
Otherworldly INHUMAN

Xander is a hardworking student from Earth with an idyllic life. But after his soul is transported to a magic world filled with paranormal things, he begins to hear a voice in his head. At first, he dismisses it as a figment of his imagination, but soon realizes it's his alter ego, urging him to embrace evil. Xander resists at first, struggling to cling to his good nature, but his alter ego's influence slowly takes hold. As he spirals into darkness, Xander become a villain who sees no point in being good and instead decides to burn the world that stands in his way. The novel follows Xander's journey as he battles with his alter ego's control and confronts the darkness within himself. Will he be able to overcome the evil that has taken hold of him, or will he succumb to his alter ego's desires and become a force of destruction and chaos?

Vincent_Nightshade · Fantasía
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22 Chs

A Mask of Deception

Xander knew he had to act quickly if he wanted to quell his family's suspicions. He spent hours poring over the ancient tome, searching for any information that could help him conceal the dark nature of his newfound powers. After countless sleepless nights, he finally stumbled upon a spell that seemed to hold the answer he sought: a plant-based glamour that could mask the physical signs of his blood magic.

With renewed determination, Xander set to work gathering the necessary ingredients for the spell. He scoured the forest for the rare plants the glamour required, his expert knowledge of botany proving invaluable in his search. Each time he found a new ingredient, he felt a surge of hope that he was one step closer to protecting his family from the truth of his actions.

Once he had gathered all the necessary components, Xander returned to the cave to begin the delicate process of creating the glamour. He carefully mixed the plants together, following the instructions in the tome to the letter, his hands shaking with anticipation. As he completed the final steps of the spell, he felt a wave of energy wash over him, leaving him feeling lighter and more at ease than he had in weeks.

Looking into the small pool of water in his cave, Xander examined his reflection. The dark circles under his eyes had vanished, and his once-pale complexion was now vibrant and healthy. The glamour had worked, and he could hardly believe his luck.

Eager to test the spell's effectiveness, Xander returned to his family's home, hoping to prove to them that he was indeed back to his old self. His parents and siblings welcomed him warmly, visibly relieved to see the apparent improvement in his appearance and demeanor.

"Xander, you look so much better!" his mother exclaimed, pulling him into a tight embrace. "I knew you just needed some rest."

His father clapped him on the back, a proud smile on his face. "We're glad to have you back, son. We were worried about you."

Xander forced a smile, his heart aching with guilt as he basked in their praise and affection. He knew that he was deceiving them, but he told himself that it was for their own good. If they knew the truth about his blood magic, they would be devastated and possibly in danger.

As the days went by, Xander continued to maintain the façade of his old self, all the while delving deeper into the world of blood magic in secret. He couldn't deny the thrill of wielding such power, but with each new spell he mastered, the burden of his deception weighed heavier on his conscience.

Xander knew that he was walking a dangerous path, but he couldn't turn back now. He was determined to protect his family, no matter the cost, even if it meant losing himself to the darkness within.

Dear readers, as Xander's journey unfolds, he is faced with a critical decision. Should he attend a prestigious Academy to learn magic and hone his skills in a structured environment, or should he pursue an alternative path to gain magical knowledge and power?

We would love to hear your thoughts on this matter. What do you think would be the best course of action for Xander? Share your opinions and ideas, and help shape the direction of Xander's story. Your input is invaluable in crafting an engaging and captivating tale.

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