
Outerworldly Wagabonds

Outerworldy Wagabonds is an Anthology series were i wrote lore to all kind of vtuber, friends. The trick in the book is, there is an overarching story while the guest has their own stories too. You, Dear reader i want you to have a experience of storytelling that i love and want to learn some day. This book has different type of chapters: - OG, the writer's own story, with plot and characters focused on that chapter - Legacy, chapters that existed before the idea of this book - OVA, this chapter will be a Ao3 for certain reason. (don't worry it won't be a lot of this) - Guest, the usual chapter, the main character will be indicated by the name of the chapter. (The chapters aren't in chronological order, that a puzzle journey too.) This is all a fan project, for Vtubers (and my friends) to partake in an adventure. And for me to practice and get more visibility.

Niel_Darkad · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Initial End of Omnis - OG Chapter (First Chapter)

Artia Sanctia, a world which was rich in Florar and live. Optimal for life to start, civilization to start. An earthly heaven. The citizens lived in harmony with nature. By the time past, civilizations rose. Many and many cities have grown in size until it raised other problems. Habitants of Artia Sanctia discovered the concept of magic. It quickly become dual sided by pure curiosity. With healing, mending, empowering came white magic. There comes black magic as well as necromancy, mindbreak, curses.

Wars have popped up all over Sanctia. The gray magic became a common thing. In the last war, the one who stopped it was Fernicious. The aftermath of the war wasn't peace. The world of theirs became gray moral. Fernicious retired from fighting. "A gray moral peace is better than a nonstop fight between good and evil." While Azarial is his closest friend and comrade in the fight for good and peace. I was disappointed with how the world is. So I decided to change it.

The era of Omnis. A living being which purifies the morals of the world. Voiding any gray both in moral and magic. Being that, can singlehandedly order peace in the world. Only a few days from Omnis creation, the peace which they thought would be everlasting broke like a glass.

Year 1203. 25 years after the End of the Last War.

Azarial and the Pilgrims of Ordo break into the castle of Fernicious. The Pilgrims of Ordo, Azarial's personal champion, his closest friend.

They barge through the door.

"Onward! We are here to put order and peace back to Sanctia." - Azarial


The place was guarded by necrotic beasts. He is here, definitely. Azarial with the Pilgrims of Ordo fight through undead beast, until they reach Fernicious' room. When they open the door of his Grandious room. A scenery, filled with despair, has welcomed them.

Fernicious pierced through Omnis with a sword. Dragging it out when he sees the new guest. With a swift move he cleaned most of the blood from his sword. Omnis, after nothing was holding him, he fell to the ground. Laying still, motionless, without life in him.

"I didn't account for guests. Because of that, I can't serve you anything..." - Fernicious

Then he looks at the corpse of Omnis.

"Other than...." - Fernicious

He picked up Omnis and threw it to Azarial. To see his lifeless, unmoving body.

"Him.... " - Fernicious

He gave the whole group a snarky smile. Fernicious was already splattered with blood, Omnis' Blood.

"It is obvious that you all came for him. Azarial, when was the last time you all visited me, at my place?" - Fernicious


"Yeah, When Omnis rised. And what for?! To execute me! Erasing my existence from history. Because it doesn't look right that peace was brought upon our world by black magic. I fought with the side I thought was the closer one to the [good side]. You were there too. By my side." - Fernicious

Azariel signs the Pilgrims to get ready.

It seems Fernicious doesn't bat an eye.

"Kaya, It was your choice that led us here!" - Azariel

"Kaya is dead. Accept it Azarial. While we were at it, who made a bad decision? Wouldn't you be the leading member of that list? By creating the absolute good, you singlehandedly created the absolute evil. I said it was fine as it was after the Last War." - Fernicious

"Don't make me laugh about it. You meant yourself with it?"- Azarial

"You would have to easy of a job if i would be the [Absolute evil]. I have no connection to that double-sided coin that you unleashed into our world. When you put everything to one side, there is nothing left to put to the other's side." - Fernicious

"Then where is he? Where are you hiding him?!" - Azarial

"She! Azarial, she is a girl. You don't have to find her, she is Nowhere. You can thank me later." - Fernicious

"What do I need to thank you?" - Azarial

"To saving our world. Without Omnis, she can't exist in this reality." - Fernicious

"You are the one who destroys all that we once guarded and praised." -Azarial

"And you had to ruin it all, don't you, Azarial?" - Fernicious

Fernicious locks the door by remote, grabs a gun.


One of the pilgrims was shot dead. It was a hit on his temple

"Kaya, What is this for?!" - Azarial

"Clean up." - Ferni


The pilgrims jumped to hidespots. The one Fernicious targeted with the second shot was only a hit on the leg.

"Aughh. I don't like it when they move." - Fernicious

Fernicious snaps with his finger, then the dead pilgrim finishes off the injured pilgrim.

"Much better." - Fernicious


Two dead pilgrims target Azarial with their weapons.

"Azarial, Give up. You won't beat me. Your brutes won't have a chance against me. Just acknowledge that your job as a [Hero] has finished. I've done your job, so have a peaceful life in a remote peripheral place." - Fernicious

"My job only ends ...." - Azarial

Fernicious intervent Azarial

"....When i'm dead? Did I guess right? But three people don't have the chance. You know by staying now. You will die. Without defeating me." - Fernicious

"I gave my existence to some who will liberate Artia Sanctia. With many heroes from many worlds. All to fight on one side." - Azarial

"Huh.... On one side, the free will and power of making your own choice. Atleast you didn't make the same mistake again." - Fernicious

Then Fernicious looked at his old friend, the one who he knew from the age of childhood. With a warm smile.

"Azarial. Goodbye my friend!"


The messenger was a century late. That whole decade, Artia Sanctia had vanished from existence. Instead, it became Virtual Bibliotheca by the act of [The One who wished]. The messenger opened a gate at the very middle of this new reality. For champions to fight, heroes to recover once lost Ordo. For those who rather embrace perditio. To those whose life is centered around adventure.

"I am opening this gate for Outerworldy Wagabonds. They have the choice of picking a side or not to pick any. Each has their own journey, so please watch their ventures closely."

This is the first chapter of the story. But is it the start of the story or the end of it? You decide.


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