

Sam left the hustle and bustle of the city streets behind as he pushed through the revolving doors of Venus, the city's largest shopping mall.

Various colorful shop fronts and twinkling lights greeted him, but he didn't lose himself in the glamour.

He had a purpose, and it led him straight to Gao's Hand-Crafted Items, a quaint little shop nestled between high fashion outlets.

As he entered the shop, an array of unique, handmade items instantly caught his eye.

The scent of wood and paint filled the air, mixed with a slight metal tang. There were intricately carved wooden statues, a range of metal figurines, and jewelry displayed neatly in the glass cabinets.

The whole shop was a celebration of human skill and creativity.

An attendant, an older lady with a kind smile, approached him.

Seeing Sam's curious yet indecisive look, she asked, "Can I assist you, young man? Are you looking for something specific?"

Sam turned his attention towards her, appreciating her soft-spoken approach.

"I'm searching for a gift for my mom. She likes handmade things. You know, those that carry a personal touch, a sense of warmth." His voice was soft, filled with respect and love for his mother.

The attendant's smile grew even wider.

"I can see how much you care for your mom. Let's see if we can find something that matches her taste."

She led him around the shop, explaining the story behind each piece, which artisan crafted it, and the materials used.

Despite the numerous items on display, Sam's gaze kept returning to a small glass cabinet where an assortment of delicate hairpins lay.

One of them, a silver one with an intricately crafted flower at its end, caught his eye. It was simple yet elegant, just like his mom.

"I think I found what I was looking for," Sam confessed, pointing at the hairpin.

The attendant's eyes followed his finger, and a knowing smile graced her lips.

"That's one of our finest pieces. A local artist who specializes in metalwork crafted it. Each petal is meticulously carved to make it look lifelike. Your mother is a lucky woman to have such a thoughtful son."

Sam felt a surge of happiness when he handed over the money as he imagined his mother's joy on receiving the hairpin.

As the attendant carefully wrapped his chosen gift, Sam knew he had made the right decision.

The hairpin was a perfect match for his mother - simple, beautiful, and crafted with love.

His heart felt light, knowing he had found a gift his mother would cherish.

Now onto the next item on his shopping list - a fitting gift for his hardworking father.

He left Gao's Hand-Crafted Items with a satisfied smile, ready to tackle the rest of his shopping spree.

Sam navigated through the bustling mall towards his next stop with the gift for his mom tucked away safely in his shopping bag.

As he weaved through the throng of shoppers, his mind was already picturing his father's surprised expression.

His dad was a man of simple tastes, and he knew a book was something his father would treasure.

The scent of ink and paper welcomed him as he walked into the bookstore.

He found himself surrounded by towering shelves filled with books of every imaginable genre.

For a moment, he just stood there, absorbing the peaceful silence that only a bookstore could offer, the soft hum of hushed conversations, and the rustling of pages his only companions.

His eyes scanned the countless spines, each carrying a different world within its pages.

He roamed the aisles, searching for the perfect book for his father.

His gaze landed on a bright blue cover nestled among the sea of books - "From Overalls to Office: The Richard Brant Story".

He reached out, fingers brushing over the smooth cover as he pulled the book off the shelf.

The blurb on the back cover narrated the tale of a factory worker who, against all odds, worked his way up to become a boss.

It was a story that perfectly mirrored his father's dedicated work ethic, a testament to the power of determination and hard work.

With a content smile, Sam approached the counter to make his purchase.

As the cashier rang up the book, he could already picture his dad, seated in his favorite chair, engrossed in the inspiring journey of Richard Brant.

This was more than just a book; it was a reflection of his father's values and his relentless drive.

Purchase made, Sam left the bookstore, a sense of satisfaction welling up within him.

He had found two perfect gifts, tokens of appreciation for his parents, who had given him so much.

Little did he know that the shopping spree was far from over, and a series of unexpected events awaited him.

With a skip in his step and a determined smile, Sam made his way to the next item on his shopping list - the NovaTech shop.

The sleek storefront beckoned him inside, promising the latest gadgets and cutting-edge technology.

As he walked through the doors, the prying eyes of the store manager bore into him, their judgment apparent.

Ignoring the cold reception, Sam focused on his mission.

Undeterred by the judgmental glances, Sam approached a young and enthusiastic employee.

"Hi, I'm looking for smartphones and laptops," he said.

The newbie employee, eager to assist, flashed a warm smile.

"Of course! We have a great selection. What features are you looking for?"

Sam's eyes lit up as he explained his preferences - the latest models, excellent camera quality, and enough storage for all his digital adventures.

The employee nodded, guiding him through the store and presenting various options along the way.

Together, they explored the possibilities and compared specifications, diving into the world of technology.

After careful consideration, Sam made his choices, selecting the smartphones and laptops that met his criteria.

He also added a few accessories, like headphones and stylish cases, to complete the package.

As the total bill appeared on the screen, the snobbish manager, who had been observing from a distance, was left speechless.

With a hint of mischief in his voice, Sam couldn't resist a sly comment.

"Seems like NovaTech is hiring just about anyone these days, huh?" he quipped, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

It reminded the manager that appearances could be deceiving and that actual value lay beyond the surface.

Paying for his purchases, Sam felt good.

He had conquered the judgment and proved that his worth went beyond his attire.

The smartphones and laptops were not just gadgets; they were tools that would enhance his family's everyday lives and bring joy through connectivity and entertainment.

Leaving the NovaTech shop with his shopping bags in hand, Sam's excitement grew.

He was now equipped with gifts for his parents and grandparents, and the joy of giving filled his heart.

But little did he know that fate had one final surprise for him before he could head home.

Exiting the bustling mall, bags in hand, Sam's attention was caught by a sudden commotion nearby.

He squinted towards the chaos, and his eyes widened as he recognized a woman standing outside a clothing store, her face masked with fear.

A grimacing man with a knife approached her, threatening to turn an ordinary shopping day into a nightmare.

A jolt of fear struck Sam, but he was rooted in place, helplessly watching from a distance.

Just when the situation seemed to spiral out of control, a tall figure stepped in between the woman and the knife-wielding man.

The well-built bodyguard tackled the attacker with a swift movement, disarming him and ensuring the woman's safety.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Sam slowly made his way towards the now calm scene, concern etched across his face.

From a distance, he called out, "Are you alright? That looked really dangerous!" His voice was filled with worry.

The woman, now safe but still startled, turned towards him. Her eyes squinted for a moment before widening in recognition.

"Sam, is that you?" she stammered, her voice shaky but filled with a strange relief.

He was taken aback. After a closer look, he realized why she looked so familiar.

It was Marie Walt, his old classmate from university. The same Marie who was part of the prestigious Walt family, one of the wealthiest in the Atlantic Union.

Sam's surprise was evident as he absorbed the revelation.

"Marie, is that really you? I can't believe it," he replied, a mix of concern and disbelief. "Does this happens to you often?"

Marie nodded, a weary sigh escaping her lips.

"Unfortunately, yes. Being part of a wealthy family comes with its own set of challenges. I'm used to dealing with these kinds of attacks every now and then."

"I had no idea you had to deal with such danger," he admitted, his tone filled with empathy.

The shocking revelation left Sam surprised.

His image of a wealthy, comfortable lifestyle was shattered, replaced by the harsh reality of the dangers that Marie faced.

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