
Overpowered in Tokyo Ghoul World

Ray in his attempt to save a dying pigeon by the road got struck by a car. The pigeon was heartbroken to see him losing his life in this manner so when the reaper came he sacrificed his chances of ever getting born in order to bestow Ray the opportunity to live another life to the fullest. For supporting: https://www.patreon.com/tHorny_Gentleman

Horny_Gentleman · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

"Well, that's about it Kaneki Kun. We'll meet again hopefully." The bald man who had been interviewing him said while smiling but from his expression Kaneki understood that he was hinting something.

"Thank you Sir, Have a good day ahead." Kaneki said while bowing and left the room. Outside the room the next person was getting ready to be interviewed. He looked nervous so Kaneki patted him on his back as he said "You'll do well no need to be so nervous.

The person nodded at him showing his thanks and went in whereas Kaneki started walking towards the waiting exit.

All the preliminary personality related exams were done including the medicals before he sat for the final interview so after finishing the final interview just now he was going back towards his home. The result would be out in the following 3 days.

Kaneki was almost eighty percent certain that he would be selected which became a hundred percent when he finally understood the hint that the interviewer gave him at the end of the interview as a result during the rest of his journey back home he was in a sound mood.


Three days passed by without anything much happening before he finally recieved a call from the administration about his application being selected. On the merit list he was ranked 19th among the 72 people who were selected. He was very happy with the results.

The letter of recommendation gave him a time period of three days to be done with whatever he needed to do before he present himself at the academy where he would be living for the next 2 years. Kaneki did whatever he needed to do which included buying the things he would be needing there which was followed by him packing them all.

Not to forget, he tasted the whole of Rize by the end of those three days as they would most probably meet again after a long time. Rize was filled with ecstasy during these days thanks to this.

"I'll be going then Rize. Don't forget message me about the happenings at the Anteiku." Kaneki said as he was about to leave his apartment.

Rize who had been living with Kaneki during these three days nodded and said in a pitiful way "That's alright...but won't you kiss me one last time darling?"

Kaneki who was preparing to leave smiled when he heard it and pulled Rize towards him as he started kissing her neck. Rize moaned in pleasure feeling the sensation of Kaneki's lips sucking all around her neck as his warm saliva slowly dripped down from her neck.

Kaneki slowly raised it head while feeling Rize's neck finally ending it with an intense kiss on Rize's lips. The mental clarity soon set in after the kiss and Kaneki parted his lips from Rize's and the string of saliva that was in between their lips could only break because of the increasing distance.

Kaneki looked in Rize's dazed eyes which were still recovering and said while smiling "Take care Rize. Bye" and left the apartment.

Rize regained herself a few moments after Kaneki left and saw an opened doorway instead of Kaneki in front of her. She could only bit her lips in regret. She started it as a form of entertainment but didn't even in her wildest dreams she thought that she would get attached to this man so much.


Kaneki totally unaware of Rize's true feelings for him took a cab from nearby his home and was on his way to the academy.

At the entrance of the academy their was large crowd of people. Most of them were the family members of the students who would starting their journey of becoming a ghoul investigator today.

Kaneki after seeing it felt a bit nostalgic as the parting scenes reminded him of his first day of university. He still remembered his father's choking voice with which he bid him goodbye and told him to take care of himself, trying hard to suppress his tears in front of his son.

Taking slow deep breaths Kaneki calmed himself down as he blinked his eyes at a faster pace to make the tears collected in his eyes to back inside.

Kaneki increased the grip with which he was holding his luggage and started walking towards the gates of the academy. Family members were not allowed entry so after checking their recommendations letters the students had to go to the hostels on their own.

"I'm Hiroshi Nohara, Nice to meet you." A student similar in age to Kaneki who was walking close to him introduced himself.

"Kaneki Ken, Nice to meet you too Hiroshi Kun." Kaneki said. They both smiled at each and continued walking towards the direction the signs directed them towards with their luggage in hand.

After a few minutes of waiting in line they reached the reception of their dormitory. The warden was a bespectacled middle aged man who familiarised them with what they were supposed to do and then gave them their room keys.

It was due to coincidence or just for the convenience of the warden that the rooms assigned to them were just beside each other.

"Guess we'll be together for the next two years then Kaneki kun." Hiroshi said while catching his breath, tired from walking up the stairs with his luggage.

"Yep, guess it's fate." Kaneki said and after they reached their respective rooms both of them got busied with arranging it cause they didn't had much time. In the evening they had to present themselves in the courtyard where there roll count will take place.

In the evening all the students got in fall-in position as per the instructions of few seniors who were there. The warden soon came in to take the roll count. The warden apparently was a retired Ghoul Investigator from this academy something which no one would be able to guess from the gentle smile his face always carried.

The warden talked about their responsibilities as future ghoul investigators and how they all should instill the values of this profession within themselves. He ended his monologue by telling about one of his experiences as a ghoul investigators which made the bored students listen to him in interest.

The warden soon left the evening Fall-in after his speech leaving the students filled with respect and excitement for the profession which they have chosen.

Since their classes were starting tomorrow the seniors who were instructing them before didn't said much and just told them all to get a haircut by tomorrow morning by 0900hrs , which was the time for morning Fall-in.

After coming back to their rooms most students were exhausted from standing in attention position for almost an hour and couldn't help themselves from massaging their aching neck muscles with their hands.

"Good, night Kaneki Kun. Sleep well." Hiroshi while pressing his neck muscles with his hands to relieve the muscle pain told Kaneki as he yawned.

"Alright, you too." Kaneki said and entered his room. His room was already arranged by him so after freshening up he entered his bed and went to sleep.

The next day they all woke up at 5 in the morning thanks to the loud hooter and after freshening up went to the saloon as was instructed by their seniors yesterday night.

At 0900hrs Kaneki was in the morning Fall-in with rest of the students in their uniform. The army cut which now they all were in further increased their uniformity. After the roll count they all went to attend their classes which were starting from 0930hrs.

Kaneki didn't minded his new hairstyle. He even kind of liked it cause he no longer needed to comb his hair because they would still look presentable whether he does it or not.

The first class was 'Ghoul Physiology'. The students were taught about the ghoul's body, how normal sharp items couldn't harm them and special weapons has to be used in order to instill damage on them.

The class was quite boring for Kaneki because he didn't really care....as a result he was caught by the teacher while he was dozing off. This being the first class the teacher used Kaneki to set an example and told him to get out of the class as he unmarked his attendance.

Kaneki could only sigh. He could easily slap the shit out of this teacher but that would not be appropriate right? So he just sighed again and went out of the class.

If it was someone else they would have stood outside the class and just apologise to the teacher when the class ended and the teacher would most probably forgive them but Kaneki didn't cared. Since he told him to get out...he ain't waiting.

With that in mind Kaneki roamed around the campus taking in the view of the academy. Lucky for him the sky was also clear blue which made it more pleasurable for him.

While moving around a building Kaneki heard someone shouting as well the sound of something being hit from time to time. He couldn't control his curiosity and ended up sneakily entering the building.

What welcomed him was the sight of an middle aged who was not far from being called an old man in a few years swinging a wooden sword on a dummy.

Although the person was quite old all of his attacks were filled with strength. Even from a distance Kaneki could sense his strong aura as he kept on hitting the dummy.