Tevez, two midfielders, went up to the top. It came out, just to give Florence a chance to fight back.

In short, people's predictions before the game were all wrong. This is not a so-called fight between dragons and tigers at all. At best, it can only be regarded as an egg hitting a stone. After Degan's goal in the 10th minute, although the game was not over, the suspense was over. For the rest of the time, Florence ran the ball according to a blueprint prefabricated in her brain, so beautiful and so calm .

People say that Barcelona is the representative of artistic football, and that Fiorentina's football is very utilitarian. In fact, after saying this, it is a kind of discrimination. It is discrimination. The root cause is that Fiorentina is not a wealthy family.

In fact, Fiorentina's football is completely comparable to Barcelona's artistic football. When Barcelona is playing, the first thing to know is whether the game is good or not, and whether it can please the fans. However, Fiorentina is just the opposite. They must first be clear about victory, and then On the basis of victory, let victory become beautiful.

Some people say that Fiorentina is always the same. Anyone who is familiar with Fiorentina knows that Viola mainly plays in a 4312 formation. In fact, it is not the same thing at all. Fiorentina's formation is constantly changing with the opponent and the time of the game. Yes, to put it bluntly, Fiorentina does not have a set of fixed tactics at all, because for the characteristics of Fiorentina, formation tactics can no longer satisfy all the football they play. All of Fiorentina's tactics revolve around football. There are only two things that remain unchanged. One is to let the football develop in different directions as much as possible, and the other is to push the football as fast as possible to make it closer to the opponent's goal.

Compared with Florence's football, Manchester United's football should be said to be ugly. Of course, Sir Alex Ferguson is also changing, but his changes are all passive. If a lineup is not thoroughly studied by the opponent, it will never be easy. The ever-changing, 10,000-year-unchanged combination of side and center, and the 10,000-year-unchanged 433 formation, in front of Italian coaches who take it as fun to study opponents' tactics and find ways to restrain opponents, it is simply courting death.

Before the game, people were obviously more optimistic about Manchester United's revenge at the Olympic Stadium, but Prandelli let people see what creativity is during the game. The originally dominant Fiorentina midfielder completely controlled the rhythm. After overcoming the pressure of the first ten minutes, Modric, the real playmaker of Fiorentina, gave the ball to Degan. After that, Fiorentina slowed down the rhythm of the game with super control ability, Avoid playing fast breaks with Manchester United, so that the entire Manchester United cannot exert its strength. The characteristics of counterattacks on the spot in the past have completely failed in Florence's style of play.

Jin Maoluo even exposed his shortcomings of incompetence in the big game because he could not get the support of the midfielder. This is because of his inadequacy to Digan. To show his full strength, he needs a wider space to run at high speed. When the opponent adopts an oppressive style of play and makes him lose his running space, he certainly doesn't look like a superstar, but Degan doesn't need it. He stands still and takes the ball, which can always pose a threat to Manchester United's goal.

Not to mention Park Ji-sung on the other side. Goryeo kicked very hard, but he did not break through. His efficiency was so low that he seemed to be doing nothing on the field. The script that the Koreans expected Park Ji-sung to become the focus of the game was not staged at all. Chance.

Rooney was entangled by the equally strong Kompany so that he could not play the past points and compete for the second point advantage. Of course, Ferguson's biggest failure was the starting Giggs, because the veteran is better at defense. Prandelli seems It was early to see that Giggs was going to start, so he played slowly and quickly, making this seasoned star disappear most of the time.

Mistakes in personnel arrangements are one aspect. Another aspect of Fiorentina's victory over Manchester United is that Fiorentina has too many connection points, so they finally form a beautiful picture, while Manchester United only has lines. There is still a role in it, but when the opponent uses the magic style of touching the ball every three seconds, Manchester United appears very weak.

