
Perverted Eldritch Corrupting The Heroines

Government intelligence agencies discovered that Valerie, the #1 Green Hatter in the world, possessed supernatural skills and abilities that allowed her to turn the holiest of maidens into ravenous animals! Powerful organisations and politicians send their teams in hopes of capturing and experimenting on her in order to learn more about her amazing ability for their own wicked objectives. Valerie was chased from one corner of the world to another. Tired of everything, she chose to suicide by free falling into a volcano! All the men she NTR'd were left gnawing their teeth in rage, and the women were left yearning for her embrace. *** Main World: Shinmai Maou no Testament/ Crossovers [Disclaimer: First warning; I’m a new Author, so you know what that means right~ Of course you do! It means don’t have high expectations! Second Warning: The famed update schedule~ Ah~ Yes! The thing that everyone would want to know before they invest there time in a novel~ Well, I’ll be blunt: I’m not sure~ The idea of the story came to mind and I was like: Hey let me try this, so you get it right? I’ll be writing when I get good ideas~ And that could be once a week, three ,five. Who knows~ Third Warning: Grammar and Misspellings; Just don’t nitpick at every small mistake~ This isn’t a English Lesson! Final Warning: Cover is not mine and I own nothing but the Original Characters~] [ Tags ] R-18 | Mature | Adult | Smut | Harem | NSFW | Futa(MC) | Incest |Threesome | Foursome| Legal Loli | Milf | Master-Servant Relationship | Humiliation | BDSM | Fetish | Beautiful MC | Weak to Strong MC | Demons | Goddesses| Multiple Reincarnated Individuals |Corrupting Righteous Characters | Summoned to Another World(?)| Outer Gods|

SaintlyPervert · Cómic
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27 Chs

Is it Wrong to Pick up Girls Under a Lamppost?

Chapter 8: Is it Wrong to Pick up Girls Under a Lamppost?

'System? What's going on here? Why is the <Treasure Hoarder> skill reacting to her?' Valerie questioned, though her attention was on something else entirely, 'Black lace panties? Not bad, not bad'.

[…Isn't it obvious Host? You consider girls treasure and so the skill accommodated to your tastes.] The familiar mechanical voice resounded in here head, though a hint of derision could be detected.

Valerie raised an eyebrow in amusement at the system's behaviour, but that was it. She turned her attention back to the girl who was still oblivious to her and Kali's presence.

'So it was because of me that the skill 'mutated' huh? And her rarity or should I say attractiveness is B+?' Valerie let out a chuckle full of mirth. She was now a walking chick detector.

The girl who had her head tucked into her knees the whole time, lifted her head abruptly at the sound of laughter next to her.

And what greeted her was a dog. A big black dog staring at her intently with its hellish red eyes.

"Ahhh!" A scream left her mouth as she quickly tucked her head back into her knees in fear.

Kali on other hand just shook her head exasperation, while thinking, 'Mortals and their unwarranted fears'.

Seeing Kali's reaction, Valerie couldn't help laugh again and stroke her fur, "It seems like people are always afraid of you whenever they see you".

Yes, this wasn't the first time this happened. The rare times the past her went outside, she always brought Kali with her, and everyone would always make way in fear of her size, colour and eyes.

Hearing a feminine voice, the fear-stricken girl finally remembered why she even looked up in the first place. She remembered hearing a laugh, a female one at that, and when she looked up she was greeted by a big scary dog.

'Can the dog speak? No! What am I thinking?!This isn't one of those legendary dogs in fantasy novels that have the ability to speak. But then why is it so big? Ugh! Should I look up? Maybe it won't eat me, and since I heard a girl's voice maybe it isn't a bad dog'.

Steeling herself, the girl once again looked up, but this time she noticed a pair of long, smooth, unblemished milky legs. Her eyes slowly trailed upwards, completely ignoring the scary dog from before. The girl took in the strangers outfit; a pair of flip-flops, shorts, and a vest.

Then she moved upwards onto her neck, and saw a necklace with a beautiful cyan coloured gem. And finally, her eyes landed on the strangers face.

[Image of Valerie's outfit]


"Beautiful…" The girl couldn't help but mutter in a daze, those sapphire eyes that shone in the dark, her silver hair that danced in the night breeze and that dazzling smile that adorned on her perfect face. Everything about her was supernaturally beautiful.

