
pengagum rahasia Rama

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What is pengagum rahasia Rama

Lee la novela pengagum rahasia Rama escrita por el autor irenemarbun publicada en WebNovel. ...


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卡斯蒂利亚是伯莱也帝国有史以来最年轻的女王,她聪明漂亮果断,做事雷厉风行,从不拖泥带水,她是神的宠儿,她对敌人从不心慈手软。她野心勃勃且雄才大略,她上位以来一直开疆拓土,誓要将帝国成为大陆最强大的国家之一,她将带领她的臣民走向荣光!即使是神也无法评定她的功过!她是独一无二的女王!她是帝国的女王! 吾王永胜! 叛军来袭,攻城掠地,帝国首都沦陷,臣民背叛,身为女王,她生来高她绝不会向叛军低头。 她身着华丽的冕袍,头戴最耀眼的桂冠,坐在王座上,结束了自己的生命。 事情并没有结束,卡斯蒂利亚的死亡只是故事的开端。 她穿越了,穿越到了原来世界只存在于故事里的魔法世界。 神学与魔法的对抗,神学与魔法科学的矛盾。 这是神的世界也是人类的世界。 神明终将陨落,人类迎来胜利的曙光,魔法将带领人类走向荣光。 而她将是最伟大的魔法师。 “我将成为最强大的魔法师,我会将神明拉下神坛,我将建立属于我的魔法帝国 ,只有魔法科学才能让人类生存下去。” “人们所供奉的不再是神明,信仰的也不再是神明,神明只能走下神龛,科学会成为人类新的信仰。” “我以科学的名义起誓,我将履行我的诺言。” “科学即信仰!”

柚子小珞 · Integral
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254 Chs

In the SCP-Foundation as Scp-2241 | SCP-Foundation Fanfiction

( POV: Scp-2241, Title; "Superhero Wannabe" or "Cameron The Crusader", Name: Previously Cameron now Arthur ) "Hello, readers... I am the main character of this story that I'd being written by a bored author. Well, I found myself in the body of Scp-2241 and I've got some facts to share with you guys" "1) I found myself in the body of Scp-2241 with all of his previous memories ( Which wants a lot seeing as he's a child ), experiences ( Barely any regarding his abilities seeing as he only began to manifest them ), abilities including the minor reality warping, but it seems as if the emotions of Cameron's hadn't been transferred to me." "2) Now, going off the previous statement it must seem I got pretty lucky right? I mean having reality bending abilities in the SCP universe is great... Wrong, unfortunately I had been instantly Secured, Contained and 'Protected' by the foundation the moment I had entered his body..." "3) My subconscious seems to have view reality bending as the ones similar to R.O.B's and you know what R.O.Bs do? That's right, they give people abilities from fiction while somehow avoiding all the copyright lawsuits, I need some of their lawyers..." "3.1) Once again, fate decided to stay "Fuck you" once again, and as my Reality Bending is very minor it could only do so much when it tried to adapt abilities from universes and for some reason my subconscious made the descion to only make or create abilities from universes similar to the SCP one... Let me give you a quick run down on the universes that it allowed me to gain from: WORM ( I get this one, they are really similar in many ways with many of the SCP timelines being similar to the WORM ones, looking at you Apotheosis ), Sonny Boy, X-Files, Lord of Mysteries, Lovecraft's mythos( I was honestly wasn't surprised ), Blame, Parasyte, Tokyo Ghoul, Jagaaaaan, Sweet Home, To-Aru, Jujutsu Kaisen, Blood Blockade Battlefront, The Megami Tensei Series, Omniscient Reader Viewpoint, Owari no Seraph, The Witcher, 40k, Bloodborne, Dark Souls and finally Akame ga Kill... Yeah, a medium sized list." "3.1.1) And as Fate fucked me in the ass while my Subconscious fucked me in my "pussy", a second Fate decided to fuck me in the throat and only allowed me to make an ability once I had stored enough energy in this life, now this isn't that bad, but the amount of energy to make one ability usually takes around 1-3 years depending on the strength and potential of it." Now you maybe be asking yourself, or me a couple questions like: "What's he going to do? Is he going to escape the foundation through some elaborate scheme and seek revenge against them for trying to imprison him?" "Ha, as if I would want to get hunted my entire life, even if I were to seek the help from other organisations like the Serpents Hand alongside the Chaos Insurgency, The chances of me being hunted down and recaptured is still very high plus they don't have the same resources as the SCP foundation" "Well, what I will be doing is helping the SCPs within the foundations grasp by fighting for their freedom and rights, along with instilling proper morals, ethics and values to the scientists and the 0-5. Ethics committee, I don't care if you don't exist or not, im on your side and I will actually do shit" ----- Author Notes: 0- You guys will give me ideas for which SCPs should be featured, give me morally Gray ones cause trying to help something like 049 is a bit messy to do, not that I wouldn't do it, and no-harems and no-romance. 1- Hahaha, another fanfiction that I'm starting when I have to update like 5 others? Damn straight, and I will probably keep doing the same shit. 2- You know the deal, I don't make any claims of ownership regarding any of the universes, abilities, characters, etc, so shoo shoo copyright claims.

WinnieLePooh · Cómic
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