
Percy Jackson: Scaled Lord Of Strife

Eldritches, Abominable creatures that originated from the deepest depths of the earth, they were dark creatures that hid and lurked under the cover of night searching for prey, they devoured anything who dared to roam the world under the light of the moon, they would slowly creep upon the poor soul and sneakily spread their long, noxious, tentacles around you and strangle you as they slowly moved you toward their maw, then they'd pull their tentacles back and little ridges on them would tear your body apart and you would fall into deep into the abyss that was their large, miasmic maw. Humanity prayed to their gods for millennia yet their gods had not answered, not until one day, when mankind was at the brink of extinction did they finally receive their blessings. From Zeus, The Authority Of The King From Poseidon, The Will Of The Creator From Adonis, The Soul Of Rebirth From Apollo, The Spark Of Liberation From Heaphestus, The Seal Of Confinement From Hercules, The Emergence Of Unembellished Power From Hestia, The Seed Of The Hearth From Artemis, The Bestial Sapien From Hecate, The Soul Of Mysticy From Hades, The Woke Of The Soul From Athena, The Spirit Of Conquest From Ares, The Body Of Savagery These 12 blessings were the cornerstones of the Eldritch Slayer path, a path forged by the hands of both mortal and divine, with these, humanity would be able to combat their foe, however, this was many many years ago, nowadays, Eldritch were the least of problems. --------------------------------------------- "Trixion, from behind you!!" A deafening scream resounded through the continent of war like the clap of thunder, though the noise did little to put a stop to the endless bloodshed occurring on the crimson continent. The one who had been alerted of an incoming attack, Trixion tried to look back at the perpetrator of said attack however the attack had already reached him and he was unable to react to it anyway. "You were a worthy opponent, Krimson Khaos...." To be a worthy opponent to the Scaled Prince, The Golden Dragon, of the Empyreans was truly commendable, yet to Trixion who looked down at the scaly arm piercing through his torso it seemed like more of an insult, an insult that brought him rage. Trixion attempted to move however the poison within his body wouldn't let him, after all, what led to him managing to get pierced like this. As Trixion slowly passed he started to accumulate his energy within his body, within a second his body was full to the brim with energy, soon he would burst into a bunch of blood pieces, and burst he did. "W-what are you doing?!?!" The Scaled prince hastily removed his arm and attempted to dash back but it had already been done. Trixion busted into hundreds of little pieces each piece of his body was supercharged with energy and thus was incredibly durable, it would pierce through many Empyreans and go undamaged, even more, he made it so that when it came in contact with anything it would burst even more it was like a bomb with shrapnels that that acted like a bomb. That act had killed nearly 10 million Empyreans and from then on out he was known as a hero to the whole world, he was someone who even in his final moments managed to bring the enemy to their knees. They were correct however it was not in his final moments it was in the final moments before the end that led to his new beginning. However, Trixion wasn't the only one who would begin once again, for Dendracove, The heir to the Driconite Empyreans would accompany him in his journey, as this was the story of both the Krimson Khaos, The Lord Of Strife, And The Golden Dragon, The Scaled Prince Of The Empyreans.

Lord_Sleepless_ · Derivados de obras
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11 Chs

Giant Trilogy Part 7: Rage

"How am I floating?!?!"

For a second the world went still, swallowed by an invisible wave of devastating energy, and then the effects appeared on the world, the earth cracked and then melted, then the earth cracked again before melting and repeating, eventually, it cooled off a bit and no longer melted the earth but burnt it to ash, embracing the world in a sea of soot.

And then the soundwave went off, resulting in a devastating clap that sent broken earth and other particles so far away that not a single spec of dust lied near the explosion sight, all of it had been shot far into the distance, similar to Dentrivix who had also been shot, albeit much further.

"Agh fuck" Dentrivix groaned as he slammed into the ground bursting into a shower of blood and barely survived by keeping his brain regenerating as fast as possible to counteract the damage, once the force dispersed he regenerated his entire body and observed the truly observed all the damage he had done.

"Holy shit I wish Winne-Poo saw this"

"Wait, Winne-Poo, Winne-Poo where'd you go?"

Although he called for Winne-Poo as if Winne-Poo had just wondered off he, on the inside, knew that exactly what happened to Winne-Poo.

"Winne-Poo!! Where are you!?!?"

"Winne don't fucking ignore me!"

Dentrivix started to breath faster and faster.

"If you keep ignoring me we'll never be ever be fucking friends!!" Dentrivix yelled in distress once again.

"Why'd you leave Winne?!?!"

"I thought we were friends!?!?"

Dentrivix clenched his fist tightly, his breathing increased even more as he was overcome by a multitude of emotions.

"WINNE WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!" Dentrivix continued to scream his heart out and soon his cries transformed into loud, intelligible screeches.

