
Chapter 12 Perpetual Motion

After all, it was the first time that Garen fought against humans in the pirate world. Some underestimated his own strength and some overestimated the opponent's defense.

After all, in the original comics, although the battle scenes were fierce, very few people actually died in battle.

It seems that everyone has the lineage of Mundo and Barbarian Kings. After being cut down to a few tens of pounds of blood, they can stand up and die, and after a few hours of rest, they are again a hero full of blood and demons.

But when Galen shot in anger and swung his sword at the grinning pirate in front of him, he realized that what the great philosopher Emiya Coyote said was true:

when people are killed, they will die.

The first thing that came to his mind was the sound of the mechanical system in Garen's mind:

"Kill the target, get experience points..." The

sound of three consecutive sounds meant that Garen's sword had harvested three heads.

And the experience bar of the Galen system interface suddenly increased a lot, directly approaching the limit of being upgraded to the second level.

The heavy sword swept across, and everything it passed was eroded.

The enemy's positions are very dense, and the effect of the big sword in reaping life is even more impressive.

The airtight encirclement was suddenly slashed by a sword to create a big gap; the pirates who were full of bloodthirsty and grinning not long ago, could not help but froze in place.

The picture is very bloody, and if it is described in detail, it will violate the kind of bloody core values.

Galen was faintly nauseated, but probably due to his digital body, he was not physically uncomfortable at all.

And the big knives that were still standing like a steel jungle in front of him also gave him no extra time to spend time on his mental state.

Without any hesitation, Galen used the only skill he currently possesses:

"Fatal blow!"

He raised his sword and charged towards the gap in the encirclement he had cut. The ultimate goal was the angry steel knife not far away.

The 30% bonus effect made Galen's entire body lighter;

and the brilliant golden light lingering on the great sword also made him feel that the strength in his hand suddenly increased a lot.

"Stop him!"

Steel Knife roared at a group of stupefied subordinates, and grinned and gave a more encouraging order:

"Kill this guy! I'll take everyone to sack the island again!

" A real pirate, although the steel knife is content with force, he has never been the kind of warrior who fights openly.

Using the life of the minion to consume the physical strength of the tough opponent is the usual combat technique of the steel sword.

In the minds of the pirates, the deterrent power of Galen slashing three people with one sword is not as terrifying as the brutal and ruthless Captain Steel Knife; and the order to loot the town instantly ignited the greed and ferocity in the hearts of these pirates sex.

"Kill!" The

scoundrels suppressed their inner fears with strange screams and roars, and relied on the momentum of the crowd to build up their ferocious courage, and finally, like moths fighting a fire, they moved towards Galen without fear of death. rushed over.

Garen's plan to take the enemy directly was frustrated, and he had to stop in the crowd of onslaughts.

The [Fatal Strike] prepared for the enemy hero couldn't be cut out, so Garen could only temporarily give this skill to a short-sighted roadblocker in front of him.

As a result, the great sword glowing with golden light slashed down in the middle of the crowd.

The so-called extra damage in the skill description sounds very vague and incomprehensible, but it is very intuitive when it is shown on the fragile human body.

Different from the three people who died of "normal attacks" before, this soldier who ate Garen's skills died even more miserably, and the death effect was comparable to tearing devils by hand.

"Kill the target and get experience points." The

system's prompts sounded one after another:

"You have risen to level


" Strength, stamina...

all body functions suddenly increased a lot in an instant.

And the dark skill bar also lights up, which is a signal that the skill can be further learned.

Strangely, it seems that because [Fatal Strike] has a full-level effect after learning one level, Garen now finds that he can no longer learn this skill at an advanced level.


The two large knives slashed on Garen's back, colliding with the monitoring armor, making a sharp sound of gold and iron symphony, and Garen's blood bar also decreased a bit.

Now is not the time to study the system...

Garen, who has sobered up, doesn't hesitate to add skill points to his e-skill [Judgment].

The skill description of this skill is very clear, with only a short sentence:

"Fast spin and dance the great sword for three seconds."

The description of this skill...

Even if he was being cut, Garen couldn't help but take the time to spare. Tucao:

Isn't it just swinging a big sword?

Is there any difference between using skills and spinning in circles by myself?

The difference was immediately apparent -

Garen used the skill [Judgment] he had just learned amidst the crowd of pirates.

The difference from spinning in circles by yourself is that you use skills to swing - fast!

I saw Garen suddenly like a big spinning top, wielding a big sword and spinning in the sea of ​​​​people.

