
Astral Energy

The men stood up, throwing the pile of stones he was under to the sides. He looked like a walking corpse, his once ponytail turned into a diselved mess, his clothes were tattered and big chunks of flesh were missing all over his bloddy body. He was breathing unstable and had a hard time keeping his balance.

Jonas observed him wide eyed, "Tough bastard, I would probably die if I took that attack head on."

"He is already half dead, look he can't even stand properly."

Koray didn't say anything and urged his new energy into his legs.

He vanished from his spot and arrived in the next second before the half dead men. He gave him a merciless elbow blow to his chest.


It was over, the men was send flying out of the village, spitting a large amount of blood.

Jonas didn't wait and started to search for the sword. He was sure that the sword was of superior  quality.

Meantime Dino asked Koray about his change.

"I don't know, I just let everything out because I was frustrated." Answered Koray with a laugh.

"Bro, you could have died from that, but I guess this is a way to reach the Fourth Stage.....Interesting. How does it feel?"

"It feels overwhelming, I can feel how it flows through my body. I can even use the Solar Energy  around me and change it slowly into that mysterious energy, right how should we call it?"

Dino was pondering, he saw how the Lunar and Solar Energy fused...

'Solar, Lunar...both are stars....hmm'

"How about Astral Energy?"

"Yep let's go with that, sound good haha."

Jonas asked them for help because he couldn't find the sword. Dino shook his head.

"Why are you even searching for it? You don't even need it."

"Shut up, I'm not giving up my dream of becoming an op swordsman! Now help me find it"

"Haha op swordsman?" Laughed Koray who transformed back to his normal state.

They searched under the pile of stones but didn't find the sword.

"Strange, he should have dropped it here...."

Jonas went to the corpse, followed by the other two behind him. He inspected the corpse and a greedy glint flashed through Jonas' eyes.

He crouched down and took away a silver ring from the men. He started caressing it with love.

"If this is what I think it is, then it's my treasure."

Koray and Dino looked at each other, half laughing.

"Bro, stop pulling a Gollum on us haha."

The crouching Jonas whirled around, protecting the ring with his hands, "Fools, do you even know what I'm holding in my hands? This is a Spatial Ring, a freaking Spatial Ring, not some ordinary wedding adornment!"

"Spatial Ring?" both of them asked at the same time.

"Yes, you ignorant fools, this Spatial Ring is like a little warehouse in which one can store stuff inside."

"Huh, really?"

"Stop bullshiting us bro."

"Haha you don't believe it? Let me show you!"

Jonas tried to use his heat to establish a connection with the Spatial Ring, but it didn't work. He thought of something he read in the novels and looked down on little Kiki that was sleeping like a rock.

Jonas tried to wake her up, but she ignored him completely. He finally lost it and slapped her hard on the head.....Nothing happened she kept sleeping.

"Kiki, do you love me ~?"

No reaction.....

"Girl if you don't wake up, I'm gonna molest you!"


She finally reacted and looked at Jonas with an aggrieved expression.

"Haha I was just joking, be a good girl and bite my hand here."

She did as he ordered and bit him with her fangs, he only felt a little twitch and saw two drops of blood leak from his hand.

The other two watched him with an expression like 'Really bro?'

He dropped his blood on the Spatial RIng but nothing happened.

"Wtf, it should have worked....Koray, you said there is Energy flowing through your body right?"

"Ehm yes."

"Okay, Kiki be so nice and bite Uncle Koray too please."

"Wait, what....argh."

Nala didn't give Koray any chance to defend himself, like a black flash she bit him and returned to Jonas arm, coiling around his arm, falling asleep again.

"You..what the hell dude?"

"Hahahahaha." Dino had a good time laughing at both of them.

"Bro put some blood on the ring."

"F*ck, give me that damn ring, it's useless!"

Koray took the ring and dropped some of his blood on it....nothing happened.

"God dammit, I told you..."

"What ist it? Did you feel a connection?" Asked Jonas impatient.

"I....I'm not sure, I felt something for a moment."

"Good, put the ring on and try to infuse a little of your energy inside it hehe."

Koray nodded and did as ordered. The moment he infused some of his energy inside the Spatial Ring, his eyes went wide and a space appeared in the back of his mind.

"No way!"

"Haha did it work?"

"Yes I can see it now, damn you were right. There is a lot of stuff inside haha"

"What? Are you for real?" Asked Dino.

"Yeah, this Spatial Ring has a huge space inside it."

"How huge?"

"Ehm, about 4 meters tall and 15 meters long."

"Nice, now take something out."

"Damn Jonas, how should I do that?"

"Just think about the stuff you want to take out."

"Alright, let me try."

Koray thought about the white sword that was placed inside the space and it appeared in his hand.


"Haha it worked, now we can store our stuff inside the cave inside the Spatial Ring."

"How convenient."

The three were delighted by the discovery of the Spatial Ring.

Koray looked around, observing the devastated village, "We shouldn't come back here."

The other two looked around and agreed.

Dino pondered and asked Jonas if he could destroy the whole village. Jonas complied and started to let his wicked dark wind wither everything away, not letting any evidence left.

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