
4. The Next Day

The whole day I couldn't really focus on my job. And as a delivery driver, focus was something I really needed. As I finished my shift, all i could think about was Outcast. The game has really left an impression these past days. A game with 5 stars that features characters from a missing people case. one of which had something to do with the game itself. Why was it so highly rated but seem so suspicious? Was I just being too superstitious? I was so nervous that I even left my phone home. I was not going to take any chances of me getting kidnapped. After all, the game did not allow me to delete it. And I was not going to be smarty pants Namjoon and smash both my phone and computer. Basically the simple way to explain it was Outcast was a game *cough* Virus *cough* that added missing people as their characters. I knew for sure im not getting kidnapped.

When i got home I hopped on the game. This time however, it asked me to input the name of the character I wanted to choose. Just for fun, I entered Jung Hoseok. The thing that scared me was it said Hoseok was already in the game but someone else is using him. I entered in my name, Min Yoongi, and it had said, "still in developement". I instantly went into the chat and texted Hoseok.

Yoongi - Hoseok! What the hell! You're in the game!

Hoseok- what do you mean Yoongi im right here

Yoongi - no! it said you were already in the

game when I tried picking you as a character!

Hoseok - well whatever you saw im still here. stop panicking.

Yoongi - wait whos texting me. is it Hoseok?

Hoseok - NO. YOONGI. dont do this again. ofcourse im Hoseok

Yoongi - Prove it then. I've been to your house.

Hoseok - im just sitting in front of my conputer.

Yoongi - and? tell me more. I know your house Hobi. now explain. and when did u stop using honorifics. im older than you.

Hoseok - Yoongi HYUNG. stop accusing me of stuff. If I really wasnt Hoseok i wouldnt be texting you. and I really did forget to use honorifics. Recently ive been scared and just forgot. im sorry. dont accuse me

Yoongi - im sorry. i guess im just paranoid. stay safe though. you're the only person in the game with no missing people case. im really worried.

Hoseok - dont worry ill be fine. just make sure you keep you're paranoia down. You dont want that happening again.

Yoongi - what? what that?

Hoseok - nothing i said too much im scared thats all.

Yoongi - im still confused at why im being developed while you're in the game.

Hoseok - perhaps its because we are already on night 3 and we are ahead of everyone.

Yoongi - lets hope so. I really don't want anything bad happening. I've been getting notifications saying my characters need my help and to please return

Hoseok - dont worry about the notifications thet are probably just clickbait to get you to play.

Yoongi - I trust you Hoseok lets auto sync again

Hoseok - sure

Syncing game...

Game synced!

Choose a character....

Jimin selected!

You have 67 hp.

You also have a knife.

Game Start.