
⓪①✢ үσυ'яε тнε вεsт ғяιεη∂ α вσү cσυℓ∂ εvεя αsк ғσя

Cosmic abhorred his fiancé.

Why you'd ask ?

For one, she was such a men's lady ; always flirting with boys whenever she got the chance.

Second, if you were a boy, she would automatically underestimate you since there were things boys couldn't do that girl could.

The list could go on.

Honestly, their relationship also had begun a bit rough when they were told to be in an arranged marriage since young. Plus, they hadn't been in excellent terms upon their first meet either with their clashing personalities. All in all, it was a relationship destined for disaster.

It would be an obvious lie to say they both didn't burst into tears at the loss of their home planet, completely distraught. Honestly, it all came so suddenly. None of them expected their beloved planet to actually blow up into useless bits of rocks.

There were around a dozen of survivors out there, and they barely made it out alive. A week had passed inside their escape pod that one of the royal inventors built. During those times, they tried to live their lives normally until the elected captain located where the other royal escape pod had landed on ; Earth.

Disgustingly, the elections for the captain was rather cruel and biased.

Most of the girls didn't even bat an eyelash to let the boys join the election.

Stupid girls!

And of course, the worse candidate indeed had been given the role as captain, Starling.

Out of these survivors, the royal family had managed to send their crowned prince to survive the attack on their home from the unknown. The royal inventor placed their young prince in his own pod for safety reasons. Hence, the other survivors must hunt for their prince before something would happen to him.

More than half of the nine survivors inside their escape pod solidly accused of Cosmic's family to be the cause of their planet's destruction. They were the guard dogs of the royal family, having a secret duty to do all the hidden and harsh dirty work of the royal family. Although they weren't treated like so, Cosmic and his family was actually a direct bloodline to the Royals, and that little fact was only entertained as a possible ulterior motive. Even though boys were delicate and fragile, his father and himself were merciless and savage when it came to their job. With that history, their reputation was quite notorious.

Comic's supposed "Soulmate", or rather fiancé, even blamed his faultless being too. She hollered profanities and point an ugly finger towards him in fury, not listening to him because to her, all he had to offer was baseless excuses. His fiancé was a knight in shining armour ; the ones in front of the line if a war to arise ; the ones risking their life to protect the royals, so she had an intense strong of justice, always looking down on him for doing such disgusting tasks.

It had been weeks since their planet was pulverised, so he spent the same amount of time endure being verbally abused not only by said girl ‒ but by most of the crew. Luckily, she wouldn't dare lay a harmful hand on a boy, as she claimed, so he didn't need to fear any physical pain, for now. The only one that believed him was the royal inventor, an irreplaceable childhood friend of his.

Being quite the gentlelady though, she would always growl back in his defense whenever the rest of the girls used Inner Voices. Plus, she would effortlessly silence the boys whenever they badmouthed him behind his back. She was his true hero for his crying damsel self, not that he was a stereotypical crybaby just because he was simply a boy. Honestly though, he would married her over his real fiancé ‒ after all, she had a crush on him already.

Yes, he wasn't as oblivious as other boys to notice that tiny feature.

❝ Hey there, Cosmic. A pretty boy like you shouldn't be out alone out here by himself, ❞ said inventor purred, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Cosmic laughed softly at that, glancing back to see the dashing grin of the girl behind him. If only he could fall in love with her instead, but he was already oh so hopelessly in love with Starling. Damn these unpredictable male feelings. At the open-like deck, he stood in the middle of it as he stared at the open view of the alluring space. The sudden warmth made him feel a lot more better, especially since he came here after another fight with his fiancé.

Cosmic hummed, ❝ Hi Saros. Also, save those heart-fluttering pick up lines for your own boy. ❞

❝ I don't want one when I have a best male-friend like you~ ❞ Saros laughed, pecking his cheek like it was nothing to her. ❝ but I honestly don't mind using them on you since your idiot of a Soulmate can't comfort you. What do you even see in that bastard anyway? ❞

❝ Even I ask myself that everyday... I guess I am just a normal lovestruck boy after all, huh? ❞ Cosmic sighed gently with a small shrug of his shoulders.

Saros hushed the other, squeezing him lightly in her arms, ❝ Oh quiet, cutie. You're one special boy. Well, to me, at least. ❞

❝ Thanks, ❞ Cosmic smiled.

Soras mirrored the expression, chuckling, ❝ There's that beautiful smile! You should wear it more often. I bet so many hearts will fall for such a pretty look. ❞

❝ Don't treat me like a fair maiden. I can take you down as easily as those flirty comment leave your lips, ❞ Cosmic huffed despite the faint flush look on his face.

❝ I know, won't make that mistake. You're really a daring force to be reckoned with, ❞ Soras shook her head, turning the other in her arms. She ruffled his head and added, ❝ yet underneath all that tough act, you're still a boy too. I'll coddle you back to full health wherever your fiancé hurts you. Pafee always told me that we must treasure boys like precious jems. ❞

Cosmic sighed, glancing back at the stars behind them, ❝ Your Pafelin was a wise woman, one of the greatest knight the royal family honours with all our hearts. ❞

❝ Sometimes, I feel like I disappointed her... Her Soniswae became an inventor instead of a knight like herself, ❞ Soras mumbled, burying her face against his shoulder in what felt like shame.