The degree of rotation was extremely terrifying, and the high-spinning sword swept the air around it, almost causing a tornado on the spot.

And the pirates who were hit by the rotating sword were like being dragged into a meat grinder running at full power, and their flesh was flying.

Using a big top to slash a large piece, the efficiency of cutting people can be much higher than that of ordinary attacks.

Garen's experience bar suddenly increased a lot, almost touching the threshold of level three.

This experience level system is also different from the original game. The cost of early upgrades is very low, but the experience required for each upgrade is almost exponential.

At the same time, Galen also discovered the second difference of this skill - unscientific!

The unscientific part is...

After the great sword that rotates with Galen collides with the enemy's body, it only changes the trajectory of the movement a little, but its speed and strength will not slow down, it is always 100%. output effect.

No one could stop him from spinning.

After the three-second skill time expired, there was no one living person standing beside Garen anymore...

The flying flesh and blood, the shattered blade, and the shattered clothing were all mixed up. Together, they dyed the ground a terrifying scarlet.

Galen's gorgeous armor was also soaked in the dripping blood with a strange luster.

No pirate minions dared to rush up to swing a knife at Garen again. They completely lost their courage to attack in the face of such a hellish scene.

"But, damn..."

Captain Steel Knife completely lost his previous arrogance, and a bit of fear quietly rose in his serene expression.

Steel Knife is a powerful man, so he can feel it more clearly:

with the speed and strength Garen just displayed with his great sword, this is definitely a tough enemy.

However, Galen did not give Steel Knife a chance to hesitate.

After clearing the obstacles in front of him, Garen once again activated the cooled down [Fatal Strike], and charged towards the steel blade with the great sword held high.

Galen slashed with a sword, and the steel knife raised it to meet him, and an unprecedented loud sound echoed in the streets.

The strength of the steel knife is indeed strong, and Galen could not feel the ease and pleasure of chopping melons and vegetables before him.

The steel knife himself was equally uncomfortable. Galen's full-strength blow shook his mouth slightly and his muscles were sore.

But in general, the second-level Garen and the 10 million big pirate steel sword are barely evenly matched opponents.

The two quickly fought each other.


's probably two strong men slashing each other with knives...

the description of the battle is omitted.

After fighting for a while, the steel knife felt that something was wrong:

although the opponent's strength was not much stronger than his own, and the posture of swinging the sword seemed to be unremarkable, but——

the sword swung by the guy in front of him was completely unable to escape. !

Every time the steel knife tried to dodge through dexterous footwork, it was caught by the opponent's extremely strange blade and couldn't escape.

Therefore, the steel knife has fallen into a very passive situation from the beginning, and can only block the opponent's attack frontally with the big knife in his hand.

This is a very physically demanding action.

And Galen's great sword would suddenly light up every few seconds, and the attack force would suddenly increase a little bit.

From time to time, Garen will spin into a large human-shaped spinning top, chasing and slashing each other with a sword dance like a violent tornado.

But it stands to reason that the sword-wielding attacker should consume more physical strength...

So the steel-knife captain, who was struggling under the big sword, had to silently expect the opponent to show fatigue, and then seize the opportunity to complete the counter-kill.

And then...

five seconds, ten seconds, and half a minute passed...

There were already several ferocious wounds on the steel knife that turned out blood and flesh, and the whole person was panting, sweating profusely, and showing fatigue .

But Garen is still alive and full of energy...

Although the blood on his body looks very tragic, but if you look closely, you will find that the blood is all the blood of the enemy, and Garen himself even wears his armor. The silk fabrics were not worn in the slightest.

But in fact, Galen's loss is not small -

despite his ignorance of fighting skills, he has been suppressed by the inevitable sword, and has been repeatedly seized by the steel knife to effectively counterattack. A head worth 10 million Baileys;

after a fierce battle, Garen's health was only 40% left.


As long as the data-based body is not empty, it will always be able to fight at full state and full power. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an unscientific perpetual motion machine.

In the end, it can't last, it can only be a steel knife that gets weaker with more wars.

Our Captain Steel Knife, who traverses the sea, has never fought such a suffocating battle in his life...

Steel Knife clenched the handle of the knife in his hand, and the knotted muscles of his whole body swelled into a terrifying posture, and then he shouted angrily. :



Galen stopped subconsciously.

"I don't want to fight anymore!"

Captain Steel Sword scolded angrily, threw the big sword at random, turned his head and ran away.