To turn this fight between dragons and tigers into an anticlimactic game, the most critical issue is the control of the ball. When Degan, Mutu, Montolivo and Modric drew small circles step by step, people were surprised to find that At this moment, Fiorentina actually possessed a soul. When they played against Barcelona before, Fiorentina used a chain defense, which was criticized by countless media for being ugly. As a result, when facing Manchester United, Fiorentina played more and more Barcelona. up.

In front of such a transformed Fiorentina, Manchester United's defense has become a resistance to the Shadow Corps. The best defense in Europe this season is the Premier League, and the best defense in the Premier League is Manchester United, but Manchester United cannot capture these freewheeling artists They are like fighting the dazzling fog with a machete.

In the end, Fiorentina defeated Manchester United 4:0. Degan scored a hat-trick in the Champions League final for the third time in a row. He deservedly became the first player in the Champions League. Fiorentina has also become the second team to successfully defend the title since the restructuring of the Champions League and after AC Milan. Cup team achieved the goals they set at the beginning of the season and became the first six-time champion in history.

Prandelli was superior in the battle between old and young coaches. 10 minutes before the game, the direction of the whole game had already been determined. After that, the balance of victory and defeat had already tilted. Manchester United only played a good 10 minutes. If Park Ji-sung can make up for the free kick, the situation on the field may change drastically, but it is a pity that Manchester United did not do this.

Judging from the situation of the whole game, Fiorentina was passive in the first 10 minutes, and players on the field made mistakes from time to time, but in this case, Manchester United did not score.

In the end, the performance of the top stars of the two teams became the key point that influenced the direction of the game and directly affected the team's offensive quality. Obviously, Degan completed the task very well. He was on the front line and was able to attack the weaknesses of the opponent's defense. , The whole game can be said to be like a fish in water.

On the contrary, in Jin Maoluo, it was a battle of trapped beasts. After 10 minutes, Manchester United played a passive role for most of the time, falling into the rhythm that Florence is very familiar with, which resulted in Florence's victory over Manchester United in the end. Deegan wins over Jin Maoluo.

Due to the arrangement of personnel positions, Manchester United did not give full play to their advantages in wing attack and oppressing the opponent's wing defense. The performances of Carrick, Anderson and Giggs were bleak throughout the game. Bringing a greater threat to the opponent's defense line, but allowing his number one star Jin Maoluo to enter the opponent's encirclement, there is no way to release his sharpest weapon to his heart's content, so that this duel between the two strong It's a pity that the taste has changed and fans have lost the opportunity to appreciate a high-level game.

Because of the personnel arrangement, the gap in Manchester United's midfield is reflected. The offensive support cannot be improved. Carrick, Anderson and Giggs have no long-range threats, and Jin Maoluo on the forward line, and Rooney. And when Park Ji-sung needs these three players to give deadly passes, the three of them cannot do it.

There is a relatively large gap between Manchester United's midfielders and Fiorentina's dual-core Modric and Montolivo, and they are not mature in passing. Moreover, when the offensive support is not up, and the passing heat is not enough, the role of defensive defense is also ineffective. Carrick and Anderson have to bear too much. These two players are relatively balanced in terms of ability. Yes, but in today's defense, there is no offensive combination that can help the defense to limit the opponent. In this case, the gap in the midfield is magnified due to the questionable arrangement in the position, and the whole game has entered the rhythm of Florence. , Manchester United played nothing special.

As for Fiorentina, Prandelli's coup has been continued. In fact, he had made such an arrangement in the game against Chelsea before, moving Degan's position slightly to the side, as close to his own midfield as possible. The two cores are able to maximize their advantage in midfield possession.

In this way, he has really avoided reality since then. Manchester United's two central defenders are physically strong and have strong frontal defensive capabilities. Dicky and Ferdinand caused a lot of trouble, making the two central defenders at a loss.

Whether or not to keep up with Digan made the two of them hesitate. This question caused them to hesitate a lot. If they followed Digan, the space behind them would be filled with extremely fast speed. Mu with strong personal ability The picture or the Fiorentina middle road combination inserted in the back can be grasped.

