
Chapter 6 Luffy, Traverser?

(A/N Warning! This and the next chapter isn't going to be on the perspective of the Mc because the Mc is gonna relax until the war starts… you don't wanna read that right?)


On some corner of Amazon Lily, a black-haired man with a scar under his right eyes stood up from the ground and patted the dust off his clothes.

He bent down and picked up the straw hat that fell on the ground, wearing it on his head as he muttered some incomprehensible things.

"Finally, I'm in amazon lily! Punching that disgusting pig and being chased by an admiral is worth it once I get the heart of the most beautiful woman in the One piece world."

This man is Monkey D. Luffy, a pirate with a bounty of 300 million beli, one of the supernovas of the new generation of pirates.

With all that said, He is not the original luffy from canon but a traverser to be exact.

In his previous life, he wasn't handsome nor was he ugly, just an average appearance that couldn't be more average.

His hobbies were collecting various images of beautiful girls in the animes he watched like Rem, Ram, Fubuki, Nami, Robin, and as you might guess, Hancock.

Just a regular otaku.

It was just another day of bingeing anime for three days straight when he got a sudden heart attack and met with a mysterious being that has no visible shape or color, nor was it a humanoid.

This mysterious being called itself, "God".

"God" of the underworld to be exact.

The "God" apologized for his actions as he accidentally put his name with another person that should have died.

The otaku's name is "John Maverick", his first name is very ordinary, no, more like it was received from a random name generator.

It was because of the similarity of the first name that the "God" messed up.

Anyway, moving away from that, the "God" apologized and gave some compensations to "john" for his misconduct because if he doesn't then his "Fair" reparation would be ruined.

The "God" gave "john" a very long list of perks that he could choose from and only one.

"John" obviously chose [Enhanced Haki Talent] because the "God" told him in advance which world he is reincarnating to.

He also gave "john" an option to traverse to whichever person in the One Piece world and also gave a warning that the difference of strength between the chosen person mustn't be too far apart or else his soul would shatter.

Quite a reasonable warning if I say so myself.

"John" chose luffy, partly because of protagonist halo, partly because of many beauties that come to him, and partly because luffy's Haki talent isn't too bad.

If luffy's Haki talent were to be enhanced further by his perk then the strength growth would be very fast, like riding a rocket to the stratosphere.

After speaking his choice, the "God" sent him off and off he went.

His first memory in the one piece world is seeing the infinite whiteness that seem to be oh! So! Holy! You know what I mean by that!

Before a month with his biological parents, he separated with them and was taken by his grandpa, Garp, a Marine Hero that has cornered the pirate king several times on his active duty.

He grew up healthy in foosha village and started intense training because if he wants to become the strongest person on the planet, surpassing the pirate king and become the emperor of the world, he must become stronger.

So, the goal was created, and he started doing physical training and Haki training.

At the age of 5, his physique is comparable to a normal adult male and he stepped foot on the beginner-level Observation and Armament Haki.

Grandpa Garp was shocked when luffy showed his progress, making up his mind to train him to become the strongest marine, he started instructing luffy to do intense and laborious training with professionalism.

At the age of 12, his physique made great progress due to the intense training given by Garp, comparable to ordinary marine captains and reached the threshold of intermediate-level Haki.

He also ate the Gum-Gum fruit from shanks, having to exercise his acting skills as fooling an emperors of the sea is not easy.

(A/N The reason why luffy doesn't need a lot of money to reach this level is because he is very talented. Non-talented individuals take a lot more resources and longer time to reach this level.)

And at age 15, his physique can compete with a marine commodore and his Haki was improved slightly.

Other than training, he is keen to improving relationships with people in his village, especially Makino, a bartender in the local bar and the relationship has reached its last step.

And like canon, he is iron brothers with Ace and Sabo.

Now he set out to sea and formed his pirate group the straw hat pirates, Makino left behind as she wanted to stay at her hometown but left a promise that she will always be waiting for him.

