
This Guy Is A Regressor!

[convictmusic: F*CK THIS GUY IS OP!]

[lilyby: Ugh, he's so dreamy. Why can't he save me like that?]

[warmongerer: Stfu, Lilyby. He doesn't f*ck wit hoes.]

[lilyby: Aw, Mongie. You're still mad that I didn't suck you off but your father instead?]

[warmongerer: B*tch… don't talk about that!!!]

[sagewanderer: Guys, let's not fight over these carnal things. We must focus on our favorite new Extra. His already mutated Z-Gene's mutation is off the charts. Higher than, our Newt's for sure.]

[vigilantsaber: Hells yeah, man! I was just thinking that. Am I the only one who saw Terra grab and compress that Apocryphal-ranked demon's fully powered Domain as though he was crushing a soda can just from reading it? Insane!!!]

[introspectiveknight: Broooooo, you forgot about the part afterward where he ate it!! Where the f*ck did this guy come from?! The author has some guts to introduce an OP character this late in the story.]

[flashingcucumber: Haha, what can we say? He did it in style. Oh, Terra, I, FlashingCucumber, would like a night with you. You can eat my Domain any time.]

[darkabyss: Damnit, Flashy. Quit yapping. Terra-sama won't go gay for you.]

[theauthorssugarbaby: See, I gifted 30000 coins!!! Author-senpai, please give me your phone number!]

[cherryhaterade: Oh, gosh, here goes the number one simp on the entire site. Just gave away $600 for no reason.🤡🫵]

Occasional laughter resonated atop the 7-story building, where a young man with glasses reclined on a chair, engrossed in his advanced cellphone.

Before him sat a small coffee table, surrounded by empty chairs on three sides.

Night lights, strung along outdated electric wires, cast a slightly romantic glow, despite the late hour.

The rooftop stood out amidst the surrounding buildings, marked by its lack of modern technology.

Adjacent structures boasted sleek designs, illuminated by domes of light with hexagonal nodes every two feet, from which drones darted off in various directions.

In stark contrast, the building the young man occupied retained the architectural style of the 21st century—a plain, blocky silhouette towering over its neighbors.

Devoid of shiny steel, pristine windows, or innovative concrete-granite polymer materials, it defiantly preserved its traditional aesthetic, standing tall as a testament to a bygone era.

As the young man remained absorbed in his device, oblivious to the passage of time, the rooftop silently bore witness to the end of an architectural epoch.

"Haha, the Top 10 Fans are wild. I enjoy reading their reactions as much as reading the content," The young man chuckled, remarking on the enthusiasm of the Top 10 Fans of his favorite book.

'They should start a reading podcast,' the young man ponders.

However, his thoughts quickly shifted back to the task at hand as he clicked to the next chapter.

Having unlocked every chapter uploaded by the author over the past few months, the young man had refrained from diving into them immediately.

Instead, he craved the satisfaction of binging the final arc, comprised of the last 100 chapters, all at once.

Throughout his reading journey, he went through a rollercoaster of emotions, but one thing became abundantly clear: his affection for the newly introduced Extra, Terra Uru, grew with each passing page.

Terra's enigmatic background and mysterious appearances during crucial moments in the protagonist's journey intrigued the young man.

Whether aiding in dire situations or showcasing his formidable battlesuit, Terra remained a captivating enigma that quickly garnered fans.

One of the reasons why he grew to be so loved was that despite the protagonist's and villain's attempts to sway him, Terra remained steadfastly independent, refusing to align himself with either of them.

This defiance only added to his allure, distinguishing him from the rest of the cast.

What truly set Terra apart, though, was his rejection of the heroines' advances, a stance that further solidified his status as a lone wolf.

Even the protagonist couldn't escape the allure of a single heroine. Yet, Terra did so quite swiftly and harshly.

In Terra Uru, the young man found a character who defied expectations, embodying a sense of individuality and autonomy that resonated deeply with him.

As he read more of the story, his admiration for Terra's spirit only intensified, cementing his place as a beloved figure in the young man's and fans' eyes.

Soon, the young man began to wildly theorize and guess the different applications in which Terra's known powers could be used with other online readers when he felt sudden heavy sleep overtake him.

Unbeknownst to him, a day had passed since his trance-like state.

Drifting into a deep sleep, Elijah found himself ensnared in a bizarre dream world, where absurdity reigned supreme.

'You want it? Say my name!'

'Okay, daddy. Now, give it to me.'

'Bro, what? N*gga, my name is Elijah. This… Nah you ain't getting my car keys.'

In the dream, Elijah's forehead smacked in incredulity. Who told his friend, even if it's just a dream, to call him daddy?

As he woke up, Elijah couldn't help but laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all.

Relieved to leave the bizarre dream behind, he returned to the familiar rooftop reality, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead of him at school with newfound energy.


(Elijah POV)


As I stirred from my slumber, my loud yawn echoed throughout the room, shattering the tranquil silence that my sleep-induced brain had given me.

The space hummed with the soft ambient beeps of various machinery, filling the air with a sense of controlled activity.

Yet, despite the sterile freshness that permeated the atmosphere, a faint hint of something unfamiliar lingered, adding to my confusion.


