
Chapter 7 - Tonight I’m On My Knees

The moonlight streaming in through the skylights refracted off the rippling water of the pool. Shades of blue and green, even purple, danced across the walls and the ceiling.

Kyle arched his back in pleasure, staring at the stary night sky above him, his warm chocolate eyes glazed over in ecstasy.

"Mmm… yeah, baby," he moaned, rocking his hips back and forth. All around him, the ripples and waves crashed against each other, creating a miniature tempest around the two of them.

"Oh, fuck... fuck yeah, baby. Shit- Don't stop, don't-" he called out, burying his fingers deeper into Sam's chestnut curls, and the water splashed over the edges of the pool in time with the rhythm of his hips. 


Below the surface of the water, Sam had begun to think that maybe a blowjob in the pool wasn't such a great idea. 

At first, she had been excited to see if she could do it. That's not to say that she wasn't confident in her abilities, but she was curious to find out if she could get Kyle off before she needed to come up for air.


She didn't expect that not only would she run out of air, but the asshole wouldn't let her come up out of the water.

Fighting her body to keep from gasping a lung full of water to soothe the crushing feeling in her chest, she pushed against the boy's thrusting hips. However, the lack of oxygen made her weak, and her attempts to free herself proved futile. 


She tried poking the kid to get his attention, but he was too far gone in the moment to notice, and the resistance from the water was too much to allow her to slap or punch him, particularly in her weakened state.


Kyle's hands were wrapped too tightly in her brown curls, clearly misinterpreting her desperate struggles, so unable to get away, Sam simply soothed herself with the notion that the kid had to be close to getting off by this point.

'I can hold out a bit longer,' she thought. 'I hope...'

"Ung… Ah! Cumming!" Kyle grunted, suddenly pulling her head tight against his pelvis as he found his release.

"Oh. My. God! You were so right," he breathed, pulling her up gently by the shoulders. "That was amazing!"

He beamed at Sam, holding her at arm's length to get a better look at her face, but she made no move to lift her head or meet his gaze. 

"Hey," he prodded, his voice filled with concern. He knew he'd been a bit rough at the end there, but he was trying to hurry so that the girl wouldn't have to hold her breath for too long. Apologetically he asked, "You okay? Was that too much?"

Gently Kyle tilted her head back, but the look on the face of the woman in front of him and the limp way her head lolled on her neck instantly sent a chill down his spine.


"Shit!" He rushed her to the side of the pool and pulled her unresponsive body out of the water. He laid her on her back, his hands running frantically through his wet hair, trying frantically to figure out what to do. 

Sam's bloodshot eyes stared vacantly at the ceiling, and her pouty lips had already turned blue, her lifeless body looking cold and empty as she lay on the tile floor bathed in moonlight.


"Why the fuck didn't you come up for air?" Kyle raged, forgetting for the moment that he was the one holding her under while he satisfied himself. 

In his panic, Kyle tried to remember what he'd seen on TV and in movies about drowning victims, but the methods used are often incorrect and outdated, and he didn't know the first thing about the proper way to perform CPR.

The boy bounced on her chest and breathed into her mouth, but nothing he did was of any use. Sam's breathless body continued to lay deathly still no matter how hard he tried to revive her.


"I don't know what I'm doing! Please wake up!" Kyle begged as he shook her, pleading to god that she wasn't beyond saving. As he pressed harder and harder on her chest, he suddenly felt a sickening pop, and the resistance against his hands caved in a little. Water mixed with a thick white substance oozed out of her mouth, and suddenly Kyle felt the urge to vomit.

Rushing to the edge of the pool, he immediately emptied his stomach, tears streaming down his face. She couldn't be dead! There had to be something else he could do!


Snatching up his previously discarded shirt to wipe his face, a light suddenly lit up behind the boy's eyes. Kyle rushed over to his pants to get his phone and dialed emergency services as he moved back to Sam's side, and cradling her in his arms, he waited for help to arrive.



With a faintly amused smile on her face, Sam watched from the sidelines as the scene unfolded before her. She chuckled as the kid struggled clumsily to get her out of the water, almost falling back into the pool himself. 


