

"Hand over your cash J, remember our deal?"

J was on the ground after Rye pushed him.

"Rye... honestly... there's a limit to how much I can tolerate but your nonsense has to stop." J said. "Huh? You of all people dare to tell me what to do? You'd better be ready for another round of beating." Rye replied in anger. "

I'm fine if you wanna go, I'm itching for a fight anyways." J said as he stood up. Rye threw a punch and started the brawl, amazingly, J managed to dodge every single punch Rye threw and gave him a hook on his face. Rye bled from his mouth. "Is that all you've got J?" Rye exclaimed. "That's enough for today, I gained something yesterday and i'm glad I managed to bring it forward today." J spoke with a smile as he walked away from the fight. "Oh and I would scurry away from the scene if I were you, we wouldn't want to get any disciplinary actions taken on us." J smiled as he left.

"What the hell J? You did it!" Exclaimed Mael. "I don't even know how I managed to dodge all of those attacks I just acted on reflexes." J still in shock. "Oh well at least it went well, anyway J, I gotta head to the shop after school my dad needs me to butcher some cows today." Mael said excitedly. "You go ahead, I have some things to do myself."

As J left school, he remembered that he promised his Mom to visit his father in the hospital and decided to do so, as he stepped into the hospital he saw 3 man in suits leaving his father's room, he ran towards the window to see where they were headed, he saw them entering a black sedan car and left. He decided to ignore since there weren't any emergency signs of any sort. He sat by his father's bed hoping for any sort of reaction but to no avail. "Dad, you'd better wake up, mom's so worried that you might never wake up and here you are sleeping so comfortably without a care in the world. Do you even qualify as a father or a husband?" Tears rolled down J's cheek. He decided to give up and head back home.

"Did you visit your father or not J? I wouldn't allow any disrespect in this family, just because h-" "Yes mom I went to visit dad, but he isn't awake." Mom made a subtle smile to herself. "Anyway J, I made dinner! Let's dig in!" J felt responsible and decided to take matters into his own hands as he and his mother had a great chat over dinner.

"J, it's time for bed, you have school tomorrow and I'll have to wake you up again, do you know how hard that is?" Mom said. "Yes Mom I'll go now, good night and sweet dreams." "Aw J, you're so sweet." "Mom!" J whined. "Alright alright, go to bed."

"Hmmmmm.. let's see, what do I want to do tonight....maybe I'll just look for Raia." as he goes into his dream.

As he open his eyes, he realised, he wasn't where he wanted to be. "Where am I?" "This isn't where I decided to go." J exclaimed. "Purrr!" "Raia! Why are you here?" said J. "Welcome to Ripatire town!" A loud yet commanding voice sounded. "This is the town of beginning, it's a restart of all your dreams, every single one of you have lost control of your dreams." "What's this nonsense?" J said. "J? Is that really you?" a familiar voice came. "Mael? Mael why are you here?" J in shock. "No no no no, I should be asking you that question, why are you here?" The argue continued. They concluded that they both have the ability to control their dream but they can't comprehend what happened this time. As they backtracked they realised that they both saw a group of man in black suits. "How did fantasy stories like this even happen to us? This sounds kinda dumb, maybe that dude was just lying." Mael complained. "We'll know whether or not if that guy is lying or not in time. In the mean time, let's just focus on what we should do to get out." J said. "But he did give us this map, I have no idea what's it for." "Oh Mael, you really inherited your mother's stupidity." I laughed. *thud* "ouch!" J exclaimed. "Weakling" said Mael as they both started laughing like usual. As they opened the map, they realised that the world in this dream is huge, consisting of 200 worlds and the name of the worlds go by their names 1 Ripatire world where it all begins. "Below the maps shows some information saying that "all NPCs in your dreams will be brought to your world and continue their lives just like they did in your dreams." J said. A shadow gathered up on Mael "what?" as he turns his head to his back "wha...what...what's that" Mael spoke while in shocked. "That's Raia, my pet dragon." J replied. "But he's huge!" Mael said. "He was here for so long and you've only just realised, good god Mael." Raia started laughing as smoke came out of his nose.

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