As Dentrivix screamed he soon began to accept that Winne-poo, his only friend within this nightmare world teeming with harrowing abominations and fiendish beasts was gone, and he was never coming back.

From then his screaming died down and shifted into a low mumbles as he questioned why Winne-poo left, however it soon dawned on him that Winne didn't leave in the way he thought so, no, Winne had died, Winne had long died.

The battle between him and the Gaints had erased his existence completely, there was nothing left of him, nothing at all. 

As this dawned on him, his longing, his anguish, his pain, it all joined together and formed a bottomless pit of absolute hatred. The only thing that could satitate his rage was to exterminate every living giant in existince.

"Winne-Poo...." Dentrivix looked around him in rage, Dentrivix had never felt such rage in his life, even as he was forced to dissect himself he hadn't been his hateful, his rage was so strong it reflected outside of him, deepening the rich red color painting his eyes.

Although Dentrivix felt hatred beyond belief what he felt the most was sadness and longing, despite the fact that Winne-poo wasn't a sentient being and couldn't actively communicate with him Winne-poo was still the closest Dentrivix had ever come to possessing a friend or companion.

Although Dentrivix couldn't feel the pain from his injuries he still felt revolted seeing his body being torn, mangled, smashed, thrown, and battered in multiple different ways. He also felt fear, stress, and many other emotions during his fight, the only reason he hadn't made mistakes was that he wasn't the one fighting, although he knew he was in control, he also knew that it wasn't truly him fighting, it was hard to explain.

To come back from all this mental exhaustion the person closest to you completely and utterly destroyed was something that could not be explained properly, it was not something that could ever be put into words.

The giants took away his only friend and he hated them for it, he despised them, the hatred he felt was immense, he swore that he would exterminate every giant that dared to exist in at the same time period as him, he would get rid of them no matter the cost.

Dentrivix's rage continued to increase and he started to hate himself as well, if he hadn't retaliated against the giant then Winnie-poo without a doubt would still be alive. Dentrivix began to attack himself, he started by punching and slapping himself repeatedly and continued to increase in intensity and anger as he realized that he was unable to feel any pain.

Dentrivix commanded himself to feel pain again, he wanted to feel pain, Winne-poo deserved vengeance, he had died a meaningless death at the hands of his greatest friend and someone needed to pay, no, not someone, Dentrivix had to pay, and he would pay very, very dearly.

As he continued to brutally tear himself apart, tearing out chunks of his flesh with his mouth and tearing his eyes out of his sockets the red glint in his eyes faded and soon the last vestiges of the vermilion tint painting his eyes dissipated and the pain came in full, everything he hadn't felt, from the suppressed emotions and canceled pain hit him like thunder.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A cacophony of anguish, pain, sadness, fear, despair, and everything in between flew from Dentrivix's mouth, shaking the word around him, the earth trembled, the trees swayed, and heaven rumbled.

The shockwaves from his scream shattered the ground below him, deepening the crater that Dentrivix had landed in after he fell back down after the end of his fight against Nexteriea, older brother to Nexter, the surprisingly young giant that he had killed.

Suddenly Dentrivix felt his consciousness sucked away from his body and things went black for a split second, then his sight came back but he was viewing everything from the sky as this happened his rage was replaced by apathy, a cold indefference to anything, and anyone. 

Dentrivix watched from above as 'he' tore his body apart and devoured it until only his brain was left and then things grew blurry and foggy, it was like a thin clothe was wrapped around his eyes the area around him, however through the mist he could see the outline of a large beast.

The beast roared an ear-piecing roar of unfathomable might, the roar sped through the air and slammed against something high in the air, the shockwaves of the roar upturned the earth, shook the heavens, and shattered the sky. The roar had blown away the mist and for a split second, he saw it. 

An impenetrably black body that absorbed the light very light around it, the area around the beast was incredibly chaotic, the air smashed against each other thousands of times per second resulting in mini explosions all over, the ground rose and charged at other chunks of earth, other pieces flew up and hit the ground and thousands of other things.

It was like the world around him was bound by chaos everything was at strife with each other it was truly chaos at its very finest.

Soon his vision went black again he felt the same spiritual displacement, he looked around at the world and he saw it. He was hovering high above the world or what was left of it, it had been shattered thoroughly, and parts of the slowly world fell off into a deep dark abyss until only the center was left.

He was pulled closer to the center and within it lay an absolutely gigantic tornado of a strangely familiar energy. Life energy, that's what it was, it was life energy; there was a giant stationary tornado of revolving life energy, within the eye of the tornado lied the same dark beast he had seen before.

Then the space above the tornado shattered and from it emerged a hand, then another, then a foot, and then a second foot, a torso, a head, and finally an entire body emerged from the abyssal crack. He only saw it for a split second before a horrible pain ran across the entirety of his soul. 

Then, he woke up.


Sorry for not posting for so long, I just wasn't feeling the writing mood, I will strive to release more though, author out!