"How adorkable," she said, her voice soft and indulgent.


"Why the fuck didn't you come up for air?" she heard him cry out.


"Because your dumb ass didn't let me, moron," she replied snarkily. Just because he couldn't hear or see her didn't mean she had to stop mocking him.

Sam had immediately recognized that this was an out-of-body experience, and, after watching the boy fumbling around like an idiot, she was reasonably confident that she wasn't going to make it. Still, she didn't feel any deep sense of loss or regret.

Mostly she just thought the whole thing was kind of funny.


Kyle was screaming expletives and fumbling all over the place, and Sam just couldn't help chuckling at the sight. He really was a cute kid. It was just too bad that he'd probably never look at a swimming pool the same ever again.


When he started begging her to wake up, her heart throbbed a little. Suddenly feeling somewhat guilty, she thought to herself, 'I hope he doesn't get into too much trouble for this.'


It was her idea, after all, so she certainly didn't like the thought that her last act in life would be to ruin someone else's. After all, the kid was only 18, practically a newborn in the world of adults. Something like this could follow him around for a lifetime.


As Sam watched Kyle running towards his clothes, presumably to flee the scene, she let out a half-hearted sigh. At least the kid was smart enough to get out of there. Without security cameras, as long as his DNA and fingerprints weren't already in the criminal database, he'd probably get away clean. 

It wasn't as if anyone would fight for justice on her behalf anyway.

Suddenly a smooth baritone voice sounded behind her, causing her to jump. "You're taking this all rather well. That man killed you. Shouldn't you be upset?"


"Wha-" Sam whipped her head around to locate the source. When her eyes landed on the figure behind her, they widened in surprise.

He was tall, around six feet, and although he was slim, he was anything but lanky. His perfectly tailored suit was as dark as the sky outside. 

The man's violet eyes glowed at her from behind the thin circular frames that were perched on a long angular nose, and slim yet shapely lips formed a stoic line across his face. 

'Teacher~ I've been bad~.'

An image of a classroom sprung into Sam's mind, and she imagined the man before her, holding a pointer while she bent over his desk, wiggling her ass provocatively as she awaited his punishment.

She was practically drooling at the thought.


"Ahem..." the man cleared his throat, pursing his lips as if he had just eaten something sour. He looked askance at her, clearly uncomfortable.

"You are Samuel Howard Connors, age twenty-three, height five foot two, weight 110 pounds. Correct?" It was more of a statement than a question, and there was an uncompromising quality to his silky voice that made Sam's nether region quiver with lust.


"I'll be whoever you want me to be, baby," she said, brazenly moving towards him and running her finger down his chest towards his waist. Deftly she hooked a finger under his belt and used it to draw their hips together.

The man, or more accurately, the system, backed quickly away, choking on his tongue. In all his millions of years, Alpha 7419 had never encountered someone so shameless.

His voice cracked, and his face turned bright red as he stammered, "Wh-what are you doing?"

"What do you want me to do?" Sam asked, refusing to back down, following him step for step, right up to the wall. As he turned his head in an attempt to increase the distance between them despite there being no more room to retreat, she giddily thought to herself, 'Oh ho, he gets even cuter when he's flustered!'

'This is my host?' the alpha system wondered, aghast. Feeling incredibly wronged and with tears in his eyes, Alpha 7419 silently complained to the creators, 'What happened to maximum compatibility?'

Fortunately, he was equipped with a secondary avatar that was promised to ease system-host relations, so after calling up the guide data in his mind, he quickly changed to his other form.

There was a sudden poof of smoke, causing Sam to take a step back in surprise. The man she had just been pressing against the wall had disappeared, and standing on its hind legs where he had been only a moment ago was a tiny black bunny.

Sam: Cute~

Alpha 7419: ...

Why do I feel like the whole multiverse has suddenly turned against me?

"Eeek!" Sam shrieked happily as she bent down to scoop up the little guy. She rubbed her face against his soft fur, sighing happily. "Haah, you're so cute and soft." 


The AI who had just turned into a bunny was not sure he liked this situation any better than the last. 


