

This book revolves round the lives of students and teenagers. Welcome to our diary. Welcome to Zeal highschool.

HeartzDiary · Adolescente
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14 Chs

Chapter 3

Quote2 :When there is life there is hope.

Rule2: Don't fall for handsome guys.

" I hate you!"


"Just die...go and never return!"



She stood still has the voice called her name. As she tried to reach over, it was too late...to late to help.

She killed her...I killed her!!!.


  "There are lots of cops at school today"Matt said opening a lollipop.

"What do you expect? Jade McNeil... it's really surprising" Kema looked at Ariel who was lost in her own thoughts.

"Girl.." Kema jerked her at the shoulder.

"Uhn?" She blinked her eyes snapping from her thoughts.

  "What's wrong with you...you look like you lost your sanity"

"Not funny Kema" They strolled down the halls with lots of students buzzing in the halls.

"Guys... look at Nate" They all glanced and saw a Nate coming out of the Principal's office.


"He's been interrogated for Jade's death, they all think he's a prime suspect because...you know Jade cheated on him....I feel so pity for him."

"Yeah...With Aiden our top student of the school...she really has a low taste"Interjected Kema.

" I will be back" Ariel said walking briskly to catch up with Nate who seemed to walking way to fast for her.

"Nate!!" She called out as he entered the basketball court.

He turned back with a furrowed brow surprised at who called him.

" Ariel?"

Ariel came up to him out of breaths while adjusting her backpack.

"You walk too fast"She stood up facing him .He looked handsome with his white shirt and his tie which was worn lazily around his neck and his blue eyes shone with paleness.

"What do you want?" He crossed his hands in seriousness.

"I..I wanted to give you something"

He creased his brow. "Something?"

" You kinda left it with me on the day you...you-" She paused.  "The day you saved me."

"What's that?"

Ariel opened her backpack bringing out a black bracelet with had a design name 

' H. O. P. E'

Ariel handed it to him.

" Thanks...I thought i lost it "

"You gave it to me"

"Really?" Nate chuckled dryly.

" Yeah...And thanks alot" With that she left as he continued to stare at the girl he saved. They didn't talk after he saved her from committing sucide.

   She still hasn't told him why she did it. All she said was "At the right time".

The memories of that sad but grateful day drifted to their minds...

   She stood at the edge of the building with tears in her eyes.

   She was tired of being haunted my her past, her haunted memories

"Am sorry Mom" she wiped her tears as the breeze blew around making her dress flare up .

"Am sorry...I didn't mean to...She died...I killed her"

She looked down from where she was . She stood at the edge of a tall rooftop

She looked down at the mighty height.

"I will end it all"

As she  closed her eyes  about to jump down a fierce hold threw her back to the rooftop.

She opened her eyes closely.



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