
Chapter 7

Upon entering the first floor of the Dungeon, Vie saw the familiar sandstone walls.

A few cold shivers ran through his back when, reaching the first turn, he noticed a patch of wall which he had hit the day before as a result of the mummified monster's blow. This also confirmed Vi's theories about the dungeon. The floors do not change for him, the layout of the rooms is the same as before. By no means the beginning of the floor that he managed to explore remained unchanged.

(Viego)-We meet again. Poopenhamon . I mean, I don't know if you're the same. But your predecessor or you....Eeeee...Okay...Let's get started.

Viego faced the first opponent again. Which was the mummy. On a previous visit to the Dungeon, this is where Viego received his first serious injury. And he wanted to say some cool line to act like a Badass from anime or games. However, during his speech, he began to think too hard. Which made him get lost with his own words.

Then Viego remembering the monster's general range of motion. He used a simple tactic, first he slowly walked straight at the monster. Who was walking slowly towards him. At the same time, he was ready to make a quick defense with the shield in his left hand.

Viego paid great attention to the distance between them and waited for the moment when the mummy would start to attack. Because as he had seen the day before. Once the mummy makes an attack, it cannot be interrupted. And because the monster swings not only his arm, but his whole body. It's when Viego managed to dodge the blow that he has a few seconds to get behind the monster's back. And launching the attack, consisting of multiple cuts to key places like the shoulder joints to prevent future attacks. If the finish fails on the planned next move. Which is when the Mummy makes a missed attack before turning around and trying to make another attack. He needs to straighten out. And Viego waits for the moment to straighten up to make a straight slash to the head of the Monster that has proven to be his weak spot. Viego didn't quite know why. He remembered that Pharaoh's organs had been removed and he shouldn't have had a brain. However, it is a monster. Not a magically reanimated corpse. So maybe the monster has such an organ.

An interesting fact about this monster is that the back part of the skull is really weak in terms of strength, unlike the central front part of the head.

The situation was identical with the next single monsters. But. Several times, Viego missed the finishing blow with his sword. However, in that case, he simply distanced himself from the monster. And repeated the process.

In the fight against Viego's two opponents, he changed his strategies a bit. Viego knew that in the future he would have to climb this floor as quickly as possible. Not only because he will have to do it many times when he wants to go to the upper floors. But because he didn't know if it was possible to skip already cleared floors.

The strategy against the two was really simple in execution. If the two Mummies have their backs to Vi, then it's much simpler. Viego closes the distance in the shortest possible time and sends one to the ground with a simple kick. And immediately he backs away, and he puts some distance between himself and the monster. Before the second monster rises to its feet. He will defeat the first by a proven simple method. And when the other gets up and heads towards Viego. Around the time Viego lands the finisher on the first monster. Viego will easily adapt to dealing with a druim. And he will easily defeat the last monster of the two opponents.

Before Viego came across the first 4 man group of monsters. He took a short break because even though he hadn't been hit once so far. Twice he was lightly scratched on the chest, which did not injure him. However, there was a severe scratch on his breastplate, and several cuts were made in the leather of the breastplate. Which in the long run can turn into a really serious breach of the breastplate coating. And the protection of his chest will be severely weakened.

Sitting against the wall of the Dungeon, Viego tried to remember if he'd seen a fabric store in the vicinity of the Dungeon or the Tavern. And I'm sure there were a few more, but he couldn't remember at the moment. The idea is to combine his broken breastplate with scraps of leather or other material. This would not only allow him to save funds, but if he would buy a raw material of better value. He could get more with less cash.

Because for the price of regular leather armor, his armor is leather armor with metal reinforcements. The price of this product includes not only the price of leather that the craftsman has to pay to make armor. But valuable to all other materials like the metal used in the fortifications. To this value should be added roboćizne, i.e. a certain amount of money added to the final price of the goods so that the craftsman could earn on producing this good. And if the armor is bought in shops belonging to the Familia, for example, to the Hephaestus family. The aforementioned valuable armor still has to increase by an additional margin. That is, the amount that is a profit for the family.

And this, in short, explains the cosmic prices of armor and other things.

