
OPM: Normal Neighbor

When Steve arrived in this world, he found himself without any power, a very dangerous situation for a normal person in this world. Fortunately, he became neighbors with Saitama. One day, his system finally arrived. [Copy System] Copied Status: 20% Copied Abilities: NONE [Manual] • Copy anyone's abilities/power/skill with a touch. • Every power you copy will add +1% to the Copied Status.

DivineMelon · Cómic
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29 Chs

TWENTY-FIVE: A Way To Kill Golden Force

With a beautiful woman wearing black suit walking steadily Infront of him, Kou continues to follow her. They we're going toward the office of his boss when he was a assassin. Kou had called his boss to tell him that he had a way to kill Golden Force. And so, his boss immediately agreed and decided to meet up with him in this office.

Not many people know it, but all the heroes had a bounty on their head based on how much threat they have to some criminal organization. Especially the A and S ranks heroes, when a criminal get the head of a A rank of S rank heroes, then he can be rich in a matter of weeks. But that's not easy as Kou only know a few high ranking criminals that could fight toe to toe with low S rank.

As for the higher ranking of S rank heroes, it's rare for them to be killed because they have their unique strength which alone could affect a whole city so it was really hard for anyone to beat them.

The woman Kou was following finally stopped at a random office that he hasn't seen before. Kou boss had a cautious personality and the proof for that is in this floor, there are only one office, the other rooms was full of bodyguards, ready to protect the boss at any given time.

The woman knocked on the door two times before the door suddenly opened itself. Inside was a man with fat body structure and was wearing many jewelry's. The man was sitting with two beautiful woman to his side, giving him a king life.

"Ah, here you are. Your finally here at last, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The boss stood up and as if the girls on his side was given an order, they immediately left the room with the black woman from before.

The boss walk towards Kou and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"It's been a while since I saw you. I heard that your sister had died while fighting that hero? It's unfortunate as I still have many use for her but that idiot deserve it for attacking one of the strongest hero right now. And also, what's up with your tattoos?"

Kou only stood still on his spot, maintaining his calm appearance. If only he was confident on defeating Steve, then he doesn't need this pig help. He had thought of many ways to kill this guy with his new power but he sadly need this pig force to help him.

"Can we begun talking about business now?"

The boss frowned upon hearing Kou rude tone but he doesn't voice it outside. Kou saw it also but he just doesn't care, with his strength, he could kill most people on this building. If before he could just kneel before this guy, he now can make the pig do it for him by force.

The boss turned around and walked towards his seat before gesturing Kou to sit also. After seeing Kou sit down, the boss got straight to the point.

"So tell me Kou, how can we kill Golden Force?"

There was no response from Kou as he just raise his arm and pointed his finger at the wall. Then suddenly, a yellow-ish light formed and shot out towards the wall. It hits the wall, melting it in millisecond and head towards sky where a massive explosion happened after Kou retract his finger.

The boss was just sitting there dumbfounded after that beam almost hit him at the head. He slowly turned around and saw a massive fire mushroom formed in the sky.

Seeing this reaction, Kou only smiled and asked, "Is that enough information?"