Luffy later kinda forgot about Makino as when he found another beauty named Nami, he actively sent out his invitation of joining the pirate group, offering to take arlong's head in exchange for joining his crew.

Nami accepted and arlong is chopped off.

Next, as like canon, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Brooks, Franky, and Robin joined the crew and unlike canon, Kaya, Vivi, Mikita (Mrs. valentines from baroques work), Zala (Mrs. Doublefinger from baroques work), and Marianne (Mrs. Goldenweek from Baroques work) also joined.

As a man of culture himself, luffy would obviously coll- I mean accept the beauties that come his way, talents these days are in short supply, talents are always welcome!

All the girls in the crew except Marianne became Luffy's harem because he saved them countless times and they just owe him so much that they could only repay it all with their bodies.

He is also very charming with every action he made, with the sophistry from the 21st century, and many more love rhetoric from the internet, the girls fall really quickly.

Only Marianne wasn't in luffy's harem because his bottom line is to not accept kids, that's too much even for him, a man of culture likes all types of girls except the underaged ones.

The underaged ones means those that look like a child, plus there is no appeal to him, isn't the two big and soft balls of meat good?

Moving on, luffy and his huge crew went through thick and thin, burning the world government's flag, destroying both marine and world government ships, and even running away from admirals.

Now he reached Sabaody archipelago in order to save one of his friends in an auction house.

He arrived at the auction house and since it wasn't time yet, he tried to befriend the supernovas there and maybe due to his protagonist halo, there was a good bond that was formed.

Though not long, it is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Later, Luffy punched a celestial dragon, saved a mermaid which is his friend and maybe… just maybe she will fall in love with him like the rest of the girls in his harem.

He then met Rayleigh, the right hand man of the pirate king, and almost immediately formed a deep bond, most likely due to his straw hat that was given to him by shanks, an emperor of the sea.

Outside of the auction house, there were hundreds of marines who were dispatched to arrest luffy because punching a celestial dragon is apparently illegal.

Luffy kicked their ass, an admiral chased him down, he and his crew began running away with him blocking the admiral with the top combatants of his crew while the other weaker crew members ran away.

Luffy…is very strong, his strength reaches the top 3 of the supernovas and won't lose to any rookie pirate but! This is a big BUT! His strength doesn't allow him to beat an admiral.

An admiral is the symbol of justice, incarnation of justice in the marines. Their powers are terribly strong! Countries could be taken down on their whim, obviously this young luffy is not a match against them.

So, Rayleigh blocked Kizaru, Bartholomew Kuma sent luffy's crew to random safe places that is far away, and now comes his current situation.

Landing in Amazon Lily like in the anime.

Just after he finished muttering those words, a group of Kuja pirates that regularly patrol the forest found him.

"Who are you!", said Marguerite, the blond girl who brought Hancock to the port in chapter 2.

Luffy grinned and said, "Hello beauty! I am straw hat luffy, the captain of the straw hat pirates.

Since the first time I've heard of the mysterious island called amazon lily, I have been dazzled by its sense of mystery.

As a curious cat as I am, I set off in my small dingy and arrive at this island, exploring its region and discovering what uniqueness and beauty it has!

Now that I came here, I saw innumerable things that are beautiful, the scenery, the plants, the animals, the soil, everything!

Meeting you, I think you, the people, are the most beautiful in this land!"

(A/N I am bad at writing this so could you pretend the one above sounds good?)

"Oh my!", Gasped the Kuja women.

The Kuja women except Marguerite had red blushes on their cheeks, red and ripe as an apple. They have never heard of such praise coming from a man and they don't feel any repulsion to it.

On the other hand, Marguerite looked vigilantly at luffy, although she is slightly interested in the first man she has ever encountered, but her rationality tells her that this man should not be on this island.

Amazon lily is a no man's zone, no man is literally allowed to set foot on this island.

