

The next morning, Esther wakes up in an unfamiliar room. She looks around and noticed a plain black curtains, simple yet filled with strong man scent. It's not the same scent that she's used to smell in the last 10 years.

Then she saw Ashton Taylor's Portrait in the side table. A sudden flashback came to her...

"you can use me"

Those words keeps playing on repeat in her mind.

"use him? how? in what way?" she whispered.

She then get out of the bed. Then she realized she was wearing a long sleeve and a boxer shorts.

She's suddenly shocked. Who changed my dress? Did he ?

Then a woman came Knocking on the door.

"Ms. Esther are you awake? Mr. Taylor is waiting for you to have breakfast."

She open the door and saw an old lady.

"good morning Ms. Smith, my name is Laura." she said.

"good morning to you too Ms. Laura." - Esther

"Just call me Laura." Laura

"I want to ask, who change my dress?" - Esther

"I did it last night Ms. Smith, as your dress is a mess. Mr. Taylor asked me to change you with his sleeves and boxers that were never used. Is there something wrong with your body? Did I perhaps scratch you without knowing? . I'm so sorry Ms. Smith" - Laura

"oh no .. it's fine. I was just wondering. You did nothing wrong Laura. Thank you for your help. " Esther answerd

they then walks towards the kitchen then she saw Ashton sitting while reading a magazine. Their magazine, that's the only time she noticed his handsome face, his eyes, long nose and his lips. For her he looks so perfect ...

"Mr. Taylor, Ms. Smith is here" - Laura

Ashton then lift his head and gave her a smile

"good morning" - Esther

"Good morning, come sit. Let's have a breakfast. I already made an arrangement with Larson my secretary to drive you home after." - Ashton

"Thank you Mr. Taylor " - Esther

"stop calling me that. You can call me Ashton. Since you will now use me in your small revenge. Right?" - Ashton

she shyly smile and sit beside him. She start eating breakfast with him. She noticed that he's quiet, Ashton noticed that she's staring at him

"is there something wrong with my face?" - Ashton

she looks back on her food

"nothing. Uhm, I just wondering on how, uhm how can you help me" - Esther

"That's up to you... I'll follow your lead. With that I did save my number on your phone." - Ashton

Esther just nod ... After eating Esther went to Ashton's car and Larson drives her back to her unit

Kiana was waiting outside as she was worried about her. But was more shocked when it was Ashton Taylor answerd her phone whe she calls her.

Larson opens the door and Esther went out. She said thank you and went inside her unit with Kiana.

"What are you doing with Mr. Taylor? are you okay? what happened?"

Esther told Kiana everything that she saw and that her and Carlson was over.

She then called Amber, her best friend and also a journalist. And asked her to come to her unit to write an exclusive news.

Amber showed up right away... Then Esther told her the story she's about to write.

"WHAT???!!!!" - Amber

"Calm down, will you" - Esther

"But you know what scares me the most is why did the great ASHTON TAYLOR offered himself to be used by you? What's his goal?" - Amber

"I don't know ... but I agree to it. As to how, i'm not sure yet " - Esther

Amber just gave her a deep sigh

"Fine, i'll leave now as I'm going to post this news. And i'm sure your parents will be shocked about this."

Amber went to her office and posted the news right away.


Actress and Model Esther Smith and Architect Carlson Young ended their 10 year relationship last night.

It was told that they have differences that they can't connect. So the couple decided to be just friends. They both wish to seek support from the people with their individual lives and plans in the future.

It was known that Carlson and Esther were highschool sweethearts.

Let's continue in supporting them individually.