
Chapter 295


"Fuck you…" Laffitte looked up at him and growled as he shifted his body again to his half-zoan form. His struggle with his breathing got a bit easier.

Sparky blinked, "Oh-ho, I didn't know that would happen. Interesting, very interesting. Your zoan transformation was able to ease some of the difficulties, interesting…" He said taking a bite of his apple with one hand and taking out a notebook and a pencil with his other hands. He also took out his reading glasses before he wrote something down in his notebook. He then looked at the Blackbeard Pirate, "Say, on a one scale of one to ten, ten being getting strangled to death by a male stripper, and one being struggling to hold your poop in. What would you rate your suffering?"

"*cough…Fuck you!" Laffitte growled throwing himself again at the six armed monkey. This time he was faster than before. But even then, he was too slow to be any threat.

Sparky pulled down his eyelid and stuck out his tongue before he changed locations, taking his seat on the top of a large rock.

"Hmm… I will add it as a three." He said, shrugging, as he pushed up his reading glass with a sigh, "Honestly, why can't test subjects be more open about their feelings? It would make my job a lot easier."

Laffitte just growled at him, "When I find a way to get out… *cough… I will take my sweet time in ripping out your limbs one by one, before shoving em up your ass."

"Oh, kinky," He said, "But you see I ain't into men, or humans for that matter. But hey, I don't judge." He said as he snickered.

"So, it's a waiting game…" Laffitte glared, as he coughed in between, "Fine, then answer me this, if you slowed me down, then why can I speak at a normal pace?"

"Hm? Didn't you hear me the first time?" Sparky said taking another bite from his apple, while two of his arms polished his guns, "I only slowed down your concept of movement. You see, when I first started using the fruit, I was thinking in very simple terms and slowing the whole thing down.

"But Luffy had shown me a better way of using the fruit. More creative ways. It turns out, if I only slow down one aspect of someone, like let's say, his or her movement, then I strain my powers less. I haven't mastered slowing down complicated concepts yet. But when it comes to movement, I can slow your movements down to a very low level."

Hearing Sparky's explanation Laffitte's eyes had widened and he stared forward, only to go into a coughing fit, while Sparky laughed. "You can barely breath, and using that attack only made you lose a few more seconds of your miserable life," he said, laughing while Laffitte went through a coughing fit, as he gasped for air.

"Why don't you fucking shut up damn it!"

"But, I love hearing my own voice~." Sparky whined, "Did you know how bad it was that only Luffy could understand me? Speaking took a whole lot longer than I imagined… probably got it from my old man's side. Only the bastard could speak anyways… Anyway, where was I… oh, yeah, funny thing is, it turns out my slow powers could also be used for training to gain more speed. Luffy said it was kind of similar to gravity training, or advanced resistance training... Huh, now that I say it out loud, all he thinks and talks about is training." He said rubbing his chin.

One drawback of his powers was that while slowing down the target's movements, it wouldn't take away any force or 'damage capability' of the attack, the target uses.

The punch might be slow, but it would be just as dangerous as the original one. That's why he wasn't getting near his opponent.

Sparky could slow down a few other things in Laffitte's body to end him quick, but the six-armed monkey wanted to take his time. Call him a bit greedy, but this was his first fight alone with anyone decently strong, and he wanted it to continue a while longer. And at the same time, he wanted to make the Blackbeard pirate suffer for what he did to Kuina.

Laffitte on the other hand, used the chance to throw some of his feathers out towards the monkey. The feathers weren't speedy, by any means but they were controlled, moving at a low level so that they could hit their target without getting notified.

"So you are like the pet of the crew." The Blackbeard pirate scoffed, trying to keep all attention to him. "Luffy this, Luffy that… you are nothing but a glorified pet."

"Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me. Or that's how the quote goes. But I don't like what you said…" Sparky said, rubbing his chin with one hand before a grin appeared on his face. "It kind of rubs my fur the wrong way… It's insulting that you think so low of my crewmates, but then again why am I bothered by a soon-to-be-dead man…?"