Now seeing a man on this island, obviously this is a red flag! this man is up to no good!

Her opinion doesn't really matter as she just needs to stay on guard. Since a man has gotten into the island in an unknown way, they decided to take him and meet the empress.

They head to the capital of Amazon Lily and let the empress decide how to deal with the man.

At the hallway of the empress's palace, they opened the door leading to the throne room and kneeled down in front of the empress, paying respect to her.

Only luffy was the only one standing.

"Why did you bring a man here!"

The cold voice of Hancock brought the room to a freezing point, she has just returned from the meeting conference in Marineford and with experiencing the lustful eyes of men there, her mood at this moment isn't pretty good.

Luffy seemed to not be affected by her cold words while the women kneeling down had cold sweat on their forehead.

"Forget it, you may leave. I'll ask the man myself."

"Yes empress!", the women answered and quickly left.

Only Hancock, Sanderson, and Marigold were left in the room. Hancock looked at luffy with an icy gaze, she had the demeanor of an iceberg beauty that has been frozen for a thousand years.

Even those extraordinarily handsome men could not make Hancock give them a good face much less this ordinary-looking man.

Luffy looked at her and subconsciously began thinking about what to do with her on bed, thinking of all those poses he watched on the internet in his previous life, it makes his mouth water.

The protagonist halo began working in the background, the once lustful gaze was interpreted by Hancock as a pure gaze without any impurities at all, giving her a slightly favorable view to this man.

But she still had a very icy demeanor.

"Who are you and what are you doing here!"

Hancock got straight to the point and asked coldly, her tone was firm like she was ordering him to do so rather than asking some questions.

Luffy didn't mind that as he was broad-minded, as a harem king, he should be able to take the insults of women he deems his own.

He lightly introduced himself, "I am Monkey D. Luffy, the man who punched a celestial dragon!"

What he said shocked Hancock, her gaze towards him has changed a bit, from the repulsive man like any other men to very interested in this person.

She took a newspaper that looked several days old, the title on it was "Breaking news! A celestial dragon got kicked by a new supernova!"

(A/N Let's just pretend that the title of the news is good, okey?)

"Are you this man in the photo?"

She has been worshiping the man in the photo for the past 2 hours since she discovered it. she was a former slave of a celestial dragon and has a psychological shadow towards them.

Now that a man has beaten a celestial dragon, she used all her energy in worshiping him.

Her voice when speaking the sentence was shacky, afraid that she mistook the man to the one in the photo, it would be very embarrassing to confuse to men.

The photo hancock showed was an identical man wearing a straw hat.

Luffy looked at her weirdly and silently asked himself: Is she blind?

If you have perfectly functioning eyes, you will know that the appearance of the man in the photo and him is the same, it is irrefutable.

But he still nodded and calmly said, "That's me."

Hancock looked at him with a hot gaze, her heart started beating faster like a deer running as her breathing became heavier. The sweat on her beautiful white skin made her clothes a bit wet and her face became as red as an apple.

Her appearance at this moment is very seductive, especially for luffy as he liked big-breasted women, that's why all of the women in his harem are big-breasted women.

Luffy swallowed his saliva at the sight of this seductive scene but in Hancock's eyes, it looked like he was just hungry for food.

"Oh~ Luffy-kun~ I,I'll prepare you some food."

She quickly got up and went to the kitchen, leaving luffy alone in the throne room.

T-The protagonist halo on luffy is so powerful! Directly making hancock fall in love with him in one sentence?

That's an exaggerated speed at falling in love! Naruto needed to beat up bullies and say a few words before getting his first love, he needs to learn more from luffy.

A few moments later, hancock brought a dozen dishes in large sizes and luffy ate it all. After that, luffy and hancock went to bed.

That night was a sleepless night, many indescribable noises came from Hancock's bedroom, good thing the bedroom was soundproof so no one heard it.

(A/N I promise this will end in the next chapter and then back to our Mc.)

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