
Peerless Harem

Today is the day that I will finally take my life. It has been an incredible journey thus far, and I have accomplished all that I have set out to accomplish from the moment that I’d found myself reincarnated into this eastern fantasy. Honestly, me. A simple farmer has reached the pinnacle of all creation under heaven. Yet, despite that seemingly impossible achievement, I feel so empty inside. Perhaps, it is because I am all alone here in this place. This summit. For the loneliest number is me. So many people have left me on my journey towards greatness for one reason or another. They either did not have the OP systems or cheats to reach the top with me, and I feel so guilty for totally forgetting about them for many, many adventures, especially when I ascend to a higher realm. Now that I have reached the peak, standing above all else, looking down at the world and everything below, I wonder to myself, what have I truly accomplished in the end? Where are my friends, families, and most importantly, a harem of heaven defying beauties? ****

Erosire · Oriental
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37 Chs

Reducing the Competitions

Also, more supreme beauties.

They honestly can be found anywhere and everywhere within this world, and my goal of having a fairly modest harem of at least 100,000 peerless beauties can be said to be quite reasonable, given where I am.

Still, I am somewhat curious about my ability to satisfy everyone within my harem, but just like almost everything else in life, there is really only one way to find out.

My lecherous gaze does not go unnoticed, and if the babes amidst the group of people found it to be distasteful, they have not bother to express it up on their serene faces. As such, I continue to do what I am doing, checking out each of the beauties without any restrain.

I am not ashamed of who I am, and to me, there is always time to ogle at he beauty of the female form regardless of the situations or occasions.

Sure, these beauties might be standing against me right now, but it does not mean that they will be in the future. Alliances shift constantly, and I prefer to give everyone a chance to redeem themselves, as anyone can be made useful.

But if it is too much trouble, killing does solve a lot of problems. Unfortunately, that route requires me to massacre their entire clan too since leaving roots behind will only sprout more annoying weeds that will likely get in my way in the future.

"Master…" Kumo utters and pulls herself uprights. "They have… they have a sacred weapon…"

Of course, they do. I have expected as much, considering that Zhao Yao, possessed or not, is still a Sect Leader, and therefore, her powers and skills with the blade are not to be underestimated. Thus, to be this badly beaten up, it has to be the result of a Sacred Weapon.

But whether it is a Sacred Weapon of my design or not, I am not sure.

While my eyes can determine which weapons amongst the group before me is a Sacred Weapon, I am unable to recognize it from its appearance alone. This is simply because I have created so many items in the past, mostly for the learning experience.

Even so, those discarded artefacts are still considered priceless treasures to those of the lower realms than the Divine Realm. In addition, I am not the only who had created Divine Artefacts at my leisure.

The other Divine Emperors and Divine Empresses have also created their own Divine Artefacts, as they wanted the experience as much as I do, and I have very little control over where they have discarded their artefacts.

Note that Sacred Treasures are all Divine Artefacts, but Divine Artefacts are not all Sacred Treasures.

"I suppose that they do," I response and eye Li Zhu, who just wants to lie there.

If it wasn't for me, Li Zhu should not have been this injured. Her regeneration is impressive, but it does cost a lot of stamina and spiritual energy, so getting blown to smithereens over and over again by the AAA do take an incredible toll on her mind and body.

Good thing that Li Zhu smartens up and submits to me or she would be in a much sorry state. I would not kill her if she refuses me, however, but I will consider her an enemy in that case.

There is no such thing as neutrality in my book, for neutral people are those who had not taken a side yet, and if there is a chance that they will stand against me, I will not allow them to have that chance.

As for the AAA, it is a smoking heaps, and from that alone, I am sure it had self-destructed rather than was destroyed by anyone within the group before me.

My technology all has built in self-destruct mechanism since I rather not have them lying around to be reversed engineered and used against me at some point. In AAA's case, the self-destruct was triggered probably because it had run out of ammos.

Throwing enough body at a machine gun, and it will eventually get jammed or run out bullets. It is the latter due to the amount of carnage being littered all over the Valley of the Wind.