Valerie smiled inwardly as she heard the girls mutter thanks to her enhanced senses. She also now got a good look at the girls face, although she can't be compared to the likes of Amelia and Sabrina, she's pretty beautiful for human standards. She had brown hair close to black, and big round brown eyes.

Noticing the girls lost look, Valerie smiled mischievously, "Do you like what you see~?"

Hearing Valerie's voice, the girl came out of her stupor, her face reddened in embarrassment and she avoided Valerie's teasing gaze.

Valerie grinned and said, "Don't worry, you're not the first person to fall in love with me. Though I usually reject confessions, I can make an exception for a beautiful girl like you~"

"T-t-that, it's not w-what you think!" The girl quickly denied, even though she was clearly a stuttering mess.

'Was it always this easy to make a girl blush? Or did my looks reach a whole new level? Hm? It's definitely the latter. But now that I look at this high school girl closely, she seems rather familiar…I remember now, she was from that one anime where the guy shaved and picked up a high school girl. Oh? Speak of the devil'. Valerie turned around and saw a male figure dozens or so metres away from them.

Valerie ignored him and turned back to the girl and stretched her arm out. The girl stared at Valerie's face for a few seconds, then grabbed her hand. The next second she was in Valerie's embrace and could feel a hot breath ticking her ears.

"It's dangerous for a young girl like you to stay out so late~ So I will be taking you home with me alright~?" Valerie's sultry voice, along with her hot breath entered the girls ear making her shudder.

"Mmm". The girl was too dazed to even mutter a word as she got assaulted by Valerie's natural body scent. A scent that can easily cause a normal person to lose themselves.

'Is she really someone who had sex with multiple guys?' Valerie thought with an amused smile, while she gave a piercing look to the drunk man who ogled her as he walked past her, 'Since you would reject this cute girl anyways, let me take her off your hands'.

"W-what was that!" A drunk man with short black hair, brown eyes exclaimed, as he looked at around in fear. His gaze then landed on the girl he passed before, her looks were out of this world.

"She is more beautiful than Gotou and even her breasts are big. I wish it was me she was hugging instead of that other girl". The drunk man said to himself, as he stopped walking and got lost in her looks, not noticing the big dog by her side.

"Ohhh, she's looking this way-!!?" The drunk man suddenly froze, he didn't know why. His body just continued trembling when he looked into those sapphire eyes. The girl flashed him an amused smile, before turning around.

"I-I-I can move…W-what was that?" The drunk man who was now slightly sober, asked himself, as he glanced at Silver haired girl in fear.





'Heh! Just a bit of my killing intent was enough to cause him to freeze up huh? Well I guess I shouldn't of expected much, even if he's a protagonist, he is still an ordinary person' Valerie thought with a small smile, as she entered her apartment.

"We're back~"

"Woof! Woof! Woof!" Translation: Mistress and I have returned safe and sound!

"Welcome back, and it seems like you also brought a guest". Amelia smiled amusedly, as she looked at the brown haired girl who was holding Valerie's hand.

"Oooh? A human~?" Sabrina who was watching anime jumped from her seat, and watched curiously.

"Of course she's a human. Did your 8th grade syndrome act up again?" Valerie questioned with a knowing look, playing off Sabrina's previous slip up.

"What do you-!"

"Fufu~ It seems like that is the case Valerie, maybe I should cut off her anime time". Amelia interjected, realising Valerie's intentions.

Sabrina's eyes widened in horror, "No! Anything but that!"

Valerie chuckled at her reaction and said to the two sisters, "Girls, this cute girl here is Sayu Ogiwara and she would be staying with us for a while".

"I-it's nice to meet you". Sayu stuttered a little as she was surprised at the level of beauty of the two girls. 'Is this a house of supermodels or something?!'

Amelia smiled kindly and introduced, "It's nice to meet you to Sayu-chan~ I am Amelia and this is my little sister Sabrina".

"And they are my family". Valerie added, making the succubus sisters smile.


Everyone looked towards the source of the sudden noise, and saw Valerie who was now blushing in embarrassment.

"Fufu~ You came just in time Valerie, I already finished cooking". Amelia chuckled lightly.

"Haha~! Way to ruin the moment Val~!" Sabrina grinned.


