
pirates x one piece

a guy goes into one piece world struggles his way completes the last task of system goes into got world with his crew mc loves arya stark

avinash_singh_0274 · Cómic
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9 Chs


Ed was looking at catelyn in anger at that time he noticed the pressure in the air then he saw the black haired kid when said about parents zoro sanji marko doffy and jane were angry very angry luffy didn't show much at at that time jake's eye became red and and he called robb

" oye give me that wooden sword "

robb gave him the sword but was sweating continously jake took the wooden sword and slashed forward and as a line like aura went between where Ed and catelyn was sitting half of the hall was cracked like an eathquake came at that time one more scene astonished everyone that was the wooden sword turned into dust

jake said

" you could have just humiliated us and and sent us away but you dared to talk about our parents

you will pay for it"

everyone was shocked when suddenly jaime got up and started hitting joffery in front of everyone

he was hitting joffery continously until joffery mouth was bloodied and he fainted out of loss of blood

this was doffy's doing

he used jaime like a puppet

jake left the hall

arya remembered he was same looking person in her dreams and told ned frowned he knew the power of the person they saw just now

after waiting few hours joffery was ok

and jaime told that it was as if someone was controloing his body

this made Ned's supsupicion clear

the man in front of him is the man arya sees in her dreams

ned went to jake asked him to forgive his wife

and asked jake to join him for dinner

after 2 hours jake went to dining hall

crecei jaime and joffery were not present neither was catelyn

at this time

marco said

" we have bought gifts for arya and rest of the starks"

and gave a valyrian steel rapier to arya and a valyrian sword to robb

Ed and Robert were shocked when they saw this

marco them gave 4 wooden box to bed

it was full of golden dragons coins

ned asked how much was it

marco replied

"if we take one million in a box then total of 4 million golden Dragon "

nai the f****

four million gold dragons

Robert thought

this much could easily pay loans of Robert from lannister and iron bank

ned asked how do you have so much money

zoro said

" isn't that simple we are pyr

he was interrupted by marco

"pirate wine

we own pirate wine "

they kept talking like this for next few minutes

jake was bored he got up from his chair

everyone started seeing him jake picked up his chair and sat beside arya

he started looking at her and asked.

" would you like to have a swordfight? ? "

she didn't say anything

just picked up her new rapier and got up

jake picked up his black sword which was one of 21 wado ichimon and went towards the lawn

everyone followed us yes this was rhe effect of being virgin for 2 lifetime just ask to have a fight

arya used her word skills but was taken down as easily as possible ad those tricks were made by jake himself even after her defeat jake saw no loss in her and said " yes you are coming with us"

and picked up arya in princess style

Ed Robert and other bought out their swords

but at that time we we heard a voice

" oh and where are you taking the girl, young man"

jake without glancing said " ofcource to ol-

he didn't speak furhter but glanced at the man who was sitting at the fence we didn't say anything zoro said

" fuck " and everyone jumped from fence leaving arya there including jake that man was Raleigh

he must have sent some spies that old man or maybe middle aged kan now

seeing jake run ned asked the man

" who are you? and why do they fear you"

" oh me i am just an old man no not anymore I am just their teacher"

Robert said sir

"we have seen their swordmanship would you like to teach us -

Robert wanted to say something but rayleigh was missing from there

a little bit away

jake was running from trees with doffy and others

rayleigh caught up to them

and said

" what the fuck were you doing

and if you just wanted to kidnap why did you contact me"

before leaving jake said arya one word I. e

old valyria she didn't say it to anyone