
Top [Part 3]


"It has certainly been a while since we have met... Midget bounty hunter"

Taking a few steps forward, Osamu grinned as he looked at the cornered Farid, who stood idly on his same spot only looking at Osamu silently.

"You know? Because of you, I had a fucking lot of problems and almost got caught by the marine in the process. After all, after you escaped from me, someone revealed my location, and entire squads were deployed to capture me and my crew"

Gritting his teeth, Osamu took once again a step closer, before his hand turned completely liquid and black.

"I managed to get away, but my whole crew was captured and sent to impel down! Moreover, because of the increased vigilance of the marines after knowing that I was in here, I became unable to leave this damned Kingdom for an entire year!"

Taking one step closer for the last time, Osamu grinned madly, before he raised his transformed fist high into the air and looked at Farid with a crazed expression.

"But now that I have found you, the one at the fault for everything that has happened to me... I can finally relieve some stress!!"

Yelling ferociously in anger, Osamu's fists grew enormously, as his enormous punch soon hammered the floor where Farid was and created an enormous explosion of debris that resounded all around the vicinity.





Amidst the sounds of debris falling to the floor drily, and the thick dust cloud that had erected after the explosion, the serious figure of Osamu emerged and looked all around with squinted eyes.

Suddenly, however, while Osamu was still distracted, an extremely fast shadow appeared from above him and blasted away Osamu's head in just one hit.


The strange liquid splattered all over the floor, as soon the decapitated body of Osamu fell to the ground and stopped moving completely.


Landing on the ground, Farid looked at the body of Osamu with disgust, before he tried touching his unmoving body with his foot, seemingly trying to see whether he was alive or not.

"Got you"

However, as soon as his foot touched Osamu's body, it turned into a liquid, and rapidly surrounded completely Farid's foot, not allowing him to pull it out anymore.


Surprised, Farid did his best to getaway. However, he soon noticed that his foot was completely trapped and that he couldn't get away from the pirate.

Now that Osamu was near Farid, a vicious grin spread across his face, before suddenly his fist turned black once again and rapidly grew in size.

"I hope you scream in agony after this!"

Widening his eyes in madness, Osamu slammed his fist on the unmoving body of Farid with a violent force and sent him flying away at a terrifying speed.

Farid's body crashed into several buildings, piercing their walls as if they were made out of paper until he finally crashed against the final wall and finally stopped.

"What is happening?!"

"Isn't that the midget bounty hunter?!"

"Why did he suddenly crash into my house?! Now I have to repair the walls..."

The people in the surroundings widened their eyes in surprise seeing the defeated figure of Farid, who was lying unmovingly in the same spot seemingly unconscious.

"That attack should have pretty much broke every and each bone in your body... How is it? Do you regret what you did to me now?"

Emerging from the debris of the destroyed buildings that Farid had left behind after crashing with them, Osamu grinned as he looked at his defeated body with a grin, before both of his hands turned into the black liquid again.

"I have eaten the Inku inku no mi, thus making me an ink-human. So no matter how much you try, none of your hits will actually hurt me!" Opening his arms and leaving his vital spots open, completely unafraid of receiving damage, Osamu's lips curled up as he looked at the unconscious body of Farid not moving in the slightest.

"Ehhh? Was that previous hit really enough to take you down? I guess I overestimated you..."

Soon, Osamu moved toward Farid's unconscious body and raised one of his fists high into the air, preparing himself to turn Farid's body into minced meat.

However, before he was able to do so, Farid's body rapidly moved and kicked his open abdomen of Osamu, blasting it all away and leaving an enormous hole there.

Immediately after that, Farid jumped back and made sure to keep some distance from Osamu, as he looked at him with serious eyes.

On the other hand, Osamu's eyes widened enormously as he looked at the perfectly fine figure of Farid, whom he had thought was done after receiving one of his blows.

"You're actually fine even after receiving one of my punches...?" Shocked by the sight, Osamu couldn't help but mutter in astonishment while gritting his teeth in anger.

Unexpectedly for him, Farid had heard him muttering using his enhanced hearing and rapidly looked at him with a mocking expression.

"You hit like a sissy"


As if something had broken inside Osamu's mind, his whole face turned red, and several veins started becoming more visible throughout his whole head.

"I will show you who is a sissy, you damn brat!!"

Like that, Osamu lunged at the calm Farid, before both of them exchanged blows with each other, hoping that at least one of their hits would affect the other.




|Farid's POV:|


This guy sure was an annoying one.

No matter how much I punched him, nothing actually affected him.

"Come on, why don't you die?!"

The same went for him though. No matter how much he punched me or attacked me, almost none of his hits dealt damage to me... And that was only if he actually managed to hit me because dodging his attacks wasn't really that hard either.

It seemed like an endless battle, really...

Unfortunately, from the punches that would actually hit me, they were still accumulating damage in my body, although very little by little. So even though we were in this seemingly endless situation right now, between me who couldn't even damage him with my punches, and him who was slowly accumulating damage in my body through our fight, it was obvious that if the fight continued like this I would be the one to lose first.

Thus, I had to do something.

Dodging one of his fists, I kneeled down, before I sent a very rapid punch straight to his jaw, making his whole face explode in the process because of the air pressure behind my fist.

Making use of that, I rapidly took several steps back and began thinking about how to win against this Osamu guy.

He said that he was an ink-human... This means that no matter in which way I hit him or attack him, none of my attacks will hurt him in any way... Unless...

Looking at my fist for a brief moment, I remembered the words of the King.


