Thrown into a world that is not his, Mich is forced to kill monsters, level up, slay the demon king and save the princess as he’s hailed as a hero. Mich must fight against the odds for his friends. Except he isn’t and won’t be. Mich will be the item used to lessen the God’s and the Devil’s boredom, having grown tired of the mediocrity of their own existence. They give Mich a powerful skill to make things interesting and roll him into the world as they watch their new variable in a worldly game.
"Hey Mich! Make sure to get home safe! You're always on that damn phone, you don't even look where you're walking!"
"Yeah yeah Mum I know. Love you too." Mich said to his Mum and Dad, rolling his eyes as they parted and he started walking home. They finally manage to get him out of his apartment to have dinner with them, something he'd been avoiding ever since they started getting restless about him finding a girlfriend. Mich just found it too awkward, he hardly even spoke to his coworkers and friends let alone any girls that he might be interested in.
Mich, full name Michael Tanner, was a 25 year old university student who didn't have many ambitions except to do what he wanted. He was an antisocial but optimistic guy who spent his time doing small, odd jobs around town and reading his favourite books.
As Mich was walking he thought about the dinner he'd just had with his family. His parents had tried to get him to go out more and have a 'living' social life so he could meet that special someone. He knew they meant well and were just looking out for him, but he really was happy the way he was. 'Dead' social life and all. It didn't bother him, as long as he got to read, eat and sleep he was happy.
Still, he'd be lying if he didn't say he wanted them to be happy too, his parents weren't getting any younger and they at least wanted to see him happy with children, in their lifetime, that is. "I guess it wouldn't take that much effort to get out more and reconnect with some friends" he mumbled to himself as he walked, hands in his pockets.
He lived on the edge of town, far enough away from the night life of to get some sleep, but close enough to the road to sometimes be woken up by cars. It was a cheap, but nice flat, so he didn't care.
'Guess I'll call some friends when I get home then, see if any want to meet up for some drinks' he thought, beginning to cross the road outside of his flat complex.
Suddenly, Mich's phone buzzes a notification at him. Surprised at the noise he rarely hears, he takes it out and looks at the notification, wondering who would text him at this time at night.
[@£&:;<$#€*%¥>••] has sent you a message.
His face showing visible confusion and a little worry as he didn't want to imagine he'd somehow got a virus. Mich opened the message:
[Michael Tanner, have you ever wanted to see another world?]
Mich furrowed his brows and stopped walking, "What the hell? No, I don't think so virus, you won't get me!" He said aloud, choosing not to reply to the suspected virus and planning to ignore it, and wipe his phone of any virus' when he got home, instead. Another message sent by the virus caught his attention.
[I am no mere virus Michael Tanner, and your attitude is enough reason for me to decide for you.]
Mich went wide eyed, "What the fuck?!?!". Moments after shouting this, he hears a deafening *honk* as he realises he had stopped in the middle of the road, only focused on the mystery texts until the honk had woken him from his stupor.
He barely had time to turn his head to the noise, the rest of his body feeling like cold stone, before a great force slammed into his side. Shattering the cold stone feeling of his body and replacing it with a flooding pain and violent light, Mich's vision starts to dim as he feels himself hit the pavement with a *smack*.
As he felt his pain ebb away, and be replaced by the feeling of cold stone again, Mich had only one thought going through his head.
"This is so stupid."