
Our Love Repeats At Zero

A promised eternity and meaningful vows linked the Greek god of love and a mortal to lifetimes of relationship. Two drips of blood stained one rock as the proof of their devotion for each other. Before Eros could kiss his bride, she collapsed to deep slumber in his arms. The first and last kiss he ever laid on her forehead was a heart wrenching one that moved clouds to tears, stopped birds from singing and darkened the sky. At the peak of his heart ache, he glared at his mother, Aphrodite, resentfully for her lies, schemes and jealousy. "The moment you decided to hurt her, you should have expected losing me as your son." Eros eyes laid on his wife whose body withered to ashes and flowed to the underworld. "Let her live and I'll be her replacement." Once again, he watched her soul reach safety to the Oracle's hands. Aphrodite stripped away his power and threw him to the dungeon of suffering and torment, expecting him to give up his stubbornness after a few days. His love for her only deepened and the desire for power heightened. Eventually, he became the Devil. Oracle: "Her soul has been sent to the reincarnation portal, but I can't say when it would be her turn." "I'll wait for that day to come." Eros sipped his wine in his chamber as he stayed away from heavens. Thousands of years later..... "Master! Master! The human world is very exciting! There are books about you and your late wife's love story there too! I wonder how humans learn about these stories." The teenage crow demon, Axle, flapped his wings excitedly as he chanted about his findings. "Oh? Then bring me that book as souvenir next time." Eros chuckled at his underling. ------------------- The crow disguised himself as a teenager and always wandered around in a bookstore. "Tsss.. paper cut!" The girl accidentally cut her finger when she flipped to the last page of the Greek mythology tales book at the counter. "Are you alright?" "Yes, but the book..." "It's fine. I'll still take it." The crow said as he didn't mind the drip of blood that stained the words, happy ending, on the last page of the book. --------------- The book burned to flames and was tossed to the floor for others to make a bonfire. "Ridiculous! Happy ending? Don't let me see that ever again!" Eros' rare anger filled voice echoed piercingly in other demon's ears. Crow: "Master! Look!" Eros' attention landed on the pile of ashes on the floor. With widened eyes, he approached the pile of ashes and picked up the unburned piece. "Happy ending.." Oracle: "Eros, she's back." -------------- - A certain high school - "Ugly trash! Leave!" Classmate voices echoed in the girl's ear as she found her gymnastic sneakers filled with pin tacks, gym uniform soaked in pungent scented liquid and scribbled curses all over her desk. Facing the insults five days a week, she had gotten used to it. Still, it hurt to see people duding by her appearance. As tears clouded over her face, the mixture of cosmetics melted. "Here, wipe your tears. Don't let their words get to you." The popular classmate smiled and handed her a pack of tissues, instantly winning her heart as nobody had shown her an inch of respect in school. Rinsing her cosmetic filled face at home, the water dyed grey along with other colors. "I found you, my prince." Too bad, the prince was just a jerk who wanted to gain popularity. Luckily, she realized it early. ------------------ One night, she saved a kitten from getting run over by a car. The driver stepped out and asked if she was alright. Seeing how the man was wrapped up from head to toe, she handed the kitten to him. "I'm fine. Here, take the kitten to the hospital." "Miss, I think you need the hospital more than the kitten." His voice sounded magnetic to her ears. "I'm really fine. Bye." Her gorgeous smile greeted the man warmly. "Interesting. She didn't scam me." Eros stared at the direction where she had ran away.

Sweetflowlips · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

The Guardian of the North Gate

Expectantly waiting for Primrose to set a price for compensation, he ended up frowning in disappointment. After he made the pocket gesture, he thought she would follow the written script in the Oracle's guide.

To his surprise, she did not do what the Oracle mentioned in the book. Instead, she did the exact opposite!

She walked forward a few steps until she faced him at a close distance. Right when he wanted to ask her about the amount of money she wanted from him, she replied to his previous statement.

"If you want to compensate me, then no need. But! This kitten did get injured because of you. So, take care of the kitten's wounds. Maybe take this furry little one to the animal hospital or something. Wounds like these could lead to infections and serious consequences."

In the following seconds, the kitten was carefully placed into his hands. With a bright dazzling smile on Primrose's face, she brought her face close to the kitten's nose. "Just take this little one to the animal hospital. I am really fine. These are just scratches anyway. It'll heal in less than three days." She reassured Eros after seeing his crinkled brows.

