

A robed man quickens his pace across the dark and gloomy hallway. Amidst the constant bickering of thunder sounds and lightning flashes on the background, you can clearly see his hand shaking. A tinge of worry and urgency was plastered on his face.


He slams the door to what looks like a throne room. You can see a silhouette of a man sitting on a chair that appears to be a throne across the wide empty room.

"Your Majesty, we need to leave now!"

As he urges the other person.

"It is fine Minister Quon. I am not leaving. For I, Agustus of the proud Morin Royal Family shall never abandon his lands even in the face of destruction."

His voice was shaky but resolute. Clearly he is afraid but still quite determined to see his deeds to the end.

"But your Majesty, we have to save you! Your people needs you...please don't be do this!"

Panic grows on the face of the robed man. He need to convince this person, no matter what principle weighs on things; it doesn't weigh dogshit when your dead.

"Minister Quon leave now, I will not be swayed. I have a monarch of this empire for many years, I atleast want to see thing through. After all, we started this..."

The robed man just could refute. Yes they started this. And now the whole empire is falling. Thousands of years heritage going down into ruin in front of his eyes. Who in their right mind would be calm about these? He sure wasn't one.

"Your Majesty, these matters are a thing of the past. What we need now is to survive..."

Pleas the robed man in worry.

Suddenly the room shakes, a violent earthquake ravages the room, no...the entire castle and its surrounding area. The robed man fell to his knees.

"It's alright Quon, I have accepted my fate...Go, leave now and save yourself our people still needs you...but as for me, I am no longer worthy to be your emperor. I have lost that qualification when I made THAT choice..."

"No your Majesty, you can't say that...please reconsider-"

As the robed man was on his knees pleading his case, the man on the throne takes out a crystal. It started to shine brightly. The robed man felt panicked again when he saw this thing. It was one of the royal treasure that has been guarded most closely. Its function was simple, domain control...yes, but it was absolute in this area. Starting from the 7th generation of the empire's history this thing has been tied to the castle he is now in. Only the emperor could wield its power. And now, its being used on him.

"Minister Quon, I will send you to Galanthea now along with everyone in the Capital City. These is the most that I can do as the emperor. No...I must do this for everyone. I may have sinned but it doesn't mean I will just let you all suffer on my errors...My dear friend, I bid you all well in life..."

Intense light covered the whole Capital City at that moment. And in one burning flash, as it spread from the castle to the city walls; the place becomes empty. Not a single citizen was left. They vanished as if they were smoke. Back in the throne room, a ghastly man crunches to the ground. he was weakened by the extensive use of the crystal's abilities. I mean he just teleported millions of people across a different continent from where he was.

"In the next life, I wish for the Gods to give me a chance to atone for my sins...I truly should have know better...Gluttony...I have wronged you...I am Sorr-"

The castle shakes once more. But this time, it wasn't something it could resist. And as it crumble, you can definitely feel one mans sorrow and regret. One mistake and he lost his empire, family and people.

That mistake...was the worst one he could have made. He betrayed the one person he never should have. And now, he will lose everything. It wasn't greed at all to be honest. He just doesn't know any better than everyone. The prejudice common people had with them has gotten him to make such choices. Alas, they should have known better.....

On this day, the world was shaken to a mighty battle. The first ever world war. What was lost in this day would come to haunt the world for thousands of years. The losses? Too many to count. Along with a whole continent sinking to the bottom of the sea. Yes, an entire continent was lost that day. As for how and why did it happened, only the dead knows. But this event would come to usher in other major events. Aside from losing one continent, the entirety of humanity lost another two-fifth of the entire world's landmass to the evil deities...The Seven Deadly Sins and 80% of the existing Beast Gods.

Yes, it wasn't just a war amongst mortal. It was a fight against Gods and humanity was on the losing side.

Such a thing.

In a room, as the light enters, a young man awakens. He didn't know what the heck did he just witnessed. Large colossus fighting against equally large monsters. Cleaving mountains and crumbling down castles. A large fissure and what appears to be a hoard of angry dragon raining upon everybody. A truly life like dream.

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