
Meteor Event

Earth was once normal with the most dangerous threat to humanity being global warming and a nuclear war, but that all changed when two meteors, with both of them having the volume of large house, struck the earth. One meteor struck the South China Sea while the other struck the center of the Pacific Ocean.

These weren't normal extinction causing meteors, as demonstrated when there was no visible shock wave that normally would have accompanied meteors at that size. Instead of a shock wave that killed people, these two meteors altered the reality of Earth with all laws of physics being thrown out the window. There were many changes the came with these meteors but there was mainly three significant ones.

The first change was the addition of a new feral nature to all animals except for humans. These new bloodthirsty animals were immune to the domestication that existed at the time so many humans died to their pets and various other animals accustomed to human occupancy in nature.

These animals were not only craving human meat but even their own kind, as many animals were seen to have eaten their own kind. With the consumption of their own brethren animals were discovered to have seemingly evolved and gain supernatural powers.

The second large change was the sudden increase in size of Earth. The tectonic plates that previously existed shifted and new ones were created in between them. This happened for two years before it stopped. In the end the earth grew to two times its size and many new continents and oceans were made.

Along with the increase in size, Earth gained three new continents as well as massive mountain ranges separating Asia and Australia from Europe, Africa and the Americas. The new continents over time have been called Euopia, Siwang, and the Battle Continent.

The third and biggest change was the the change in the atmosphere that completely enhanced human bodies to gain supernatural powers and abilities. The new change in atmosphere also made electronics and engines obsolete with radio signals no longer capable of traveling through the air and combustion not working like its supposed. Electricity also no longer was conductive through copper meaning only the rich could own electronics from old earth. Of course with these new changes, the way people built their society and culture was forced to change.

In the second change, Earth was basically created into two new hemispheres. The hemisphere that contained Asia, Australia, and Siwang was called the Cultivating Plane. The hemisphere that contained the the Americas, Africa, and Europe was called the Power Plane. After the continents shifted, all the people who lived in the Power Plane gained abilities which presumably came from the asteroid. The abilities ranged from manipulating water to turning your body to rubber.

In the Cultivating Plane people gained the ability to harness Qi which you could manipulate to attack as well as use it to enhance your body. In the Cultivating Plane random people got different bloodlines, varying levels of talent, as well as physiques. The bloodlines of mystical beast.

If you did not notice already, each plane (A/N: or hemisphere but I am gonna keep using plane as its shorter and kind of matches the theme) has different powers based off of what the predominant society thought of a fantasy type world. The Power Plane got abilities based off of popular comics from America, while the Cultivating Plane got abilities based off of the xuanhuan genre of novels which were popular in Asia. In the Power Plane, the normal human limiter for muscle growth was almost completely removed and regardless of what ability you would be given superhuman strength was not far off, of course you still had to put massive amounts of effort in. In the Cultivating Continent everyone was given the ability to cultivate, however talent levels could increase the speed, bloodlines and physiques allowed people to use their Qi in different ways that were unique from normal counterparts.

After the expansion of Earth and humans gained abilities they were finally able to pull out the meteorites from the waters.

The meteorites were both completely impenetrable yet seemed completely normal with neither of them affecting a persons abilities. In the Power Plane the humans used very expensive gold Geiger Counters to measure the radiation of the inside of the meteorite, however they would instantly max out which indicated there was still massive amounts of radiation on the inside. In the Cultivating Plane people who had bloodlines or physiques related to sensing Qi were assigned to analyzing the meteorite however they instantly passed out. When they came to, the best of the sensors recounted seeing an unimaginable amount of Qi before being knocked out.

In both cases, humans came to the consensus that the indestructible metal covering the core was preventing this energy, which seemed to be the source of their powers, from leaking. The Power Plane called this metal Adamantium while the Cultivating Continent called it Divine Steel.

Ever since these Meteorites crashed humans from both planes called this new era; Genesis.

World building, what a great and important thing. If this chapter bored you fear not! Protagonist is being introduced next chapter and action will follow!

doesnotexist123creators' thoughts
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