


Angelica was crying out for me. She and her brother Alois were playing and as always, Alois always went just a bit too far. Being twins, both six years old, Alois always felt a strong connection to his sister. But I have always believed that part of him wished than Angelica was an Anderson. Just so that she could match him.

Taking a breath in, I walked over to see what it was now. With these two, there was never a single dull moment. For better or for worse, these two knew how to keep me busy. School, going out to eat, going to the beach, their constant fighting and bickering, their crazy ideas that they felt the need to express to me.

They're my prides and joys.

Arriving, I was expecting a lock of Angelica's hair to be cut off. Or worse, a part of her ear like when we were at the laundry mat. But instead, there was this gentleman at the door. He was blonde, blue eyes, was dressed as though he was ready to go into the Amazon. He had this kind of smile that generated warmth. Alois and Angelica were gathered around him as though he was some UFO. Might as well had been. The only time anyone who was white was seen was when we were in the city around tourist. Here in Lima Peru, we tended to stay in our tight knit groups.

"Hi?" I said and asked at the same time. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, are you Fiorella Sanchez?" The man asked, surprising me with how well his Spanish was.

"Yes. How do you know me? And who are you exactly?"

"Fair question and I'm Matthew Hawks."

"Matthew, why are you here?"

"You mean why am I in Lima Peru or why am I at your door?"

"How about both?"

"I'm here because this is just a beautiful place isn't it? I mean the views, the people, the food.

It's like paradise every day!"

"Why are you here?"

I allowed Matthew into our home as he was sitting on the couch in the den with Alois and Angelica as I got him some Inca Kola. Looking at him from afar, he was showing Alois some sort of medallion. There was a gentle openness that was extending from him. And it didn't seem as though he was doing it just to pass time or to appease Alois. He was genuinely engaged.

"Your father used to work in Lima?" I asked.

"Oh yeah." Matthew responded. "He ran the board of a non profit that worked a ton on the city."

"So, you came a lot?"

"Yeah, At first, it was by force. But now, how could I resist?"

"It always seemed like you Americans were trapped inside your own bubbles."

"Hey, you're an American too."

"Try saying that to anyone else."

"North, South, Central, what's the difference? They're just boundaries, am I right?"

"You're not wrong."


"Okay, so what is the connection between your dad and me?"

"My father was in love with your mother."

Good way to get to the point. It was like one of the twists in a science fiction movie that. I would take Alois and Angelica to. My mother, Alessandra, was a woman who had a checkered past if you want to put it that way. She was certainly a beautiful woman; it was that beauty that ultimately lead her down a path of not being a good mother or wife. Just good at having a going out when the disco tech opened.

"What was your father's name?"

"Walter. Walter Sorenson."


"Yeah. Ring any bells."

"…I remember Walter. He said that he'd go by Walt if not for Disney."

"Sounds like my dad's corny joke."

"He was a very nice man."

Yes he was."

"When did he pass?"

"Just last month. Had the memorial service and everything. It was something. You know it's going to happen. You just never when that's going to happen. Though, I can't complain, dying at 93 isn't too bad is it?"

"He lived a long fulfilling life."

"I don't know about the fulfilling part."

Matthew drank his Inca Kola as silence set into the room. I had not thought about Walter is years. I never got to know too much about him, but my mom really enjoyed his company. He was an extremely wealthy man who did not mind spending his money. Every time that he came over itwas never empty handed. He gave me a cabbage patch kid doll, a teddy ruxin, a Peruvian Barbie doll, and my first pair of roller blades that I used to get around the city in my pre-teen years. All of these items were long gone. Now he was too.

"I'm sorry to hear that he's gone." I uttered, seeking any kind of way to ease off this tension.

"He was so kind."

"He had a good act." Matthew replied. "I mean, cheating on my mother with not just your mother but many other women isn't exactly the nicest thing now is it?"

"I had no idea."

"Of course, you didn't. I'm 33. You uh…"


"See. I was like 20 when this was all happening. You were like nine. Just an innocent bystander."

"What was it about my mom that you brought you to me?"

"My father, he kept a journal of his travels. And in it was an extensive amount about these mythical creatures. They sound like a fairytale or some ride at a theme park. But nowadays, they sound like something very real. They sound like Demons."

"Demons? What are you trying to say?"

"Fiorella, how much do you know about your family's history?"

"We originated from Spain and migrated over to Peru in the 1900s."

"Yes, but are you aware of anything to do with any special traits that your ancestors may have possessed?"

"My family were not Demons if that is what you're asking!"

"Sorry, I don't mean to come off like this. It sounds insane, but just take a look at this."