Human lives are as expendable in this era just like the old era, and it does not really surprise me at all, as this world is still a dog eats dog world. That suits me just fine, for I thrive in that sort of world.

"And I suppose that everyone here wants to take some sort of revenge due to one reason or another?" I address the group with a smile. This is just another thing that does not change regardless of the era.

Conflicts between any type of organization are unavoidable. It is more so with the Sword Maiden Sect, as its leaderships and disciples have been maiming anyone who dares to take a step into the Valley of the Wind.

"Enough talks. Hand over the manual or your sect will only be a footnote in history!" demands one of the elderly men. From his attires and trinkets, he is definitely someone with high social standings.

His name is revealed to me through the powers of my eyes. Just like all the names of the people within the group before me, but according to their background, only a handful of them are anyone important.

The rest can be considered as grunts. Not quite expendable grunts.

"The manual? Why would you want something like that? Have you look at yourself in the mirror lately, old man? You are not a girl, and I am sure you are still a virgin, so unless you are secret Mulan, having the Maiden Sword Art Manual in your possession will not do you any good," I cheekily response. I had assumed that he knows quite a bit about the Maiden Sword Arts Manual from his outrageous demand.

"This… this… who is this imbecile?" Yong Hao calls out in fury and starts pointing fingers. His entourage tries to calm him down hastily.

"Yes, I would really like to know who this imbecile is pointing his fingers at me," I demand, and I swear that the blood must have gone to his face.

Yong Hao lashes out at me, and from the sword thrust alone, I can accurate guess which swordplay he is using. Considering which Sect that he is from, it is natural he would know that sword technique.

Kumo instantly intercepts and blocks his blade with some efforts, but that is mostly due to her current injuries. If she wasn't injured, blocking such a strike should be quite easy. She retaliates with a sword technique of her own, forcing the elderly man to back off since he is obviously no match for her.

"If you wish to harm my master, you will have to go through me," Kumo speaks up, and she surprises everyone present.

I am also a bit surprise at her loyalty, but I suppose that if she cannot resist me then she might as well serve me. Given what I have demonstrated thus far, it is a good choice on her part. Of course, there is that elixir I had consumed. She probably wants that.

"To think that man is your master, and here I had thought that he is merely a nobody," a beauty speaks up this time, and her tightly binding dress leaves very little to the imagination. Her smile seems to be inviting me.

I smile back, returning the invitation. Make love not wars, I say. But only to beautiful women. The men can die for all I care!

"My name is Shin. It is nice to meet your acquaintance, Elder Linglong of Moon Jade Sect," I introduce myself to her, for she is definitely a 10 from just her jugs alone.

I am very tempted to ask her to demonstrate her sword skills just to see them jiggles, but I am certain there will be a time for that soon. I need to clean up the mess that I have myself invited here. Not my fault exactly, but all the same.

The Heaven Tribulation has destroyed the numerous barriers and formations around the Valley of the Wind, and as such, the other Sect have taken the opportunity to invade. Thus, the AAA emplacement was there to thin out their numbers.

Also, I do not want to deal with expendable nobodies. It is a waste of time when I can just go straight for the head.

"You are well informed, and you must know why we are here," another beauty speaks up. Despite not shameless as Elder Linglong in her choice of dress, her pearly legs are extremely distracting.

I stare at her long legs and nod. "I am aware, Protector Du of Demon Sealing Pavilion, but I am afraid that I cannot simply hand over the secrets of the Sword Maiden Sect, but I am open to negotiation."

My eyes raise up her body until matching her eyes. "Here is my offer to you. To all of you really. I will forget your transgression into my chamber and interrupt my meditation on this occasion, and I let you all leave in relatively one piece on the condition that you prostrate yourself and sworn your allegiance to me and the Sword Maiden Sect."

I am sure what their response will be, and I am counting on it. There is no need to have more than one Sect within this region. The other Sects have to go, either absorbed into the Sword Maiden Sect or be completely destroyed.

Honestly, I prefer to just wipe them all out with a single preemptive strike, but seeing those beauties, I decide to use a far more graceful method than dropping a nuke on them all.

I hope that you enjoy the chapter.

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