(Viego)-Only this method must remain a secret. After all, if I show up in the city with armor made of rare resources. I might draw unwanted attention to myself, and right now I don't want to. So he can... make a makeshift roast. Burn the mark on the armor and if anyone asks, you have a craftsman friend. Okay...I'll do that. Just a matter of buying wire...then a torch and trying something.

After a short fruitful rest and drinking the water taken in the waterskin . Viego moved on to fight the first group of 4 monsters.

This is where he ended up last time. But right now, Viego doesn't feel like it. And he thinks carefully about his actions, taking into account the location of the opponents.

The monster grips in the Dungeons, unfortunately, are quite difficult for one person to overcome. Especially when he doesn't know ranged spells, nor is he armed with a bow. Viego plans to buy a bow and quiver at the earliest opportunity. Having in mind a specific Assassin from video games, who used not only melee weapons, but also ranged weapons.

However, at the moment he did not have at his disposal, not even a knife that he could throw. So he took a different strategy. Monsters in Dungeons have something called herd instinct. He didn't know if they were all, but looking at the Mummies he had dealt with so far. Mummies definitely belong to the monsters that fit into this group.

If they walked in even two rows, close to each other. It was enough to push two from behind to topple the group. However, the gaps between the monsters are too wide. And in order to push the monster, it would have to be done under the angle so that it hits the opponent in front of it. But the same would have to be done with his companion who walks a considerable distance beside him. That's why Viego bet on the most risky and stupid strategy.

Well, Viego quickly shortened the distance between him and the first monster from the right. And he hit the back of the head with all his might. And when the monster disappeared leaving the loot on the floor. Viego quickly retreated as the three other monsters rushed towards him. Fortunately, Mummies are slow and mindlessly rush towards it to attack. Viego guessed that fighting the undead of this type was just that. Slow movements but strong punches.

Viego then tried to direct the monsters to follow the wall.

It was more time-consuming, but after walking with three monsters several meters. The monsters walked in a straight line along the wall. Then he changed the distance between them by walking backwards. To keep an eye on the monsters and be ready to make a move.

Another tactic Viego had in mind. There was hitting the front of the monster's head, after all, its sword is longer than the monster's attack range. However, as mentioned earlier, the front part of the Mummy's head is really sturdy. And the back of the head is the weak point. So Viego waited for the right moment and ran at Viego's high speed past the three monsters. To the end, before the monsters turned on him. He would perform a blow to the back of the head on the monster standing at the end.

Then the situation repeats itself, one with fewer monsters. And when there are two left, then he knocks one to the ground and finishes off the last two monsters separately.

This tactic allowed Vi to defeat four more monster groups of four and several smaller ones. In this way, Viego fought a lot of monsters for the next two hours. Until he noticed, to his surprise, one monster behind one of the corners. And it wasn't a boss, according to the information I heard. The boss appears in special chambers. And the single one was almost at the end of the first floor. And this monster was standing at the end of the corridor, right in front of a huge door made of sandstone. On the surface of which you could see a hielogrif depicting a creature that somewhat resembled the God Ra from Egyptian mythology.

However, the monster details the entrance to the Boss' chamber. He didn't look very friendly. The previous monsters looked pretty simple compared to him. Those earlier monsters were just mummified corpses all dressed in bandages and only the holes for the eyes and mouth were something interesting about the whole styling.


The monster standing at the end of the corridor was really interesting. Unlike its earlier predecessors, this repeat. It had more bare spots through which greenish skin could be seen. The bandages seemed to be loose and torn in some places, and the shreds held together in some mysterious, incomprehensible way. Unlike the usual representatives of Mummy monsters. This particular one was wearing armor, Egyptian armor to be exact. however, not the whole armor, but only the upper part of the breastplate, which looked as if a round gold plate had been driven into someone's head, so that his head stuck out. And the rest of the "golden plate" was refined to fit the body and cover the shoulders and upper ribs.

