
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Cómic
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724 Chs

I Am Able to Support You

"I'm so full. If I accidentally fail to restrain myself, my weight will definitely increase a lot after today."

Leaning back in the chair, Fumino touched her slightly bulging stomach and said sadly.

She didn't feel anything when she first started eating, but after finishing her meal, she realized something was wrong and began to worry about her weight.

Now the weight she had finally managed to lose was creeping back up again.

"There's nothing you can do. If you want to maintain your weight, you have to control your mouth."

Asumi slowly sipped her juice and answered her question with a smile.

"I've tried, but it's too difficult." Fumino said sadly. "Especially with various desserts, there's just no way to resist."

"Then there's nothing you can do but exercise more."

"I'll try my best."

Fumino truly didn't believe in her own willpower in this regard.

But when she was about to exercise, she remembered her morning run with Ren.

If he was willing to accompany her for a morning run or exercise, she felt she could still hold on.

(What if I give it a try?)

With this thought in mind, Fumino looked at Ren, who was being fed by Ichika, Itsuki, and Yotsuba in different ways.

If this continues, her weight will surely increase.

Maybe if she asks when he's back, Ren might be interested in exercising.

As for Rizu, Itsuki, and Fumino, who had previously gone for morning runs together, they were ignored.

Besides, it was summer vacation now, and she felt she couldn't make use of their summer vacation time.

(Why do I feel like I'm doing something wrong?)

After making that decision, Fumino always felt something was wrong.

She just wanted to ask Ren if he wanted to exercise with her, so why did she have to make so many excuses in her heart?

This is really confusing...

"I can't eat anymore. You don't need to fetch food for me anymore."

Realizing that Itsuki wanted to use the serving chopsticks to get food for him, Ren immediately declined.

Eating too much had reached the limit for an ordinary person like him, and he really couldn't eat anymore.

"Kamikawa-kun, are you full after eating so little?" Itsuki laid down chopsticks and asked with a slightly surprised tone, "As a guy, you must have a big appetite."

"Itsuki, don't impose your eating habits on Ren-kun." Ichika interjected.

"But Kamikawa-kun is a guy."

She's only half full until now. Logically, Ren should be almost the same as her.

Ichika emphasized: "Don't think that everyone has the same appetite as you and can eat a dozen meat buns at once."

"That's exaggerated. I could never eat a dozen meat buns in one meal!" Itsuki retorted.

"Was your rebuttal just a breath away?"

Nino pointed out the key points of Itsuki's rebuttal.

"Generally, the focus of the rebuttal is that you can't eat so many meat buns, right?" Ichika complained.

Itsuki didn't say anything, just bowed her head and quietly ate the unfinished cake on her plate.

"Can you eat that much?"

Ren looked at Itsuki in amazement, this was the first time he knew that Itsuki could eat so much.

Hearing this, Itsuki's head drooped even lower, with no intention of raising it.

"So Ren-kun, did you know that Itsuki is a big eater?"

Ichika observed this from her words.

"I'm not a big eater, I just eat a little." Itsuki weakly replied.

She had just forgotten to hide the fact that she was a big eater from Ren, so now she was trying to maintain her image as much as possible.

Nino looked at Itsuki suspiciously: "Are you sure you eat a little?"

"... Just pretend I didn't say that."

Faced with her sister's doubts, Itsuki could only admit it.

"I really didn't know Itsuki was a big eater."

Because Itsuki seemed to dislike the term "big eater." Ren just used the term "big eater."

The last time he went to the cafeteria with her, Itsuki didn't eat much.

Of course, buffet restaurants are where you can eat whatever you want.

"Okay, Ren-kun, you should have a general understanding of Itsuki's appetite now." Ichika said with a smile, "Itsuki is one of those who can win the Big Eater Competition."

Itsuki gave up resistance, didn't argue back, and had no intention of listening to their comments about her anymore, she just kept eating her cake.

"I really don't know who will be able to support Itsuki in the future."

Seeing Itsuki still eating cake, Nino could only sigh.

"I can." Ren casually replied.

He's a person with superpowers, he's definitely able to support Itsuki.


As soon as these words came out, the previously bustling dining table fell silent.

"Um... What's wrong?"

Because Itsuki, who was addicted to eating cake, didn't hear what Ren said, after noticing the strange silence, she said puzzledly.

"No, it's nothing, just keep eating your cake."

Ichika sipped her juice, calming her surprise, and said to Itsuki, who didn't know what the situation was now.

"Quickly tell me what just happened?"

Realizing that everyone's eyes were focused on her, no matter how slow she was, she could still realize that something serious must have happened now.

"Ren just confessed his love to Itsuki." Yotsuba answered her question.

"??? Wh-what... the situation? Did I accept Kamikawa-kun's confession?"

Because the surprise came so suddenly, Itsuki felt her brain was a little tired and she couldn't even speak clearly.

She now regretted eating that cake and not hearing Ren's words.

"That's it."

Nino didn't expect it to develop like this.

She just sighed casually.

"No, I didn't confess."

Realizing that they all misunderstood his words, Ren took the initiative to explain.

"Then Ren, what do you mean by saying that you can support Itsuki?" Miku asked with concern.

"Why did I just eat cake?"

Itsuki regretted her behavior of eating cake more and more frequently, not listening to what Ren said with her own ears.

"State the facts, because I really can support Itsuki." Ren answered honestly, "And not just Itsuki, I can support you all."