Mrs kapoor you have to be careful, you just can't be so careless the case have been opened and we don't know about the kid, whether he is alive or not, I had told Mr Randhawa to look into that matter, but he is not ready to do it now said Mr kapoor

Whether the kid is alive asked Mrs kapoor in shock

Ya on the day of murder the kid was alive, but again the kid was attacked in the school library when everyone were busy in the school meeting, but he ran away, after that till now, no one knows whether he is alive or not said Mr kapoor...


Did u have your dinner,partner asked Hana

U must leave right now, I not in a mood to listen to you, neither speak to you said Reo

Are you upset with me, asked Hana

why will I be,questioned Reo

Because of my act of the previous day, said Hana

I know Hana, u were angry for my acts, and I know I deserved punishment for my act,but not in this way said Reo

What do u mean by this way huh, did I hurt u,u just got scolded, if any other girl would have been in my place she would have thrashed you, so be happy said Hana

I kissed you, because it was you, if not I wouldn't have bothered you said Reo

What do u mean by "it was you" huh tell me questioned Hana

Nothing leave, I must go, lam getting late said Reo and he left the place


Who can be the person, who killed Mrs Yami and why would the person have killed her without a reason asked detective Abhijeet

The murder took place, after she witnessed a murder in the hospital said George

May be to hide that murder she was killed & apart from that what happened to that kid said Abhijeet

Mystery will get to know as the time passes, truth cannot be hidden for a long time said George


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