However, despite this partial breastplate. The chest is exposed, revealing loose bandages and fragments of green flesh. At the waist, the monster wears a golden hip protector with a rectangular cloth covering its crotch. The mummy also has leather leg gaiters, rectangular cloth under the knees, sandals and gold shoulder straps. But above all, the most important thing is the armament of the monster. The mummy has golden nails, or rather metal blades applied to the tips of the fingers. Turning the monster's hands into the gilded claws of a hyena or a cat.


And the last most crucial feature of this monster is the fact that it had no eyes. I mean they were bandaged. Not like the previous monsters. Where the eye sockets were visible and the orbs of light within them. The fact that the monster is blind is the fact that the monster turned around several times and looked around. And many times he turned his face in his direction. But even so, he didn't attack, as if he hadn't seen him.

The final feature of the monster is its oversized mouth that opens wide and makes disgusting and terrible noises.

Viego didn't know how to fight it, because the movements of this monster are more violent than those of a regular Mummy. So it's not that simple, but Viego decided to test the theories that came to his mind. This monster is clearly rare or Miniboss. It's dry, that's the theory. Which he decided to check in a simple way. Viego retreated a bit further into the Dungeon so as not to alarm the monster. And using the pommel of his sword, he chipped off a piece of sandstone brick from the wall of the dungeon. And he returned to his former place, now clutching a palm-sized stone in his left hand.

The miniboss was now standing right by the door, in the middle of the width of the corridor. So Viego decided to throw a stone on a wall 4 meters away from the monster and diagonally across its current position.

(Viego)-,,1,2,3,4,5...fuck"-Think Viego

When Viego hit the wall with a rock. The miniboss attacked the wall with truly terrifying speed. The monster thoughtlessly charged at the wall at high speed and began to scratch or make multiple quick attacks against the wall. For exactly five seconds before he mindlessly stopped and started moving slowly down the hall, but not too far from the door.


When Viego looked at the wall that the miniboss attacked, he saw a dent of about 4 centimetres, and the claw marks were clearly visible.

Viego was horrified at the prospect of being the victim of such an attack. That's why he watched the monster carefully, already knowing how to lure it. however, he tried to spot the weak spot because relying on the fact that the previous monsters had the same weak spot. Doesn't mean that this particular monster also has the same one.

After taking a close look at the miniboss. The only thing that caught Vi's eye. There were protruding tendons from between the bandages on the legs. Which, when cut, will cause the monster to lose its mobility. The colors of the tendons match the bandages, so it took a bit more time to spot them. But now Viego knew what to do. And he proceeded to obtain two stones to begin the plan.

Viego threw the first stone halfway between them on the opposite wall, he himself stood against the right wall and threw a stone on the left wall.

As the monster began to charge and attack Vi's left wall, it quickly and quietly moved to the left side and threw a rock on the right wall, but closer to its location. However, he did not throw until the monster finished its attack, which choked sound its movement.

As the monster charged to the next point, Viego quickly approached the monster. When he was in the middle of attacking the wall. And two quick cuts. Viego severed the tendons in the monster's knees, causing it to fall disoriented to the ground, hitting its head against the wall. By falling on my belly. But not disappearing, but fielders trying to attack Vie's legs with their claws. Viego received a light scratch from which blood poured out. But instead, Viego stood on the monster's back, preventing it from getting up, and the monster's hands could not reach him due to its neck armor, which severely blocked its range of motion. And Viego destroyed the monster's head with three hard blows. And after a while the monster itself disappeared.

(Viego)-Holy Shitt...I thought my heart would burst out of my chest. The motherfucker cut my legs open. whore. Now I'll have to use a bandage. Whore. Fuck tomorrow.... What's this?...

Viego noticed that the miniboss dropped in addition to 5 bandages, which was still a lot for one monster. In addition, next to the slightly larger core, there was a ruby in the shape of a scarab. Viego didn't know what it was, but it was really pretty, and Viego hoped it was worth a little more.

Viego decided not to enter the boss's chamber, but to look inside, slightly opening the door. Inside, he saw a mummy sitting on a throne, with a long staff. Whose eyes lit up as soon as he looked inside. So slightly scared Viego closed the door and headed as quickly as possible towards the exit. Praying this Boss doesn't spawn summoning mummified minibosses.

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