
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasía
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58 Chs

Agrath Royal academy entrance exams: Talkatives.

Chapter 41

Announcer: Our last match ended in 1 minute 30 seconds, Akeru brightfil has obtained admission into the academy.

Aiden: Way to go Akeru, I'm happy for you!

Akeru jumped to where Aiden was.

Akeru: I did it for you, Aiden, I couldn't have you struggling because I didn't have magic.

Aiden: Heh, I would have found a way to get you in either way.(Totally would have cheated)

Raver woke up and strainiously walked down the platform.

Draven: You fought well, Raver.

Raver: Still couldn't beat the kid, tch!

Rosette: You were amazing out there, Win or lose.

Lyra: I'm pretty sure if Elnora were here she'd mock you.

Raver: Stuff it.

Lyra: Mad, are we?

Draven: C'mon Lyra, he did his best, go easy on him.

Lyra: I AM taking it easy, Draven.

Aiden: Dark green hair and eyes...

Lyra: Yes?

Aiden: Hehehe, nothing, I just thought I'd say it.

Lyra: Oh...

Lyra walked over to Akeru and touched his chest, shoulder and arms.

Lyra: You're a lot more sturdier than you look.

Akeru: Thank you, I practice every day with Crysta.

Akeru smiled.

Aiden: Ohh, Draven, looks like she has a thing for my little Akeru.

Draven: She's normally like that, she's just like that, she's something of a researcher, if she sees something that grabs her interest she'll go for it without thinking, even if it's a person.

Aiden: So... like a crush?

Draven: How is this like a crush? Haven't you ever had a crush before?

Aiden: Does staring blankly at a girl with zero interest, counts as a crush?

Draven: Huh? No. No, it does not. And why would you ask that?! You don't fit those descriptions, I thought you'd be more like: "I-I can't believe she looked at me, Iyaa! I'm going to have dreams of her later tonight" type of guy.

Aiden: Hehe, not now at least. If that's not how crushes work then I don't think I've had one before...Oh wait, I have!

Draven: Really? Who was she?

Aiden: Her name...was Tanya.

Draven: Tanya? (I feel like I've heard him mention this before)

Aiden: Yeah, Tanya, she was the most attractive girl I've ever seen, she has a soft supple body, she had worth, she's a great swimmer, all the men wanted her, but mostly for her body...

Draven: That sounds...

Aiden: I'm not done! She also had cute lips that matched her dark moist skin, her eyes were dead serious but cute, her smile was as priceless as gold and she played hard to get when I tried courting her, ah yes my love for her was reel...

Draven: She was hard to get, huh? But she still went for you

Aiden: Yep, but before that she almost killed me, because I was being too persistent.

Akeru: Uh...?

Draven: Hm...

Lyra: ...

Raver: Uh...?

Aiden: Then after several minutes of courtship and near death experiences, my flames of love evaporated(warmed) her cold watery heart, I brought her out the depths of despair, she accepted me, but alas after after numerous trials and tribulations on my part, we still didn't get to have lunch together, we were torn apart by fate...and a damned teleportation magic asshole!

They fell silent then left the stands they were on to watch the match at another.

Aiden: Don't ignore me!

Announcer: Now we proceed to the next match, Rai crut Hallen vs Chronil blank.

Draven: Rai and Chronil, huh?

Aiden: You know them?

Draven: As the son of a Duke, I was to learn about other nobels, royals and other powers within the state, my father told me to study their them well and their powers in case there was ever a coup and for me to grow stronger by having sparing sessions with them sometimes and organized tea parties for us to form a "bond", geezer was just paranoid.

Aiden: Ohh, thanks for the exposition on yourself, now tell me about them, if not, I might fall asleep during this match.

Draven: The one sporting the purple hair and blue eyes wearing those metal gauntlets and boots, that's Rai.

Aiden: Oh.

Draven: He's a powerful lightning magic user, his lightning is so powerful that it can conjure up storms and the voltage is said to be around 500,000, he combines his lightning magic with himself to moves so fast to outpace his enemies and win fights without having breaking a sweat.

Aiden: Hey, does that mean he's stronger than you?

Draven: In our 45 matches together he's beaten me 21 times, we've had 5 draws and 19 losses to me.

Aiden: Ooh, so like he's... slightly stronger than you?

Draven: You could put it that way, I'm most kept up using light magic, but it seems I'm not good enough to harness the full power of light.

