
Overpowered in Tokyo Ghoul World

Ray in his attempt to save a dying pigeon by the road got struck by a car. The pigeon was heartbroken to see him losing his life in this manner so when the reaper came he sacrificed his chances of ever getting born in order to bestow Ray the opportunity to live another life to the fullest. For supporting: https://www.patreon.com/tHorny_Gentleman

Horny_Gentleman · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

'F-Fuck...my shitty luck' Ray thought to himself as his body got tossed in the air after getting hit by a car. His whole body rotated in the air a few times before slamming forcefully on the ground.


Sound of flesh crashing on the ground sounded out as Ray lost his life. His eyes still staring at a pigeon who was on the brink of death before it also succumbed to it's death.

The pigeon's whole world turned dark as it entered the doors of eternal slumber or so he thought. His consciousness was forced awake by the sounds of slow but heavy steps. The pigeon suddenly got aware of it surroundings. It was dark gloomy place but the owner of the steps was even darker. Aa a result he was able to clearly see the shadowy figure even in this dark place.

The dark figure soon arrived closer to the pigeon's soul as he said "You lived quite well little thing. Living your full life span. There are also many good things you've done accidentally in your life that ended up benefiting a lot of people as well as saving many lives. Hence we will grant you with whatever you want in your next life. Just say it."

"Huh? You said you don't want anything? Human? Oh the one that died along with you? Well it's a sad thing but his death was no accident, he lived his whole life span aswell. His death instead saved the life of the children in the school bus to which the car would have crashed. It's all fate. He'll have a better life next time."

"You say you want to transfer your reward to grant anything from us to him? Not just that? You also want him to live the best life he could? I can't do that. You're willing to sacrifice your soul for him? Are you sure? You won't be able to enter the world of living ever again. Alright, since that's your decision I'll do to it."

The dark figure waved his hand in the air and the soul of the pigeon disappeared from existence. As if it never existed.

The dark figure then started walking towards Ray soul which was just a few meters away.

Ray's soul forced awake from the steps of the dark figure. Before he could make sense of it the figure was already just a few inches away from him. "You lived a good life child. You ended up gaining good karma from the bird which you attempted to save. It wants you to live a good and content life again. Unfortunately, I can't make you live in this same world again. So tell me what kind of world would you like to live in?

"This world? Yes, it does exist. It's one of lower level worlds. Imagination of you all living beings are inspired by the world powers so what all things you imagine exists of not in your world then in other worlds. You want to become this person? Hmmm if it was any world I might not have the power but since it's a lower one I can do that for you.

"Hmm alright it will be done as you wish. Don't worry about being weak in that world. The pigeon has sacrificed all his chances to be reincarnated for you to live a content life. So you will do exactly that in this world."

Ray slowly lost his consciousness.


"Hey..Hey Kaneki?! You listening?!" Ray was soon pushed awake by someone. He looked at the person who pushed him awake. Orange hair, a headphone on his neck. He suddenly gained awareness of what was happening to him.

The person in front of him was Hideyoshi Nagachika and he was now sitting in front of him. He was in world of Tokyo Ghoul and this place would be the coffee shop 'Anteiku'.

Suddenly he heard a voice coming from the television in the store.

"Several unidentified male bodies were discovered early this morning in the Aqua Building, a commercial building located in Tokyo's 20th Ward…..."

This should be the part where the anime started.

"HELLLOOO! I'm talking to you mister!" Hide exaggeratedly waved his hand in front of Kaneki to catch my attention.

"Oh my bad Hide. I just overheard the news about the ghouls in the 20th ward and lost my attention." Kaneki said.

"Hmmmm...tch I'll forgive you. Well it started worrying me aswell but you don't need to worry. Ghouls would definitely like to feed on someone fit like me. A bookworm like you would the last in their list of food." Hide said jokingly.

"Well, that's true...I'll be depending on you to be my meat shield then Hide." Kaneki replied in a similar joking manner.

"Yes sir, private Hideyoshi Nagachika will perform his duty till his death." Hide said with a strick voice before saluting Kaneki.

After a pause they both chuckled and started laughing at it. Kaneki tried picked the cup to drink coffee but the moment he grabbed the cup it broke burning his hand.

"Ah!" He shouted out and flapped his hands involuntarily in the air a few times before realising that he didn't felt the burn...

"Kaneki!" Hide stood up from his seat and looked at his hand. Seeing that there wasn't any severe burn signs or cut from the broken cup he was relieved and scolded him. "Are you dumb or what? Who told you to grab the cup so forcefully?"

Hearing it Kaneki just said while laughing "Ahaha my bad. Sorry for worrying you."

"Excuse me sir. Can you please move a bit. I need to clean it before anyone gets hurt." A sound came from beside them. It was Touka. Kaneki and Hide both held their breaths in when they caught sight of her but they were quick at getting back to normal and quickly changed their seats after apologising to her for the trouble.

While looking at Touka for a while as she cleaned the mess Hide started the conversation. "By the way when is that girl whom you are interested in coming? Don't tell me it's her?"

As if remembering something Kaneki replied "Oh her? She should be coming soon."

"That's good then. It means I can go for that waitress." Hide sighed.

"I wish you luck." Kaneki told Hide not wanting to spoil his dreams.

Soon their new cups of coffee arrived and this time Kaneki made sure to hold it as delicately as possible. He succeded and was quite pleased with himself.

A few seconds later with a ring of the bell a beautiful figure entered the cafe. The innocent beauty of Rize was enough to charm any man. So the moment she entered she attracted the attention of both Kaneki and Hide.

"Don't tell me it's her?" Hide asked.

"Well, It indeed is" Kaneki replied.

"Forget about her man. It's too tough for you." Hide told Kaneki.

"Well, I know but I atleast need to try otherwise I would always regret not trying."

"If you say so." Hide sighed and continues "Anyway I need to go for my part time job. So meet you later. Bye!"

"Alright, bye." Kaneki replied.

After bidding Hide goodbye Kaneki leisurely finished his coffee before taking his satchel and going to the counter.

At the counter he paid for the coffee along with money for the damage he had caused but was refused by Touka. "Sir we understand that it was just an accident so you don't need to pay for the damage."

Seeing her face that showed no refusal Kaneki couldn't help but accept it. After paying for the coffee when he was about to turn towards the exit a figure suddenly bumped into him making the satchel on him fall down.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to." Rize said as she bend down to pick up his satchel and while at it didn't forget to show her cleavage to Kaneki.

The book inside the satchel was clearly visible for the eye to see so after giving Kaneki his satchel Rize said "Egg of the black goat? What a coincidence I'm currently re-reading the same book!" Rize said and continued "Are you also a fan of Takatsuki San?"

"Well, this is my first book of her so I can't say that I am." Kaneki said.

"Oh it doesn't matter. You'll definitely grow fond of her after reading this one and would end up craving for more of her works. If you're fine with it...how about going to a book shop with me on this Sunday where I can suggest to you some of her works to read later on?"

"That would be great! I'm Kaneki Ken by the way ." Kaneki said as he moved his hand forward for a handshake.

"I'm Rize Kamishiro. Nice to meet you Kaneki Kun." Rize said while shaking Kaneki's hand.

After exchanging each other's number they both went their ways. Checking today's day on his phone Kaneki realised that it was Friday today so he has one more day to wait.

He wanted to go back to his house but couldn't remember the path to his home but just when he was worrying about it a series of memories flashed in his mind making him aware of all the essentials he would be needing to live normally in this world.