My eyes snapped open, and I jolted upright, my mind struggling to reconcile my surroundings with my recent memories.

'Wait, didn't I fall asleep on the rooftop? Why am I in this…'

Dismayed and disoriented, I cautiously surveyed the room, taking in its advanced features with a mix of awe and bewilderment.

The ultra-soft white bed beneath me seemed to defy gravity, suspended in mid-air by an intricate network of translucent energy beams.

As I shifted, the bed adjusted seamlessly to my movements, its surface molding to my contours with a gentle hum of unseen mechanisms.

Surrounding me, a network of grey hexagonal panels formed a dome-like enclosure, each panel pulsating with a soft, iridescent glow.

The doorway, consisting of nothing more than a shimmering threshold of light, called me forward with an otherworldly allure.

With confusion and curiosity gnawing at me, I walk through the door of light.

Beneath my feet, the floor boasted a sleek, dark material reminiscent of onyx, its smooth surface rippling with faint patterns of pulsating energy.

To my left, a workstation adorned with multiple holographic displays caught my eye, each one projecting intricate diagrams and simulations that danced and shifted with every movement.

Nearby, an all-white table displayed an array of mysterious gadgets, their sleek surfaces adorned with soft purple glows and humming from a faint energy inside of them.

In the center of the room, a spiraling pavement of light ascended to a second floor, where the futuristic yet distinctly African-inspired interior design caught me off guard.

Above the bed, on the second floor, a mesmerizing spectacle unfolded— a floating mass of silver metal particles danced in unison, their movements controlled by invisible forces that pulsed and shimmered with an otherworldly energy.

Yet, despite the room's advanced technology and futuristic aesthetics, there was an undeniable sense of solidity, as if the entire space had been meticulously carved from stone, lending an unexpected earthiness to its otherworldly ambiance.



However, something caught my ear, a whirring and whooshing noise gradually became clear as I saw a train-like object hurtling down a sleek, metallic track, was unlike anything I'd ever seen.

Its form was a marvel of futuristic design, streamlined and aerodynamic, slicing through the air with effortless speed.

The metallic surface gleamed under the ambient lighting, hinting at the advanced technology that lay within.

Fifteen seconds later, another train thundered down the track, its lights ablaze with a brilliant purple glow.

As it raced past, I watched in awe as the seemingly decorative lights along the tracks promptly opened, unleashing powerful blasts of sonic waves into the surrounding space.

The sonic waves erupted from them with a force that seemed to shake the very foundation of the room.

Vibrations rippled through the air, creating a palpable energy that crackled with intensity.

The waves surged outward in pulsating waves, their impact reverberating through the space with an almost tangible force.

It was as if the very air itself had come alive, dancing to the rhythm of the sonic symphony unleashed by the passing train.

'Damnit! Where the f*ck am I? Have I been kidnapped?'

I question myself, a bit panicky as I know I have no chance of escape.

The realization hit me like a freight train…

I was trapped, with no chance of escape.

My eyes darted around the space, taking in the advanced technology that surrounded me.

The sheer sophistication of the equipment was enough to make my head spin, leaving me feeling hopelessly outmatched and vulnerable.

My heart sank further as I grappled with the absence of my glasses. Where were they? The thought nagged at me, adding to the surreal nature of my predicament.

But it was when I caught sight of my reflection in the observation glass that true horror set in.

Staring back at me was a stranger—a towering figure, standing at an imposing height of 6'4".

Gone were the familiar features of my average frame, replaced by the sculpted physique of someone who had dedicated their life to physical perfection.

My once slim arms were now replaced by muscles honed to perfection, their contours a testament to years of disciplined training.

Every inch of my new body exuded strength and power, a stark contrast to the unassuming frame I had known.

And then there were my eyes—no longer dark brown, but glowing with a faint amethyst hue.

The sight sent shivers down my spine, a chilling reminder of the impossible reality I now found myself in.

As I stumbled backward, the world around me began to blur, my vision fading as the edges of consciousness began slipping away.

In that moment, I realized with a sinking dread that I had become a pawn in a game far larger than myself—a game where the rules defied logic and the stakes were higher than I could have ever imagined.

"Damnit. I've been taken advantage of by an unknown force. How can you steal a person's body and put another soul into it? Don't tell me I've transmigrated into the Altered Carbon universe," the words spilled out in a rush, a desperate attempt to make sense of the incomprehensible.

To my utter surprise, foreign memories flooded my mind that made me fall back in a mixture of awe and disbelief.

Memories that did not belong to me flashed before my eyes, each one appearing and disappearing in rapid succession as they assimilated into my consciousness.

From childhood to the moment the body would meet its end 43 years later, I saw everything—the name, age, place of birth, and even more intimate details such as his favorite s*x positions.

And even how big his… Never mind that part.

It was as if I had lived another person's life, their experiences now intricately woven into the fabric of my being.

But amidst the flood of information, one realization struck me like a husband hitting his guest for the time—I had transmigrated into the universe of the book I'd finished reading atop the roof: Z-Gene.

And the body I now possess is none other than that of the enigmatic Terra Uru, introduced late in the story during its final arc.

As I delved deeper into Terra's memories, one truth became undeniable…

This guy was a Regressor!

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