Handing over one of his father's journals, I began to read one of the entries. He was speaking about my mom in such a kind way. He then began to speak about a sexual encounter that they had. I wanted to slam that journal shut, but I kept going on. He wrote about how bat like wings began to sprout from his back and how when she stared into his eyes she had bat like. It was her way of expressing herself to him. It sounded out of this world to me.

"How do you know that he wasn't on something?" I asked, shoving that journal right back to him."

"My father got his drug addiction out in the 70s. After that, women were his vice."

"Alois, Angelica, go out and play."

"But mom…" Alois started. I turned back to Angelica and him, giving them the look that they were aware of not to play with. Those two ran so fast that cartoon dust flew.

After they left, I sat down, rubbing my forehead, looking down to the ground like the answers were there for me to pick up. No longer was anything making any sense to me. What do you mean my mom was a Demon? Does that mean that I'm a Demon? Are Alois and Angelica Demons? How did this all start?" These were all questions that I should be directing to Matthew, if only I wasn't in such a state of shock.

"What do you want from me?"


"Then why come here and tell me this?"

"I thought that you would want to know the truth."

"And how the hell does this truth help me?"

"You rather live a lie?"

"I didn't know that I was living one!"

"Sorry, I don't mean to say that you are living a lie. I mean to say that there is so much more about yourself that you don't know."

"And you can help me?"

"Yes. Hopefully along the way I can learn more about myself too."

Looking at Matthew, his eyes rang of sincerity. Walter seemed to have been a complex man and Matthew was bent on unraveling what his father had interwoven with my mom. Still, I could not help but wonder why he would want to be here. He didn't appear to be a doctor. What did he have to do with the Demons?

"What are you going to do to me?" I inquired.

"Come again?"

"I've heard of things like this before. Are you going to run tests of me or something?"

"One, maybe two. Just got to see where you're at you know?"


"Kidding! There is no need for any of that. Here's what the deal is. These Demons? They have been a new thing for the whole world to contend with. A while I am not convinced that your mother was a Demon, she may have been associated a bloodline that evolved into what are now Demons."

"Do you think that I am a Demon?"

"I don't know. But, what I do know is that going to La Inmaculada church down in Huancayo is going to get us closer to that answer."

"What, are we going to see a exorcist or something?"


"You've got to be kidding me?"

"It's the only way. Unless your mother left you some spiritual gifts."

"That's a lot of time."

"We'll going on Friday, no big deal. It'll be like a field trip for your children."

"What do you want to do with this knowledge? You don't look like a doctor."



"No, it's the truth. I may not be a doctor. But I do work with several. I'm apart of Doctors across the sea. We are a nonprofit bent on curing the world of it's most worst diseases. Granted, these Demons aren't a disease, they are the biggest enemy that we have faced in sometime. And I want to be apart of bringing that enemy down. And I know that deep down, you would like that too."

Matthews passion was bleeding out of him. It was hard not to want to listen to him with the way that he spoke. Between his father and his job, his intentions shined with a child's purity. . He wasn't looking for money or status. What he was seeking was personal fulfillment. And that was something that I could get into.

Friday afternoon came and Matthew was driving us down to Huancayo, down to see our truth. Matthew was driving down in Jeep as Alois kept sticking his head out of the window as Angelica held on tightly to me. This was by far the most intense ride to church that we've ever had. As we went along, I couldn't help but go back to the earlier days.

The earlier days, being when my mom was still around. I remember when Walter would come around our house. At that point it was just my mom and I. I was around eight and dad had been gone since I was two. Mom had become a Jehovah Witness and was a fanatic to say the least.

To the point that I wasn't allowed to watch Harry Potter as a little girl. When I tried to explain to my mom that J.K Rowling was not only a woman, but believed in God, she scoffed, saying that someone who believed in God couldn't write stories about Wizards.

But when Walter came around, everything was different. My mom was a new person. She couldn't care less about the things that I wanted to watch. All of the focus was shifted onto Walter. And you couldn't blame her. Walter had this classic look about him. He was always in suit, wore big glasses, had a cigar in his mouth, spoke like Frank Sinatra, and was as sweet, kind, and generous as a saint.

Whenever he walked through the front door, he would take her hand and twirl her around. He then would crouch down to me, give me a high five, and then pullout whatever gift that he had for me. He and mom would then go off into another room apparently doing some rather wild activities. Sometimes there would only be laughter. Sometimes, there would be yelling. I believe that I heard some glass shatter a few times. In the moment the dynamics of their relationship didn't make much sense to me. He would come, stay for the weekend. Sometimes, just one night. Then he was gone for four to six months, and this cycle would go on over again.

