
PoM Chapter 1 (Annette)

~(Edited and Rewritten January 20th 2021)~

Annette sighed as her personal butler continued to talk about the ancient Greeks in his boring monotone voice. She doodled some random drawings on a piece of paper with her pencil, barely listening to what he had to say. An airplane, a dog, and a girl talking to her friends. Annette wished she was in the last doodle. Her parents were Charlotte and Matthew Adam, famous fashion designer and model. So basically they were millionaires, which believe it or not, Annette hated. She was homeschooled by her butler and never got to go outside their mansion gates. The only time she was allowed out was with a bodyguard and even then she was modeling fashion her dad designed. She hated fancy clothes and bows. Annette would kill to wear her favorite hoodie and jeans. Sitting next to her hardly listening as well was her twin brother Scott. He looked like her, messy blonde hair, brown eyes, and a look of boredom. Scott was petting his Mini Australian Shepard he named Spot. Spot was gray, white, and absolutely adorable. The cute dog had grabbed a ball and placed it on Scott's lap, but it was ignored.

"Miss Annette can you tell us which Greek god is the king of all the gods?" The butler asked, he had a french accent and a fancy mustache.

"Zeus is the lord of the universe and god of the sky, so henceforth he is king to the other gods." Annette answered, bored. 'Sir Butler' nodded and went back to his lecture. Annette thought about what life would be like if she and Scott were regular kids at a regular school with regular parents. She would be in a classroom sitting next to her friends, laughing. She would be wearing her favorite clothes and her hair would be shorter. They'd make fun of the teacher behind their back and have piles of homework. Finally after what seemed like eternity their lecture was over and Scott picked up Spot's ball.

"Come on Spot let's go play!" Spot wagged his tail and barked. They ran to the back door to play outside, leaving Annette behind. Spot was the only friend Scott had, she didn't have any friends, animal or human. She gathered up her drawings and pencil to head to her room. The butler stopped her,

"Remember you two have a modeling session later tomorrow." He said and walked off. Annette felt anger rising and stormed to her room. Slamming the door she threw her papers in the garbage can and flopped onto her bed. Her room was big and spacious. The walls were painted pink, which she hated, and she had a queen sized bed that she landed on. Sure it was comfy but she couldn't stay in her room too long without getting sick. Annette ripped the pink bow out of her hair and chucked it at the wall. It landed gingerly on the ground instead of the garbage where it belonged. She screamed into her pillow, why couldn't she just have a normal life?! Instead they had to model stupid fancy clothes every week. She got up and looked out the window to watch Scott and Spot play fetch. She could see beyond the tall bushes surrounding their mansion. Annette watched as a yellow school bus stopped and kids came bursting out it's doors. Two boys threw a football back and forth on their way home while the girls talked to each other and laughed. Watching them made her feel sad, so she walked away from her window and to her closet. Her favorite clothes were still hidden at the back of the closet full of dresses. After closing the closet she grabbed a book and began to read. After a while of that she got bored and turned on some music. She had a mix on spotify she named 'Rebellious.' She had good songs on there like Seven Nation Army (Glitch Mob remix), and Pretender. She sat listening to the first song listed and watched the sun set outside her window. Soon it was dark and Scott came in with Spot. She heard his door shut across the hallway and got an idea. What if she and Scott just ran away? They had enough allowance to run off and still be able to supply for their needs! She turned off her music and crept across the hallway to Scott's room. She knocked on the door and a head peeked out. He saw Annette and let her in. Scott's room was a sorta dark blue color and he had a black bed frame. Annette liked Scott's room more than her own, and Scott didn't blame her.

"What's up?" He asked, his voice was a bit high but was getting lower. His voice was in an awkward stage in its development which got funny at times. Annette crouched down to pet Spot.

"Scott I just got an amazing idea! We should run away."

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