

This is my first time writing This will be a time travel/post apocalyptic/superhero book maby it will be in first person. we will see what happen and how much time I put in to it i'll try to get a chapter a week

lukeofdoom · Fantasía
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2 Chs


Timmy sat alone in his room staring up at the pictures his girlfriend had drawn for him looking behind him you could see his cat sitting on the ground staring up at him. He was in ish good shape since he had started working out two months ago when he realized Someone besides his mom and family could love him and that someone could end up relying on him.

He had lived an idealistic life. Never hungry, never truly pushed to his limits, and always ignored all the drama surrounding him. Nothing could touch him except for his high social anxiety, not that he froze up around people but he could never get out what he wanted to say and because of that he spoke less and was jealous of everyone around him. He wanted to intact but even when they went on an interesting topic he might say something but everyone would ignore him Not because what he said wasn't good though sometimes it wasn't, but because he probably mumbled or he said it in a time when someone else was speaking and it wasn't a good time to say it but when he waits for a good time they move on so now he just sits and watches. Wishing he could add something of substance.