They did, however, enjoy going out. They both loved the Lima night scene. Mom liked just going out and dancing. For Walter I had to imagine that he was trying to relieve his past in someway. Maybe mom looked like someone he dated in Lima back in the 70s. Either way, they would roll out to clubs as though they were king and queen. With Walter at her side, mom sure did feel like one.

Before going out, mom loved to put on music. She loved 70s and 80s style music. The music

felt more "serious" she would always say. From where I was sitting, the music just sounded very old fashioned, yet groovy. I could see how she would like to dance to it. The beats normally invited at least a turn of the hips.

The air began to feel drier as we drove into Huancayo. The skies, blue as the ocean with a streak of clouds passing through. Living in Peru was like living in a painting. Each waking moment with filled with a beauty that was just infused into the atmosphere. Whenever you turned your head, you were surrounded by landscapes that were here long before you were conceived. It was an awe inspiring, at least when I thought about it.

I could see La Inmaculada church just off into the distance. I can't even remember how long it has been since I have been here. This town just had the spirits thing about it. Walking through, you could feel that the energy was different. That untold histories were kept right around us, and we had no clue. As if people here weren't clueless enough.

"We're here!" Matthew said as he pared the car. We all exited as I paused a moment to take it all in. People have told me about getting a feeling that your life was about to change. I got that when I found out that I was going to the kids. I was having that right now.

Walking into La Inmaculada church down the pews, I felt like I was walking down memory lane. I could feel all the other Peruvian girls that had been forced to be inside the church on any given Sunday. Having to stare at the artistry and while you were amazed by its conception, it's vividness of violence was alarming.

"Welcome searchers." A priest said, almost seemingly standing there, waiting for us to walk right down to him.

"Father." Matthew started. "We humbly come requesting that you exercise any Demons out of this young woman.

The Priest walked down to me , took my hands and looked into my eyes. After peering into me, he smiled and put my hands down. He got back up and stood in front of as though he was going to give a sermon. I have never been apart of anything like this before, but I was already beginning to have cold feet.

"Fiorella." The Priest said. "I remember you."

��You do?" I asked, shocked. "But it's been so long."

"One never forgets such a gentle soul. I doubt this, but does father Baldomero ring a bell?"

"Oh my…gosh" I let out, looking back at Alois and Angelica.

"How has your mother been?" Father Baldomero asked.

"She is no longer with us father."

"I'm sorry to hear that. It appears that she did however raise a strong, independent woman."

"She did her best ya know?"

"My child, is there anything that I can do for you?"

Now sitting inside father Baldomero's office where even more eccentric religious imagery was, I couldn't help but think back to all those horror movies that I've seen. Yes, the Excorist was a given. But also the last exorcism, sinister and others that were way more wacked out than any of the older films. Who knows how accurate those movie people were getting it on set? Hell, it might have been the real thing.

"Fiorella, are you okay?" father Baldomero asked as he rejoined us, easily sensing my tension.

"Yeah father, I'm fine."

"Don't look at this as though it was any kind of big moment." Father reassured me. "We're simply going to do what everyone on the planet needs to do in one shape or form."

"What would you call that?" Matthew asked.

"Getting to the truth of who they are."

Father Baldomero instructed me to go and lay down on the bed. Standard horror movie stuff. I was then told to close my eyes. As to be expected. Laying there, I began to wonder if I was really a Demon, what would that mean for me? Demons were considered to be huge threats and were killed at sight. All Demons lived down in the sewers. Imaging life living in the sewers, a

life without Alois and Angelica, was unbearable to me. Father Baldomero had to do something.

"In the Name of Jesus Christ,

our God and Lord,

strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin


Mother of God,

of Blessed Michael the Archangel,

of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and all the Saints.

and powerful in the holy authority of our ministry,

we confidently undertake to repulse the attacks and

deceits of the devil.

God arises;

His enemies are scattered

and those who hate Him flee before Him.

As smoke is driven away,

so are they driven;

as wax melts before the fire,

so the wicked perish at the presence of God.

V. Behold the Cross of the Lord, flee bands of enemies.

The Lion of the tribe of Juda, the offspring of David,

hath conquered.

May Thy mercy, Lord, descend upon us.

As great as our hope in Thee.

We drive you from us,

whoever you may be,

unclean spirits,

all satanic powers,

all infernal invaders,

all wicked legions,

assemblies and sects.

In the Name and by the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ, + may you be snatched away and driven from the Church of God and from the souls made to the image and likeness of God and redeemed by the Precious Blood of the Divine Lamb."

