
One Two Three... RUN!

Lee heesu also known as six was taken by three tall looking male's to their boss. The three members of the group took him and mistook him as their actual target because of the similarities of information that was given to them. Heesu was being interrogated by the members and including their boss (Lucien Armani). While being interrogated, the clean and clear conversation turned into a heated argument because of Heesu’s response to Lucien's statement. " What did I even do to you guys?! I don't even know you in the first place! " Heesu told them. " Boss... I think.. we got the wrong person, we're really really sorry. The information that was given was so similar to his so we accidentally mistook him as our actual target. " One of the three members bowed down while explaining what he thought that happened to their mission to Lucien. The two other members also bowed down to Lucien feeling sorry about what happened. " HaH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH What the actual fuck! You guys are a mafia together but yet you can't do your mission well?! HAHAHAHAHAHA you even bowed down to your boss but it's your boss's fault! You didn't even think about his failure to assist you guys! *Snicker* pfft, since I am here~, fine! I will stay here." Heesu stated while mocking the group including Lucien. The whole group was so shocked and so embarrassed that they became quiet for a moment, even lucien was embarrassed which caused his cheeks to turn red like the color of a tomato. " B-but, eermm why will you stay tho? What's you're reason-- " Lucien asked Heesu and breaks the silence. Heesu cut Lucien off with introducing his self "I am six, I am the one who you are looking for, you guys were just not.. sure if it was really me.. you're looking for. I will stay, in here, with you guys, so why don't we have some fun?! HAHAHAHAH I bet you didn't even know about the news since you guys kidnapped me unafraid of what will happen to you. " And once again the whole group's eyes went wide because of what Lucien stated, and... What news? " Listen here, there is a virus that spread throughout the place infecting people with it. Guess what happened to those poor humans who got infected? After getting infected, they began to lose their fuckin minds, and just like those fuckin zombies in those unreal apocalyptic movies... They began feasting on us humans, a bite from an infected or an open wound that came contact with the blood of an infected can cause you to be one of them too. That's my reason of staying in here. It's better than being alone and eaten alive." Heesu stated. " You're lying aren't you? " Lucien asked in disbelief, the other members were really terrified of what six stated. TURNS OUT THEY WEREN'T AWARE OF THE RUCKUS THAT IS ABOUT TO CHANGE THE WHOLE WORLD CONTINUE READING THIS STORY IF THIS SYNOPSIS GOT YOU GUYS HOOKED:”

Author_Mang · Fantasía
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4 Chs


Heesu's Pov

"It was just like any other day~ I gotta go hurry up!" "Uwahhhhhh!!! ungaaaaa!!!*babble* *babble*" I said to myself when beom started crying again, I think he wants to go home, I feel really sorry about him for going through this with me. " beom~ you wanna go home right? c'mon, let's go home after this last delivery, I promise" I told him.

beom was being carried by me on the baby carrier strapped on my chest, he is the only one making me happy in this world. I would do anything for him. " p-pwomish?~ " beom asked if I would keep what I said as a promise. " yes my beomie, I promise~ it's just this last one and we will go home alright?" I told him. " owkiee davvyyy (okieee daddy) yeyyyyy, mwahhh beom wub davvyyy foweverrr hihi" beom told me as he cups my face and kisses my cheeks. "nowww let's go~" I told him as I continued to walk on the black asphalt road heading to the convenience store where I needed to deliver this package.

while walking, I began to reminisce the day where it lead me to where I am and what I am now... it was much more better that this happened.


Narrator's Pov

"Another day In the company *Yawns* hyaaaaaa~" Heesu said while stretching on his seat with his father still laying down on the couch. They stayed on the company building since there is alot of work to do. As Heesu stretched and yawn, he looks on the table and on the floor. the table and the floor was filled with alot of paperwork and information about some collaborations. Heesu stood up and fixed himself. after fixing himself, he went to the café near the company building.

as he walk, he notice that the café was open so early, he went without even knowing when the cafe would open. it's currently 6:00 in the morning, what he didn't know is that the café was actually open 5:00 am to 10:00 pm. Opening the door, the bell rings indicating there is a customer. heesu walks towards the counter and ordered a breakfast for his dad and a coffee for him. " Good morning, have you eaten ? " Heesu asked the barista. " I have eaten sir! but you look like you just woke up and haven't had breakfast yet, c'mon order up and I'll be fast in making your order so that you can eat." the barista told Heesu. "hmmm~ okay then, I'll order three sandwich, the one with extra cheese and tomatoes please... ah! include one flat white, a doppio, and one long black. that's all, thankyou He stood to the side and waited for his order, to his surprise it was really quick. "sir! here's your order, three sandwich and the one with extra cheese and tomatoes, for the coffee, a flat white, doppio, and a long black! thankyou so much for ordering sir! have a good day!" the barista handed him his orders with enthusiasm. heesu was always buying breakfast and coffee in this Café, the same barista, everyday.

Heesu stared at the barista for a moment and it cause the barista to turn red in embarrassment. " tell me, you really haven't eaten yet right? I can easily figure out if someone is lying or not, don't ever lie to me again. here.. " Heesu said while handing him the sandwich and the coffee. " hmmm a sandwich with extra cheese and tomatoes, I know it's your favorite and that is why I ordered it, now... accept this and eat " Heesu told him.