-{Haki is a special technique used in the most dangerous seas in the world. However, few people are actually capable of unlocking it, so I don't really know much about it... Nevertheless, what I do know, is that the armament Haki and Observation Haki are both incredibly strong techniques that can make a big difference in battle...

With Armament Haki, you can coat your fists in your own willpower, and use it to empower your own attacks or to be able to hit creatures that you wouldn't be able to damage normally... Like devil fruits users for example... And with Observation Haki, there will be no attack that will be able to reach you ever again}-


The only answer right now was that Haki thingy...

If I managed to unlock the Armament Haki now, then I would finally get a chance on winning against this guy. Otherwise, there was no way I could win against this guy.


How does one even unlock that?

Willpower...? Well, I REALLY want to punch this guy, but even then I'm not able to punch him. What more does it want from me?!

"Aaaaargh, you little...!"

Suddenly, after regenerating his head, Osamu looked at me and gritted his teeth angrily.

"I swear I'm going crazy because of you damn brat... Why don't you just... DIE?!"

Repentinetly, as Osamu threw a tantrum while I pondered what to do, Osamu's hand turned into a tentacle of ink and launched itself towards me like a whip.

It was so fast, in fact, that I was unable to dodge and I was hit directly in my eyes.



Rolling through the floor because of the recoil, I grunted because of the surprise of actually being hit in my eyes, expecting to feel pain at any moment, before I noticed that the attack had made actually no damage.

Rapidly, I stood up and rubbed my eyes, trying to open them once again to know where Osamu currently was.


"What's wrong kid...? You seem... Unable to see?"

When I opened my eyes... Everything was black.

"Hahaha, where am I, where am I? Can you tell kid?"






Suddenly, from the side, I received a powerful blow that sent me flying away, and made me crash with several buildings once again.

I couldn't even sense where he was coming from... Nor where I was.


I felt disoriented and lost... and it was making me sick to no end.

Why can't I see?

"I'm sure you are feeling lost right now kid. Why is it that I can't see anything now? That's probably what you are thinking right now... Hahaha, tell me, have you ever heard the saying that ink stains are one of the most stubborn and one of the hardest stains to get off any surface? Now, what would happen if a stain of ink completely covers your eyes?"

Hearing Osamu's voice, which seemed to echo amidst all the darkness that I was currently seeing, I gulped in nervousness as I tried my best to find my center of gravity and not stumble on anything while I tried to stand up.

"Of course you... will... be... Blinded!!!"



Suddenly, my body was violently slammed against the floor, and I felt the ground below me shatter because of the ferocious force behind the impact just now.

For the first time since we began fighting, I felt pain in my whole body.


Coughing all the air in my lungs, I groaned while being on the floor, as I tried my best to feel my surroundings somehow.

Not being able to see anything and knowing that there is something out there trying to kill me was making me feel unnerved to no end.

I was feeling stressed as I have never been before.

My high defense wasn't doing the job anymore, and I knew it...

And to worse things out, I had already spent all my remaining status points on cerebral power... So I couldn't increase my defense either.

At this rate, I was going to be beaten down without being able to do anything in the slightest.

"Aren't you a bit nervous? Well, let's see how your so-called "sturdy" body fares against my blades!"



Suddenly, the sound of something sharp being unsheathed reached my ears, and my body tensed instantly in horror.

With my high defense, I can indeed break apart blades just using the hardness of my body as I had done before. However, that only applied if my opponent is a stupid brute who only knows how to swing a sword, otherwise, if he knows even a little bit about technique, he would also know which parts of the body are still weak to blades, like my throat or my stomach.

Osamu showed up with great experience and technique while we were fighting, despite not being the best. If he had a bladed weapon, then that would mean that he knows at least the basics of that weapon... And as I was right now, I was completely open for him to strike a vital spot and kill me instantly.

Death, that was a word I had forgotten already.


For the first time in a year, my body was feeling directly death breathing on my nape.

However, unconsciously, it was this same dreadful feeling that was making me able to know where to step and where to not step.

I didn't notice at first because I was busy trying to know where Osamu was. However, soon I noticed it... Despite it all being still completely black... I could feel him.



As if my whole body was telling me to kneel at that moment, I rapidly threw myself to the floor and proceeded to roll away from where Osamu had attacked just now.

What was this feeling?

It was similar to my sight... But much more powerful...

'From the side!'


Feeling something approaching from my side, I rapidly dodged with all my might and managed to evade the attack of Osamu. After that, I took several steps back and proceeded to take a deep breath to calm myself.

The previous feeling of disorientation had completely disappeared as if it had never been there, to begin with, and for some reason... I could see everything now, despite everything in my view still being black.


Once again, I felt something approaching... However, this time I was prepared to not back down.




Throwing a punch directly to where the attack was coming from, my first clashed with what I felt was a sword and immediately shattered it, sending Osamu flying several meters away in the process.


Breathing to calm myself, I took a step forward and smiled confidently.

Finally, the tides of our battle had changed... Now, I was finally able to see again... Though not in a conventional way.

I could see how angry and astonished he was feeling at the moment.

I could see my whole surroundings and all the people watching our battle as if feeling their presence.

As for his next movements...


I could also see them all.

Whatever this strange power was... It was damn awesome!!

Hmm... But if I had to think about it... There was only one existence that would have granted me this kind of power...

And that being would be, of course... The Holy Cow!

It had probably blessed me with its almighty powers after seeing that I was getting my ass beaten... Thus, I think it's only natural for me to prove myself worthy of its help.

Prepare yourself, Obama, I will kick your ass from now on!


-To be continued-

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