After Manchester United's frontal defensive advantages could not be reflected, the disadvantages of the two central defenders who were tall and slow to turn one-on-one were manifested. The disadvantages of defending them from the side were grasped by the opponent. Therefore, during the one-on-one attack in the first half, Fiorentina scored the first goal, and in the second half, Fiorentina seized the opportunity and stabbed three times in a row.

4:0 is the score of the game, but Fiorentina won more than just one game. Prandelli defeated Ferguson, who was trying to become the supreme player in Europe, and Degan beat Golden Mauro in the contest of the world's number one player.

This game was originally considered to be the most dreamy and most anticipated Champions League final since AC Milan and Barcelona met in Athens in the 1993/1994 season.

Although the game lasted 90 minutes, the revenge-minded Manchester United suffered a loss of confidence in the 10th minute, and then completely despaired an hour later.

In the initial stage of the game, Manchester United took the lead in attacking. This was Hiddink's revelation to Ferguson in the final at Stamford Bridge, and it was also the result of Sir Alex Ferguson's victory at the Emirates Stadium. Jin Maoluo's direct free kick allowed Frey to make a save. After that, the Portuguese had two shots from the outside, but both missed the target.

The Red Devils' three tricks didn't work, but Fiorentina's first attack broke the deadlock. Fiorentina's midfielder broke through and split to Degan's feet. To the ball, but can not prevent conceded. It was this wonderful goal that changed the pattern of the game, Ferguson admitted after the game: "This goal is the killer who murdered us in this game."

Tevez replaced Anderson in the second half, and Manchester United's offensive improved, but Fiorentina's threat was still greater. Degan, Mutu and Modric all had the chance to single out Van der Sar, and Beckham even had one. A direct free kick hits the post.

Then Beckham counterattacked and scored a free kick to help Fiorentina expand their lead. But the real fatal blow came from the cooperation between Beckham and Digan. Gan just used his head to hang the ball over Van der Sar.

Facing Prandelli, who was younger than himself, Ferguson finally realized that he was afraid of being young. After the game, he said with emotion: "We lost to a better team."

In front of the wily Ferguson, Prandelli did not panic like a "rookie" coach. His very targeted tactical deployment completely disrupted Ferguson's on-the-spot arrangements.

Sometimes, there will be some accidental factors when the team loses, but today Manchester United failed to find too many accidents from it. Judging from the pre-match cards of the two sides, the two sides are evenly matched, and Manchester United is more optimistic. However, it failed to transform the established advantages into a winning situation. There are many, many reasons for this.

It may be a very important reason why Golden Mauro was blocked by Fellaini and Pasquale. The number one firepower point on the field is basically misfired, and Ferguson will not turn a blind eye to it. Therefore, the old man made adjustments soon and let Golden Mauro retreat to the midfield. , in order to let Jin Maoluo get a better offensive space, but without Jin Maoluo's restraint, Florence's defense line was completely relieved. Because of this, Fellaini would repeatedly drive forward with the ball, and the battle situation It is increasingly moving in a direction that is beneficial to Florence.

Heal the head for a headache, and treat the foot for a sore foot. Obviously, the red-nosed old man standing on the sidelines in today's game is not the familiar Ferguson, but what can Ferguson do at this time?

Fiorentina's goal came so early, although this point must be considered before the game, but due to mistakes in the on-the-spot formation, Manchester United can only cross the river by feeling the stones and taking one step at a time.

Putting on Carlos Tevez and intending to counterattack, judging from the aftermath of the game, it was just a beautiful misunderstanding. The appearance of the beast not only failed to change the situation of the game, but his appearance also made Rooney's number of ball possessions further suffer. compression.

Rooney, who was able to make a difference in the first half, could only devote his energy to defense after changing sides. Today Xiaopang played the whole game and only completed two shots.

As the saying goes, if one miscalculation is made, the whole game is lost. Ferguson made a mistake in the formation of troops, and then he had to go all the way to the black.