Cosmic frowned at that, averting his gaze back to his best friend of many years since childhood. He was always there by her side, through thick and thin, when she battled against the seemingly implausible odds in becoming the respectable royal inventer she became today. The girl was always so aloof and cheerful around him, but he had seen her dark moments to know very well that as bright as her personality was displayed, there was still demons she always fought deep within her mind. With both hands, he cupped the female's face, forcing her to look up.

Earnestly, he muttered, ❝ Your Pafelin was so proud when you stood up for yourself, to fight for your own dreams. You persisted so many times to get her blessing despite your many fails, until you moved not just her heart but everyone else in that damn castle. Your Pafelin cried during the ceremony of your crowning as the Royal Inventiria, and no disappoinment would possibly be present in her heart for such a strict woman to shed proud tears. ❞

Soras stared into Cosmic's dark midnight eyes, seeing the small beautiful twinkles in them as he spoke. His touches was gentle and all so loving, making her melt into his hands like goo. A soft smile curled onto her lips, letting her tears fall at the heartwarming words Cosmic carefully structured. In their customs, a girl who sobbed in front of a boy was considered beyond pathetic, but Cosmic bluntly told her that he considered her to be amongst the strongest females in his planet to show such vulnerable emotions to him at times of need.

Why was Starling such an idiot ?

Didn't she knew how lucky she was to have someone like Cosmic to be your bonded Soulmate ?

If Cosmic wasn't so into Starling, Soras swore she would have long swept this angel off his feet.

❝ ...You're right, as always, ❞ Soras sighed, placing her own hands over his. ❝ Seriously. I came here to spoil my wonderful best friend rotten because he's been dealing with such a horrible situation, and here I am, getting spoiled instead. ❞

❝ Oh hush. Let a boy comfort his crybaby of a best friend, ❞ Cosmic teased with a grin.

Soras pouted, reluctantly pealing the hands off her cheeks. She then held onto the other's hands, swinging them as she cooed, ❝ But that boy's best friend wants to drown him in yummy snacks and many hugs. ❞

❝ You're the best friend a boy could ever ask for, ❞ Cosmic giggled, trapping the female in a bear hug.

Soras flashed a small smile, returning the embrace, ❝ Anything for you. ❞

Cosmic entered his bedroom after a long pamper session with Soras ‒ the same one he shared with his fiancé. What made matters worse tonight though was that Startling was the first thing he saw upon return, with her being half-naked too. Even though the sight was enough to make any boys drool, Cosmic grunted because he knew the owner had such an horrendous personality to make him feel repulsive instead. Their eyes met, and an invisible dangerous spark was exchanged between the two.

❝ Cried off to your best friend again, you crybaby? ❞ she scoffed, rubbing her wet hair.

Cosmic instantly headed off to their bed, mumbling, ❝ None of your business. ❞ He wasn't in the mood for one more fight.

He didn't get far enough to be greeted by the warm bed in open arms, not like he expected a girl who was just brawns over brain to let him sass his way out of this, because he was slammed against a nearby wall. The sudden impact was enough to make him feel a bit dizzy, causing him to let out a soft groan. Opening his midnight black eyes, he was greeted with the death glare of neon yellow ones staring back at him with hands slammed on both of his sides. Starling was imposing her dominance, using her height to further intimidate him, but no matter how much his biology strongly wanted him to cower in submission, he returned the look with an unwavering gaze.

❝ That's some shitty attitude you have there for your captain, ❞ Starling growled, as her warm breath fanning his skin.

Comic blew a raspberry onto her face, smirking, ❝ Why bother respecting someone who doesn't give a damn about respecting me back. ❞

❝ Because you're just a boy ; weak, fragile and pathetic, ❞ Starling laughed cynically, looking down on him both metaphorically and physically. ❝ Boys like you always need strong girls like me to protect you lot, like how you run off pathetically to that best friend of yours whenever you feel threatened by me. ❞

❝ Can't hear you over the bullshit you spat, ❞ Cosmic crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. ❝ Did you used to talk with your Mamelia with that mouth? Who do you think raised you, you prejudice being? I'm certain he didn't stomach you for fifteen vergas to give birth to such a child with a hypocritical mindset. ❞

Starling's eyes were burning, venomously screaming, ❝ Mamee was weak! He died after giving birth to my useless Brafii. ❞

❝ So everyone who died back there in our old home, both men and women, even innocent children, including your Pafelin, were weak too then in those standards, ❞ Cosmic deadpanned in a question-statement way.

Knowing the other wouldn't retort back with words, he only hardened his gaze at the heavy punch near his head. He didn't want to show any more weakness, even against such a fierce woman. In a battle of strength, he was clearly no match. Even so, no one was going to best him in a war of wits. Starling was a woman of her word about not hurting males, so he was going to use that information to his advantage. This was a small moment of declaration ; that he wasn't going to endure the other's mental abuse silently no more.

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