
Our mommy is the best

[love at first sight + childhood friends + cutie twins] This story is about three childhood friends Lily, Ava and Alex. Lily William is kind of fun and loving personality, she likes to enjoy herself and have fun rather than liking serious thing. Ava Smith is total opposite of her, she is precocious child. She loves to read books whenever she finds free time. Even though they have different personality they love to spend time together. Both William and Smith family are family friends and neighbors. Lastly Alex Harrison is a cheerful and sunny type. . . . Will there friendship last long??? . . . After years One bright sunday morning, two little heads pop out from the door giggling and trying to wake their mom........... lil bubble said "mommy when will you bring us to park its already late, Mommy can't break the promise this time", lil man also join " yes, mommy you ae aways busy, wake up grandma is waiting for breakfast".................. . . . lil angels asked Mommy can we eat two icecream today, mommy please......... making innocent faces. Their mom can't help and said ok find. And certain someone saw them especially their mom, he was unable to take his eye off from her like love at first sight but also some sadness was hidden deep inside......... who this person can be??????? ( hello everyone, English is not my first language and this is my first novel, so please don't mind my grammatical mistakes I'll try to improve my writing skill. Hope you will enjoy my story Thankyou)

deevan_khom · Ciudad
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8 Chs

5. Sleeping with grandma

When they went inside Mrs William was sitting in the couch doing knitting and next to her was Mr. William was reading some novels.

When the kids saw them in living area they rush towards them and called them with full energy.

"Grandma" "Grandpa"

Little bubble being an anchor of the house said, "Today we enjoyed lots and lots" and little mushroom also added "today we ride the mini roller coaster, yehhhh" and told everything what they did today, Mr. William said

"Really, you guys enjoyed huhhhhh!"

"You little human didn't bring Grandpa along with you"

"Grandpa is hurts"

Mr. Willian acted like he is really hurt holding his one hand close to his heart and one trying to wipe his fake tear.

Seeing his acting Mrs. William couldn't help but give him a side eye and said "Look who is acting as if he is really hurt"

"Babies asked him who is the one who is always interested in fishing and even go for fishing before the sun rise?????"

"You old man stop acting like that, don't make my grandchildren feel guilty when they did nothing with your fake acting"

"When you were not there in home"

After getting scolded from his wife he stop pretending and said sorry to them

"Babies, Grandpa did wrong sorry will you forgive me?"

Both lil angel couldn't help but laughed as this was daily rituals in the house and hugged him.

Watching mom and dad there daily tom and jerry fight she couldn't help but add more fire into it.

"Why don't you both punished Grandpa today babies".

Both little angel turn towards their mommy with confused looked and asked

"What punishment mommy"

"Let your grandpa sleep alone and you both sleep with your grandma so that grandpa won't repeat", she said while smirking at Mr. William.

After hear what his daughter said he widened his eyes felt betrayed like she did something wrong

"How could you do that to me dear you know i can't....", before he could complete his remaining dialogue Mrs. William interrupt him

"Yeah that's good idea dear" and pinch him slightly to keep him quiet and gave him a side eye (enough of your nonsense). After he got that look he immediately stop and swallowed what he was about to say

"Babies will sleep with me today?"

After pondering for a while they both agreed, little bubble jump and excitedly said " yehhhh we are going to sleep with grandma today",

little mushroom also felt excited and he went near bis grandma and whisper in her ear ".......".

"Okay, grandma will tell you that story" and she smiled and pinch his cheeks. Seeing her son and Mom whispering, she couldn't help but asked "what are planning to do at night?"

Both of them immediately replied nothing

"Grandma is going to tell story today mommy",

giving her an innocent smile. Seeing him giving that smile she knows something is upto and will find out later.

"Brother what are you asking to grandma" little bubble asked to him and he told her in her ears and signal her to stay quiet keeping his little finger close to his lips.

Little bubble kept her hands to her mouth

"ok" and giggle together.

The William's mansion air was filled with happy and laughter surrounding, only kids laughing and fun could hear around.


While on the otherside, someone was regretting why he took his nephew to amusement park. From the amusements park to their way to home he felt like he sitting on the tip of hundreds of needle while driving. Nonstop his nephew is talking about his first love and beautiful sister back and forth. All of sudden he feels that today's one hour drive feels like he is driving for a decade.

He prayed to god to reached home fast every single second. When they reached the entrance of their house he felt that a huge weight was lift off from him.

Here the mini adult found his chance to irritated his stupid more and looked at his uncle called him "Uncle..."

Hearing that long call from his nephew he got chilled and goosebumps and got some idea that today his family won't leave him for sure.

That smirk his nephew gave to him was the endgame, there is no way out. But little did he know, one day this trouble maker nephew going to be a great match maker and he will be greatful for next seven lives.

As soon as the car park this mini adult didn't give him single chance to make deal with him not even a second he took he already open the door and rush towards house.

"Brat wait can't we make deal huhhhhhhhh?"

"Not today stupid Uncle no one can save you today thats the punishment to starred like pervert to that beautiful sister."

"I did look like that way you brat....."


He removed his sit belt ran after him.