Seeing that Tevez's pawn failed to play a role, Ferguson waved his hand, and Berbatov, who had lost the Champions League final with Leverkusen, got the chance to make up for his regret.

However, Ferguson's move is incomprehensible. Isn't this Mancini's invention and creation in Inter Milan?

At that time, Mancini's move was ridiculed by the Italian media as "being driven crazy". However, Ferguson, who has always been resourceful, was possessed by Mancini's soul today. On the other hand, he sacrificed his ability to control the midfield as a proxy, and it was precisely because he took the initiative to give up possession of the ball. After Berba came on the field, Degan completed a hat-trick.

Mistakenly dispatching Giggs, misusing Rooney, and making mistakes in substitutions, making three mistakes in a row in one game is really rare in the history of Ferguson's coaching, but today Manchester United's offensive problems are not limited to these.

In the first half, Carrick, the core playmaker, was forced by Fiorentina to make it difficult to play. Ferguson never decisively pulled Giggs back to Carrick for assistance, but just insisted on fighting Fiorentina for the next three ways. In the end, it was like this Prandelli "entered the rhythm of Florence" as predicted before the game.

To cover up a mistake and make a bigger mistake, this is not the familiar Ferguson, but to be honest, when facing a team with such outstanding ability as Fiorentina, Ferguson is actually no better in terms of using troops Choose, because under his account, there is no powerful center who can give Fiorentina the most headaches, such as Drogba.

Falling at the feet of the same opponent on the same battlefield for the second time in a row, there are really many things to reflect on for Manchester United, but no matter what, having a strong center forward next season should be included in the club's plan. Who to chase, although there are not many such masters for Ferguson to choose, but it is not completely absent.

After losing the Champions League trophy, Manchester United was all downcast, and the world footballer Jin Maoluo was no exception. After the game, the Portuguese made no secret that today is the most disappointing day in his career.

"This is the most disappointing thing in my career, we were full of confidence before this game, but unfortunately we didn't win the Champions League trophy, it's always bad to lose in a final, let alone the same thing happen. Twice, despite our disappointment, Fiorentina did play better today."

"Fiorentina scored four very good goals and it made our situation very difficult and if you don't take your chances against them then you will be punished, as happened today, We have to forget about this game as soon as possible and start over next season."

Immediately afterwards, Jin Maoluo pointed the finger at Ferguson angrily: "Today our tactics were not used well, everything was done wrong, we only played good ball for 10 minutes, and then it became a mess."

The defeat in the Champions League final has also deepened people's speculation about the whereabouts of Jin Maoluo this summer. When talking about whether he will leave Manchester United, the Portuguese is still very ambiguous, "I don't know", maybe these words are enough The British media hyped it up.

In fact, in this game, although Jin Maoluo was controlled by Fiorentina most of the time, he was still the best player in the frontcourt of Manchester United. In all fairness, the Portuguese is the person who caused the most trouble to Fiorentina. He threatened with a free-kick and a volley in the first half, and he almost succeeded with a follow-up shot in the second half. But most of the time, the Manchester United midfielder gave him limited support, which made Jin Maoluo trapped in the opponent's heavy siege, which made him more and more irritable after playing, and questioned Ferguson's tactical arrangement after the game.

Degan performed well in this game and completed a hat-trick. The media will naturally mark the gimmick of "Degan beat Golden Mauro", but the key to Degan's victory over Golden Mauro is that he got more midfield support , Compared with the support that Jin Maoluo received from Manchester United, it is much greater, which also makes Degan more eye-catching.

Jin Maoluo couldn't get the support of the midfield, Manchester United's forward line couldn't move the ball effectively across the half, and the Portuguese could only fight alone in front. It can be said that Jin Maoluo tried his best in this game, but he was too lonely alone.

After the game, Ferguson's face was also very ugly, but he had to be patient and came to the press conference to answer reporters' questions.

