
Hello, Mother!

"MIA!" Sonia screeched excitedly as she jumped out of the car quickly and went to embrace Mia.

Mia laughed happily as she hugged her, "It's so good to see you again, Sonia! For a moment there, I really thought you two were over," Mia said when she pulled away to look at Sonia.

"Same here! Thanks for kicking Bryan's ass. He told me you didn't take it easy on him," Sonia said, and Mia grinned as they looked at Bryan, who was getting out some food packs from the booth.

They had been the last to leave the house because they had been waiting for Samantha to prepare and pack some dishes for Mia and Jeff.

"No one took it easy on him. I'm glad you both worked out your differences," Mia said as they turned to the door when Jeff stepped out to join them.

"Is that food?" Jeff asked hopefully when he saw Bryan carrying the food packs and quickly went to take some from him.

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