" h-how did you k-know that it was my favorite? " the barista asked him. " simple, I can see you making your own food during your lunch time and the sandwich you're eating is overflowing with extra cheese and tomatoes." Heesu said while ruffling the hair of the barista. " I gotta go now, my dad is probably waiting for me and is also probably hungry by now. make sure to eat your food or else." Heesu said while doing a slit throat with his right hand. " I will eat! promise! ah! and have a good day sir!" the barista told him as they bid their goodbyes.

Heesu walked out the café and now heading back to the company building. When Heesu reaches the room of his dad, his dad went out of the room looking so anxious. "D-Dad? what's wrong?" Heesu asks his dad. "Son... Y-you need to leave, immediately, go to Korea, don't let anyone know who you are... please go.. please." his dad told him while tearing up.

"D-Dad c'mon why would I leave you here? and plus we're not yet even eating breakfast, c'mon dad let's eat and after eating we can talk about this... let's head inside." Heesu told him as he assist his dad back inside the room.

The atmosphere is quite heavy as they both entered in. They both sat down and his dad began explaining why he told him to leave and why he needed to do it. " Heesu, son, please, I beg of you, I don't want them to harm you. y-your'e the only one I have, I can't lose you.. please just.. follow me." he told heesu. " fine, okay, I will leave... I will leave today.. but what about you?" Heesu asked his father. "I'm gonna be okay as long as you're okay, and ... Heesu... try staying as low as you can okay?" his dad told him and Heesu nodded in response.

A few minutes later the company building was slowly getting filled in with workers since it's already time of their working shift. Heesu went and changed clothes, as his father instructed to stay low, he wore casual clothing, a shirt and his black slacks.

He went out the changing room and walked back to his dad's room. He entered the room with his dad still anxious. " Dad, I'm done changing... it's fine right? " Heesu asked his dad. " yes, you're handsome anyways... and also! you will not be bringing anything except for this." his dad told him while handing a black card and some cash. " D-Dad!! no!! I can just earn my own money! I promise! I am fine without that!" Heesu stated turning down the offer of his dad. " you need money, you can just buy necessary things...it's for your own good." his dad told him, Heesu just nodded back. "let's go, I'll send you off, just there in the exit. they need me in here." his dad said. "sure dad, let's go" Heesu told him while half hugging him. everyone they walked passed by greets and bows to them. they continue walking heading to the exit of the company building. As soon as they reach the exit, his dad said " go on son, you need to go... I'll miss you, please be safe." bidding him goodbye.

Heesu heads out the exit while his dad heads back inside the company building. Heesu looks back, and See's his dad staring at him looking really sad. Heesu smiled while leaning Abit on the glass partition Infront of his dad. Heesu breathes on the glass partition and uses his finger to write something on it.

[ Dad I Will Miss you, See You Later *Insert Heart*]

|End Of Flashback|

Heesu's Pov

As I reminisce the reason of me being here now together with beom, I smiled...sadly... I miss dad. "Weeshuu? Davvyyy? Whyy Cwying?" Beom said while staring at me,he began wiping my tears away with his tiny and soft hands. "Sorry baby, I was just Abit sad, but I am happy now because of you, I love you baby~" I told him. he smiles and hugs me.

I continued walking Abit more and just for a few steps, we reached the convenience store. I opened the door and entered in. "Good Evening sir! here is your package, please sign in here." I told the cashier. he signed and smiled. " You're a hard working man, I hope you and you're kid are doing fine. have a great night." the elder told me. I smiled back at him and thanked him.

I walked out the convenience store and looked at beom, his asleep... lucky, our house is just a minute walk from here. finally some rest.


As soon as we got home, I put beom on the couch and changed his clothes. He fell asleep, his probably hungry. and damn I am hungry too. I tucked beom in the blanket, it should be okay if I leave him here for awhile. After I tucked beom in his blanket I went to the kitchen and began cooking, just a small portion of chicken porridge would do. I set the ingredients and a few minutes later i finished cooking. I went and sat on the couch with beom, I grabbed the remote and opened the small television to watch the news.

( Breaking News!! A Virus has spread! The virus causes a human to go berserk, the first case of this virus was detected on Osaka Japan. The first human infected by the virus has escaped the lab where he is being used to figure out the kind of virus he is infected with. He was found entering a ship heading here on our country and just like those undead in some films, the person infected by the virus goes berserk and feasts on both humans and animals, the infected can pass the infection or virus to another person by biting, or if a person has an exposed wound and got in contact with the blood of the infected. a person bitten by an infected will also go berserk. everyone is in need to follow this safety rules: first is to not head outside to prevent encounters with the infected, for now citizens of Korea is advice to go buy necessary things such as food and water and return to their homes as fast as possible. second, don't trust anyone, if someone asked for your help never help them unless they are not bitten by the infected. third is don't make sounds because it can attract the attention of the infected. )

" W-What's Happening? ... Is .. This .. Real? " heesu asked himself still terrified about the news infront of him. he places his bowl of porridge down the table and stares at beom. " What should I do? .... *sigh*" heesu said as he leans on the couch and pinches his nose feeling pressured of the news and the current state of their country. it's still a good thing the Mafia hasn't found him yet.

" Shit " heesu cursed while looking up the ceiling.