I laid there in the middle of a cold silence. Right about to express doubt, blood rushed from my head to my toes. I can only describe this as the feeling you get after you've that first one drink

too many. Literally, I was losing touch with myself. The sense of where I began and I where I met the surface was fading away.

Next thing that I knew, I was stuck in darkness. Feeling around, light came on. I looked over to the opposite side of the room and there stood me. Yes. Me. At least, a figure that looked smack like me. Same black hair, red lips, curves, peach like skin, hazel eyes. What changed was his posture and the look inside her eyes. She looked like a straight up bitch.

"You made it." The wannabe me said.

"What is going on?"

"How do you not know? You're the one that agreed to this. I'm getting summoned."

"So, what does that mean for me?"

"At the moment, there is no you. There is only me."

"Demonic spirits I call on you, speak!"

"I'm here!" The wannabe me said.

"Stop it!" I cried out.

"Oh, they can't hear you." The wannabe me said.

"Can you not taunt Fiorella?!?" Father Baldomero commanded.

My up body began to rise up as my head cocked towards father Baldomero. Matthew was right behind with Alois and Angelica long gone, far away from the craziness of all this.

"First you bother me and then you tell me what I can and cannot do? You must be a cheap date too."

"Stop talking like that!" I shouted.

"Just sit back and relax."

"Demon, how long have you apart of this realm?" Father Baldomero asked.

"How long has Christopher Columbus Day been around?"


"I have been of this earth for 335 years."

"How long have you been inside of young Fiorella?"

"Since birth."

"What?" I couldn't help but let out.

"Did you come from her mother?"

"That isn't how it works?"

"Well then how does it work?" Matthew interrupted.

"Who is that heathen?"

"Young man." Father said.

"My apologies. Didn't mean to step on any toes."

"Demon, what is your name?"


I heard nothing for more than a moment. Amy seemed like a normal name to me. What was the cause of all this. I looked over at Amy, or the figure that was presenting itself as Amy and saw this devilish smile stay planted on her face as she rubbed her hands together. There was no way that she was a part of me.

"You're not Amy…"

"Just said I am."

"Who are you?!?" I exclaimed.

"I'm an angel."

"Father., is this true?"

"Fiorella, she is a fallen angel."

"A fallen angel?"

"That Demon is the damn president of hell." Matthew said, feeling his tension relived from holding his tongue for so long.

"Excuse me?"

"What?" Amy asked, as though my reaction was out of the ordinary. Someone how to run hell, don't they?"

"How did you get inside me?!?"

"Now that's personal."

"Demon! I command you to leave the body of Fiorella Sanchez at once!"

Father Baldomero made a loud noise as there was a pause. I looked over to Amy. Nothing happened. She was there, with what was now just her resting devil face and me, not having a single clue as to who I was. To think, that this whole time, I had a Demon with me every step of the way. It was never about going out late, going to prom, getting a fake I.D or getting a good job. It was always about the Demon inside me.

"Try again." Amy said.

"What's going on?" Matthew asked, as the concern in his voice raised.

"Amy! I command you to leave in the name of Christ!" My body had a jolt, more like an electric current go through it. It must have been what Benjamin Franklin went through. Everything inside of me was shook up and thrown around. Amy though, persisted. Normally in the movies when things like this happened, that spelt bad news for the heroes of the story.

"Are you trying to tear the girl's body?" Amy asked.

"What is she doing?" Mathew questioned.

"She has been able to permanently attach herself to Fiorella."

"More like she has interwoven her soul into hers."

"Is this enough?" Amy asked. Can I go back to sleep?"

"Be gone Demon!" Father Baldomero yelled.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Amy!" I shouted. "Why…why me?"

Amy looked at me with as that said, "oh poor thing". She was the most apex of apex predators that I had ever came across. The sheer coldness that she gave off was immense. Mixed in with the pure joy that was captured by her soul with each unsavory act of defiance that she took apart of. There was not an ounce of her that bled the blood of humanity.

Darkness filled the area again as I was consumed by it. The feelings of a past that I had no idea about came through me. No visions, no places, no people. Just the feelings of a past that occurred. A past that had occurred that did not belong to me. It was reaching it's arms out to get me as though it wanted to have its last opportunity to see light.

"Fiorella?" Father Baldomero said. "Are you with us?���

Coming to, it was father Baldomero and Matthew in the room with me once again. I looked around and felt my senses. All of my life I have felt more of someone who went with the flow. Whatever happened, I would rock with it. It's how I have two twins without a father raising them. But now, there was something that I was ready to find out what was hiding behind the life that I had lived.

I want to grab onto the hand of that fading that was once felt.

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