Reluctantly parting with the kitten, Primrose wiggled the kitten's soft pink paw. "Bye-bye. I have to go home now. Stay safe and don't cross the streets like that next time. You're a kitten, not a bat." As soon as her fingers left the kitten's paw, the kitten waved its other paw as if it wanted to hold onto Primrose's finger. She pouted when she saw the kitten's paddling limbs as if it wanted to follow her home.

After giving the kitten another look, Primrose turned around and walked towards the apartment building's direction. On her way home, she thought about the way Eros covered himself from head to toe in a sports outfit. Chuckling, she walked into the apartment building and waited for the elevator. "Heh. He looks like some big shot trying to hide from the paparazzi. Hahaha. If he cared that much over my scratches, he should take care of the kitten. Hopefully, he takes care of the furball. Ahhh, furball was so cute."

At the same time, in Eros's car, Eros stared intensely at a specific page in the guide. He read out loud. "Rule number two hundred and fifty-five, if you ever encounter trouble or accidents related to a human being, money will solve everything. Kindly dip your hand into your pocket and grab your wallet. When you make this gesture, the human being will understand your meaning and tell you an amount they wish for compensation. If the person stands at the same spot, you will have to bring it up yourself and offer compensation. Harmony is the key."

"Axle! You saw and heard what happened just now. That lady didn't do what the oracle said in the guide! She walked away and handed me the damn guardian who was supposed to be guarding the north gate in the underworld!" Eros squinted at the kitten whose tail was wagging back and forth as if it was mocking him.

Hearing its name being mentioned, the kitten opened its left eye and stuck out the tip of its tongue. "Meow!" Its tail curved like a question mark symbol, while it pouted with displeasure written on its face.

"Yeah! Act like a kitten now! The North gate's guardian came down to earth and wanted to ruin my perfect driving skills. You better explain yourself when we get to our new home. Why are you here and who the heck is guarding the North gate if you're here? Oh, and don't tell me your buddies are here as well...." Eros started the car once again. This time, he followed the GPS instruction accurately.

Once he drove his car into the underground parking lot, Eros found an empty space and successfully parked the car in less than a minute. He easily aligned the vehicle between two cars without having to make extra moves. Amazed by his skills, Axle's mouth was left agape.

"What?" Eros noticed the way Axle stared at him with such admiration in his eyes.

"M...Master, you...you're incredible! I've tried parking before and I couldn't even park it straight despite the extra time I spent on it. Damn! You do have skills." Axle stepped out of the car and observed the lining of the car.

"I told you I had good driving skills. You were the one who didn't believe me. Come on, let's head to our new home. I have a lot of questions to ask." Eros took the compliments naturally as if parking was as easy as picking cabbages from the supermarket.

Axle climbed into the backseat and took the kitten into his arms. After shutting the door, Eros locked the vehicle and made sure it was secured before heading into the building.

"Master, remember. This is the elevator. It is like us flying to get to our destination except this will bring us to our floor without us using our power. Our apartment is on the seventh floor. The apartment number is fourteen. Since it's late, we don't have to disturb our neighbors. As humans, we need to greet our neighbors and let them know we recently moved here tomorrow." Axle continuously explained the rules in the apartment building until they reached their apartment door.

Holding two keys in his hands, Eros let the golden and silver objects clang against each other's surface. The sound he heard wasn't exactly the type of chime he would prefer. Dullness was the only word to describe the sound that resulted from the metal keys. He shrugged as he placed the narrower end of the golden key into the keyhole of the apartment door.

Pulling the key back out of the hole, Eros also grabbed a hold of the shiny doorknob. With a small twist, the doorknob rotated and the door slowly creaked open.

"Isn't this apartment beautiful? It took me a long time to decide on this apartment!" Axle excitedly walked past Eros and started blabbing words to Eros. The more he spoke, the more guilt showed on his face. In the end, he couldn't stand Eros' poker face and spoke the truth.

"Alright!!! I know you can see all these cardboard boxes stacked up to the ceiling, but hear me out! As humans, we need to have boxes when we move. So, I ended up spending money on a lot of stuff and many packages were delivered today. This fits the occasion very well, you know? Hahaha...My stomach suddenly started hurting! I need to use the bathroom! Here, you can have your guardian back!"

Axle stuffed the kitten in Eros's embrace and dashed into the bathroom. Inside the restroom, Axle pinched his nose and let out some groans. Over the years of studying on earth, Axle picked up convenient skills to get away with things.

Meanwhile, outside the hallway, Eros's gaze landed on the kitten in his hand. "Now, talk."

I hope you have a wonderful day! Hopefully my mac gets fixed T^T soon...

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