

Without saying anything more, he told Variares to attack Bruce quickly while his transformation seemed to be still ongoing as this might be a battle for life and death, there's no honor to keep.

Alexander had finally begun to understand that if killing these people was needed to stay with Nojiko, so why would he wait for Bruce to finish his transformation and increase the chances of his death?.

But even if he had finally realized his reason to kill, Alexander would never kill someone if he didn't need it by that he would never kill people without a reason to justify it.

'Variares use Sword of Ares' quickly thinking that as he noticed that Bruce's transformation was beginning to finish as his scales got even darker.

The Sword of Ares was the attack mode compared to Shield of Ares, so Variares sword got enlarged instead of his shield from a 2-meter big sword that he could casually hold in his hand to a 3-meter that looked like a 2-handed sword even for his size, but he could still casually carry in his right hand.

Variares almost instantly got behind Bruce and was just about to slash him from head to toe when Alexander felt chills coming directly from Bruce.

'I can't do anything but go all out, Variares use King of Thundersword.' with that, red thunderstorms instantly appeared around Variares, and the red lightning struck his sword, but the red lightning didn't dissipate it gave the sword an aura of lightning instead this red lightning that danced around this massive black greatsword.

Seeing that this might get out of hand, he quickly looked around, trying to find Nojiko and get out of the calamity that was about to happen. It didn't take long to spot Nojiko still battling the pirates, and from what he could see, they couldn't even hurt her as their attacks couldn't penetrate Armament Haki.

Alexander quickly used his Vibrations to knockout the pirates before grabbing Nojiko and carried her in his arms.

"Ahhh!" Nojiko hadn't been able to see who it was until she was in the person's arms.

But seeing that it was Alexander, she was just about to hit him in the chest for scaring her like that but seeing that he seemed very serious about something, she didn't.

"Alex, is something wrong?" she asked with a worried tone.

"Don't worry it is just that we have to move away from the battlefield for the time being as something big is about to happen." he said as a small smile cracked from his serious face.

It had only taken 2-3 seconds to travel 100 meters, but just as they had gotten that far, the black clouds that had formed above Variares and Bruce's area seemed that it was about to send a bolt of incredibly powerful lightning down.

Quickly looking towards their position, noticed that when Variares sword struck down towards Bruce, the lightning cloud followed suit and unleashed the devastating and massive crimson bolt of lightning that had formed inside.

Alexander didn't look away from what was happening even when he didn't want to see it, but he forced himself as this will be the first step, so he looked at Bruce's execution that looked more like being purged by a god of thunder.

A moment later, after Variares lightning sword struck, the smoke cleared out, and you could see that Bruce didn't exist anymore. The only thing left was the mark left by the lightning strike that covered almost 20 meters around variares.

Luckily it seemed like a few pirates had survived the ordeal, but Alexander couldn't guarantee that they even had any hearing left as they might have gone deaf from the lighting strike.

As to why he needed them alive, he had taken an interest in what Bruce had told him about him having a boss that might have given him the Energy Steriods as not even Big Mama would let something like that out of her sight.

'So the only possibility is that the "boss" most have given them away as he might have a lot of them, so possibly they can alert their boss us so I can uncover this secret organization that even the 7 Warlords or the 4 Emperors knows about.' Alexander had concluded on his own.

Alexander quickly walked towards the surviving pirates with Nojiko still in his arms as it wasn't until he was before the pirates that he let her down.

Standing before the pirates, Alexander took out a piece of paper and wrote what he wanted them to do, and if they did as Alexander wrote, he wouldn't have to kill them.

A few of the pirates were scared when they read the note, but some of them didn't care about his threat as death was more desirable than having to live with being deaf for the rest of their lives.

So they accepted his "proposal" without any hesitation as to why wouldn't they the captain's boss is even more terrifying than the kid before them from what they had heard from rumors. So telling the big boss to kill the man that made them deaf for life was something they would gladly do.

So they all quickly got up, even with their injuries caused by Nojiko and the lightning strike, and begun walking towards their ship.

It wasn't until the pirates disappeared that Rayleigh appeared with a proud expression on his face.

"I knew you would take care of it, and I'm sorry I didn't help you as I hope you can understand as too why I didn't." he said.

"You don't have to worry, I know why you didn't appear, and even if you wouldn't be too much help either way." Alexander began laughing when he said the last part.

Rayleigh also began laughing with him, Nojiko seeing those two laughing had infected her, so she started laughing with them.

Rayleigh noticed something while laughing that caused him to stop laughing for a second a show a worried look that none of them had seen as they were laughing, but the thing Rayleigh had noticed was an almost destroyed Energy Steroid that you hardly could notice as it was virtually unrecognizable.

I'm sorry for the late chapter as to the reason to why it's late well that is thanks to the new Path of Exile season ;D

I'm sorry but I hope you like the chapter!?!?

StrayGodcreators' thoughts