Aiden: Oh, okay, tell me about the other guy, Crow nail wank, was it?

Draven: It's chronil blank, you Idiot, *sigh* Anyways, he's a...well he's a living weapons workshop.

Aiden: Huh?

Draven: He's the son of an war general, in the state, despite that, he isn't rowdy and always looking for fights, he would fight you if you asked but you'd regret taking him on if you're weak, though he may not be looking for fights but when you get him started, you'd have to finish , though he hasn't killed anyone though, if he knocks you out he'll leave you alone.

Aiden: Das crazy.

Draven: He fights by creating weapons out of magic, there effects are far the same as a real weapon, he can control his weapons he's created automatically and can even transmute other materials into weapons, he could turn a fish into a gun, grace to bullets, etc...

Aiden: Can he turn them back?

Draven: Once used he can't reverse the transmutation, and the transmutation might not work on humans...I hope.

Aiden: Is it just me or are the kids we're about to be classmates with are super dangerous.

Draven: Says someone who's a monster by himself.

Aiden: Hehe, oh stop, I'll blush.

Draven: Our conversations keep taking weird turns.

Aiden: Sorry, hehe. This Toenail blank, he has dark hair same as me.

Draven: it's more like dark silver, so he's is still lighter than yours, excluding your red tips...weird.

Aiden: I'll burn you!

Draven: Heh, you've got a thing for people calling your hair weird?

Aiden: If I were around people with normal hair color I wouldn't mind but I've yet to see someone with a normal hair color here!

Calico: *Yawn* Look at you two dancing in this hot weather.

Aiden: Yo, calico.

Draven: Greetings.

Calico: *Yawn* What's going on anyways?

Aiden: Did you just get here?

Calico: No, I was taking a nap up there the whole time.

Aiden: A lot's happened and I'd love to tell ya, but I'll let blondie here handle it.

Draven: It's strawberry blonde and still far more normal than yours.

Aiden: Wanna go?!

Draven: Can't catch these hands- Er, I mean, fighting over hair color is very childish, I would not sully my hands on such menial matters, let's focus on the match.

Aiden: Heh, look who's turned scholar.

Aiden's POV:

"Can't catch these hands" Heh, moron.

Calico: So...uh... is anyone going to fill me in or...?

Draven: Oh uhm...

Draven explained everything to him.

Calico: I have to fight you?!

Aiden: Haha, be grateful you get to fight someone fun.

Calico: Can you switch with me?

Aiden: Heh, I wish, I would prefer fighting anyone over Zack.

Draven: *Jack.

Aiden: Whatever.

Draven: Well let's stop the chatter for a minute and face the match.

When they turned around they heard the crowd cheering and the announcer pronounced the match over.

Announcer: And the winner is...Rai crut hallen!

The crowd cheered.

Draven: D-did we miss everything?

Aiden: I-I think we did. But we weren't talking that long.

Draven: I only saw a few glimpses of lightening that's all, you were distracting me.

Lyra walked up to both of them.

Lyra: Did you see those two's match? It was incredible, I feel sorry for whoever missed it.

Aiden: W-we we're definitely watching it was interesting.

Draven: Y-yes, what he said.

Akeru: I loved the part where he used lightening from a storm he created to push back Chronil, then chronil created a suit of armor to redirect the lightening towards the ground, he made cannons to and shot them at Sir Rai but Sir Rai crut blew them up with a lightening ball spell, then they ran at each other, Rai coated his fists in lightening and Chronil made a sword and shield, then they both clashed so hard that-

Lyra: I think that's enough Akeru, since they both claimed they watched it saying what happened again might make them annoyed, don't you think?

Aiden: D-don't worry Akeru, you can talk about it, ignore her.

Akeru: No, repeating the awesomeness we just watched would be like me insulting your memory to handle something so, so fantastical, I will keep this fight in my head, forever!

Aiden: You don't have to go that far! Just tell us how how the match turned out...I-if you wanna.

Draven: Don't worry Aiden, the Announcer always says how the victors won and they might replay it, who knows, we don't have to worry.

Announcer: Since we all witnessed how Rai claimed victory we won't repeat it. Ever.

Aiden/Draven: Damn you!

Lyra laughed.

Lyra: Aiden Brightfil, huh? What an interesting specimen.

What was I thinking with the title?

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