Ferguson first admitted that Fiorentina's victory was well-deserved: "We didn't play at the highest level, but you have to applaud Fiorentina. They played better. I have no excuses for this. In fact, we started well. Very confident, the first 10 minutes, we hoped to score first, but in the 10th minute, Degan's goal was really fatal, we were a little caught off guard by conceding the goal so early, we have not been able to turn the situation around, that's it."

After a few questions, a reporter asked in poor English: "After such a failure, do you still have the motivation to lead the team to continue to pursue victory?"

This question, which was like sprinkling salt on the wound, obviously irritated Ferguson. He paused for a few seconds before saying stiffly: "I don't understand what you mean by this question."

The reporter quickly explained: "I have no malicious intentions!"

But Ferguson didn't appreciate it, and before he finished explaining, he interrupted him and said bluntly: "I don't answer stupid questions."

Seeing that the situation was not good, the host of the press conference hurriedly said, "Now the next question."

But after that, other reporters didn't "dare" to ask Ferguson too much, and ended hastily after two or three questions.

The whole Manchester United team was disappointed, but for the players and coaches of Fiorentina, once again beating Manchester United, the Champions League trophy is a great achievement, and every Fiorentina will feel very proud and proud. After the game, The Fiorentina players all expressed their excitement.

Modric, the core midfielder, contributed a lot to this game. The Croatian teenager was so excited that he couldn't even speak after the team won the championship: "We are the best. There are no words to express this great victory. This is our season. A perfect result. I missed the Champions League final last season due to injury. Rod promised me that he would bring me to this stage. He did it and we won in the end. Everything was just perfect."

Kompany, the backbone of Fiorentina's defense, also expressed his views. Although as a defender, Kompany's assists in this game were very active, which also made people shine: "This is the last goal we are pursuing this season. A championship, it was a very significant season, we scored in 10 minutes, it was really great."

Beckham's mood is relatively more complicated: "I really don't know how to celebrate. My mood is very complicated now. If I was a bystander, I would definitely cheer for Manchester United, but the actual situation is different." Allow me to do this, I have to fight for the honor of the Viola, I am really excited to win the Champions League again, and I also scored a goal in the game, but I think it is more important than the goal. victory."

As Digan's striker partner, although Mutu did not score in the game, the Romanian still contributed a lot to the team and assisted Digan's third goal in the game: "People always remember To be a winner is something different, you can play beautiful football but it doesn't make sense if you don't win the title, I'm so excited and we won it, it's like a dream."

Fellaini also expressed his feelings: "This is very special because we really played very well. Since I was a child, the final of the Champions League has been the stage of my dream. Now my dream has come true. This is really true. It's been a fantastic season."

As the captain and core of Fiorentina, Degan also had difficulty controlling his emotions when he was being interviewed. Only he himself knows how much pressure he has matured this season. Before the start of the season, he expressed that he would win six championships Wang, God knows how many people were waiting to see his jokes, but in the end Degan did it, he really did it.

"I think I can take a good rest now. I am really tired this season, but I am very satisfied with the results. Six championships. I don't think anyone will stand up and doubt what I said now. Perfect, I It can only be said that everything is perfect, we have become a myth in the history of world football, I think this time no one will say that I am arrogant, because we have the qualifications! Don't ask me about next season, I Now I just want to take a good rest, I am tired, yes! Really tired!"

There are some words that Degan is unwilling to say to the reporters, but in fact, he already has a plan in his heart. What he has to do is to challenge. If the six championships this season is a challenge, then next season, Going to defend the six crowns, the feeling must be different.


Kaka turned off the TV and looked up at the ceiling.

Caroline hugged little Gaudi and sat aside: "Ricardo! Aren't you happy for Rhodes?"

Kaka was taken aback, and said with a smile: "Of course, but if possible, I still want to be an older brother who makes Rhodes proud, Caroline! What do you think of us living in Madrid?"

Caroline was taken aback, she didn't understand why Kaka mentioned life in Madrid, could it be~~~~~~~

Caroline looked at Kaka in astonishment, as if she was talking to herself: "Go to Madrid~~~~~~"