Valerie threw her unamused look, before turning to Sayu who had a light smile, "You should go have a shower and change out of that school uniform, then join us for dinner".

"I-I don't have a change of clothes…" Sayu muttered, and felt a slight disappointment when Valerie let go of her hand.

"Don't worry about that, you can borrow mine. Since your size is more or less the same as mine". Valerie smiled knowingly as she glanced at Sayu's breasts.

"Thank you". Sayu blushed slightly at the look Valerie gave her.

Valerie nodded and looked to Sabrina, "Show her the bathroom while I go get her a change of clothes".

"Sure~ Come with me Sayu~!" Sabrina excitedly dragged Sayu with her, much to latter's shock.

Seeing that they were both gone, Amelia smiled teasingly, "Valerie, it seems you brought a troubled individual, and she seems to have already taken a liking to you".

"So you could also smell it huh? The scent of multiple men on her uniform. Though I apologise for bringing someone without notice".

Amelia shook her head and smiled, "Valerie, you are our master and mistress. To Sabrina and I, your orders are absolute. Whatever you do we will not question. If you want someone dead we will do it. If you want to take over the world or cause a mass genocide, we will assist you, even at the cost of our lives".


Valerie was left completely speechless at the dangerous ideas running in Amelia's head. Did Amelia really think that she would have such evil ideas? Well sure she would like to corrupt-ahem educate innocent girls, but at most that should make her alignment Neutral Evil. Right? Yes! She was a gentle Eldritch Demoness!

"Ahem! I'm touched at your devotion Amelia, but I'm not really interested in world domination, unless the world is a beautiful woman". Valerie offhandedly commented.

"You want 'Earth' to be a woman, huh?" Amelia muttered with a strange smile.

Valerie narrowed her eyes and asked, "Why are you smiling like that?"

"It's nothing much~ I was just thinking if it was you, you would definitely be able to subdue 'Earth'."

Valerie frowned as she felt that there was something wrong with Amelia's wording, but shook her head and replied, "I already told you I'm not interested in world domination…Yet".

"If you say so. For now you should prepare Sayu a change of clothes". Amelia reminded.

"Sure~ And I can't wait to eat~!" Saying so, Valerie walked to her room, with Kali right behind.





30 Minutes Later.

"Ahh~ Your cooking is amazing as always Amelia". Valerie who was now relaxing on the sofa let out a satisfied moan.

"Subarashi! Onee-sama! Subarashi!" Sabrina exclaimed, as she pushed up her glasses from who knows where she got.

"It was good Amelia-san". Sayu, who was now feeling a little more comfortable with the three girls commented with a small smile. She wore the same shorts and vest that Valerie was wearing.

"I'm glad you girls enjoyed it. And Valerie, you know that my cooking is not as amazing aa yours". Amelia said with a amused smile.

"True! True! Valerie's cooking is Amazing~ Especially the desserts she makes~!" Sabrina quickly added, as she drooled while thinking about the desserts Valerie made in the past.

"Then I guess I'll be making pancakes and waffles for breakfast tomorrow". Valerie spoke, when she saw the interest in Sayu's eyes. 'She really does remind me of myself, though she's running because she doesn't want to face her problems, while I was forced to run, and at the end, I grew tired of it all'.

Sayu who saw Valerie glance at her as she spoke couldn't help but feel embarrassed, since Valerie clearly noticed her interest in her desserts.

'Ugh! How embarrassing! I really want to crawl into a hole! Also, why do I feel happy that Valerie is doing this because of me? There's no way I could fall in love with a girl, right? Especially one I met less than an hour ago. Though she really is beautiful, I wonder how she's not famous with such looks, same with Amelia-San and Sabrina-san'.

Sabrina's eyes lit up and she jumped onto Valerie's lap in excitement, "Really?! Are you going to cook tomorrow?!"

Valerie wrapped her arm around Sabrina's slim waist and pulled her closer and said, "Yes I am, so look forward…"


[Your first summon request has arrived from the World of Goblin Slayer!]

[Difficulty: Easier than Easy]

[Clearing Conditions: Save the Female Bishop from Goblins.]

[System Rewards: 10,000 Hell Points, Lottery Ticket(Copper)]

[Summoning Reward: TBD(Provided By Summoner)]

[Will you accept the summon?]

[Y / N]