'I wonder how serious they are about the non-negotiable nature of changing the avatar's base settings...'

Well, at least the look in Sam's eyes had become slightly less perverse, so he supposed it was a somewhat positive change. 

"Samuel-" the alpha system started in an attempt to get back to business, but the girl's attention had already wandered back to the scene at the edge of the pool.

"Wait, what is that idiot still doing here?" Sam's eyes were locked on Kyle, who was currently standing over her body and talking to someone on the phone.

Before long, she heard the wailing of sirens and saw the flashing of red and blue lights.

"Oh my god," Sam placed a hand over her face in frustration. Even though it was useless, she still shouted, "Run, you moron! You are so getting arrested right now!"


The small ball of fluff in her arms looked up at her face, puzzled, as she cursed the man who had inadvertently killed her for not fleeing the scene. "You really are quite strange. Why don't you want him punished?"


"Huh? Oh, well," she stammered slightly, feeling a teensy bit embarrassed. "It's not like he's gonna start making a habit of drowning girls in random swimming pools. Besides, who doesn't want to go out while doing the nasty?"

"And the fact that your life is over, that's just, inconsequential?" Alpha 7419 asked, flabbergasted. What was up with this person? 

Sam shrugged dismissively. With a sigh and a mournful shake of his head, the alpha system decided that rather than quibble over matters of life and death with this incredibly odd individual, it would be best to get back to the issue at hand.


Clearing his throat, he put on the most tolerant expression he could manage as a bunny and politely suggested, "Since the situation over there seems to be resolved, perhaps we can discuss our matters."

"Huh? Did you say something fluffy-kins?" Sam was absentmindedly stroking the soft fur on the alpha system's back, still very much caught up in the scene on the other side of the pool.

This situation was just too frustrating for a system that prized efficiency and order as much as Alpha 7419. While Sam was distracted, listening to the cop's interrogation, he tried to wiggle his way out of her arms, but she simply tightened her grip on him, restricting his movements.


"...and you just didn't realize that the man blowing you might need to come up for air at some point?" The voice of the police officer who was questioning Kyle wafted over. Gritting his teeth, he did his best to be sympathetic toward the young man, if only to make things go more smoothly, but he just couldn't believe the stupidity of kids these days.


"I didn't even know her name!" Kyle wailed, ignoring the question. He sounded pathetic and heartbroken, but a second later, he paused his cries to squint his swollen eyes at the police officer. With a dazed look on his tear-stained face, he asked, "Wait, did you just say man? As in, she's a dude?"

Sam laughed heartily at Kyle's expense. "Ha! Serves you right, you ass. Don't you know better than to assume someone's gender?"

Despite a slight feeling of discomfort in her soul, she didn't let Kyle's reaction get to her. Being genderfluid had always had its ups and downs, and, although she'd been known to bend a few straight rods in her time if her lover couldn't handle her feminine side, then the relationship was already doomed to fail.

Then again, most people who liked her in drag were only after sex, so they weren't precisely relationship material either.


"Well, what now?" she asked the bunny in her arms. Her good mood had wained somewhat, and she preferred not to dwell on unpleasantness, so Sam decided it was time to move on. "I'm over peeping on my crime scene. I feel like some kind of creepy stalker and not even the fun kind."

Alpha 7419 got a vague mental image of what she meant by 'the fun kind' and had to suppress a shudder. Did this person ever think about anything besides copulation? 

Honestly, he didn't know what kind of awful mixup had happened with the system in charge of compatibility checking, but clearly, something was wrong. How did such an upstanding, morally upright system such as himself get matched with this... sex fiend?


The bunny in Sam's arms had been quiet for a while now. Feeling a bit impatient, she poked him directly in the ear. "Hey, you're like a grim reaper or something, right? Here to take me to the afterlife? I'm ready to move on or whatever, so let's go."

Our host and system have finally met!

What do you think? Was the matching a mistake or is there something deeper there?

Thanks for the power stones you guys~<3

If you keep this up I may have to go back to doing daily updates, lol. You make me feel so motivated!

Silly_Foxcreators' thoughts
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