"You are a pet… *cough… a mutt…" Laffitte said starting to throw out insults as the feathers started going towards its targets.

Sparky rolled his eyes, "I really feel like you are underestimating me…" he said before taking out two of his guns with his lower arms and shooting down the feathers that were inching toward him. "Wow, sixteen of them… and here I thought you thought me nothing more than a glorified pet."

Laffitte clicked his tongue as he thought of ways to escape the situation he was in. Even in his half-zoan form, he was still struggling to breathe and keeping up Armament Haki around his body. It was getting a lot tougher as each second ticked by.

Sparky wanted to say something but he was cut off when they heard a loud explosion, and the ground rumbling. Both of them looked towards the East where a giant ball of fire was clashing against a dark ball of shadows fighting for dominance.

The whole thing exploded with fire coming out of it as a victor, and an animalistic roar could be heard.

Sparky frowned, "What was that?"

Laffitte smirked, "You guys didn't know what you got yourselves into when dealing with our captain…?" his grin widened, "He has powers that are beyond your imagination…!"

Sparky, who was about to jump to the sky to get a clear view, saw Luffy going over them. The straw hat-wearing boy gave him a nod before going towards the fight. A small smile grew on his face. Luffy had it handled.

If they needed help, Luffy would have called out. As he didn't, Sparky knew they most likely had it handled. He looked at Laffitte thinking over things. But still, he needed to speed things up. Huh, ironic.

"You know, you are talking way too much for a bird that's about to get cooked," Sparky said, giving him a side glance as parts of his body started flickering in and out of Armament Haki.

Laffitte's wings came forward to protect himself from any blows as Sparky took out his guns, putting new bullets in them.

Sparky grinned, "I like me-birds-spicy."

"Wha…?" Laffitte wasn't even able to finish his sentence as a bullet was shot right into his eyes, panting the whole area in red liquid. "Agggghhh!" The bird-man screamed clawing his eyes as he tried to wipe away the spicy sauce from his eyes. But it was a mistake and Sparky used that chance to shoot two bullets directly inside of his mouth. Making the man cough along with struggling with his breathing.

"Alabastan Green Reaper!" Sparky said, "Has a nasty smell to go along with it. Took some from Usopp's stash before I left, didn't know it would be this useful. Anyway, your suffering has just started now." Sparky said cracking his six knuckles. "Let's get down to business… "

Laffitte, even in his agony, heard him and got cautious, bringing his wings over his body. But he was a bit too late again, as six bullets smashed into his body. Five pierced his wings while one managed to dig itself into his shoulder.

Now that he didn't have Armament Haki, Sparky's bullets were able to hurt him. Even without Haki, Laffitte's body was far more tougher because of his Mythical Zoan. So, Sparky's bullets were just able to dig into his skin.

But they were no ordinary bullets. Suddenly, Laffitte started feeling a lot weaker and his devil fruit powers started to retreat back into him. "Shit! *cough… Sea-stone bullets." He grunted as he tried to take out the bullets from his shoulders. But the bullets were stuck to his skin and wouldn't move, making him commit to a useless struggle. The man was on his knees as he felt his powers slip away, making him go through a coughing fit again…


A grinding noise made the Blackbeard Pirate look up and see the six-armed monkey with a chainsaw and a hockey mask. "Specialized chainsaw with sea stone edges…! Made it after I saw one of my crewmates have fun with his powers… Honestly, when you put Anchor and Usopp together, you can make some great stuff," Sparky ginned as Laffitte started backing off in the opposite direction with fear evident in his eyes. "The mask just adds some flavor to your misery… or that's what Luffy said… Bahahaha…

"Mythical Zoan's are pretty rare… even rarer than some logia. We have a good food collection back in the ship. But you have far too many limbs for my liking. Let's fix that…"


Saprky's eyes glinted as his grin widened in a dark tone, "Oh, yes. Come to papa, birdy." With that, he started his chainsaw and jumped toward the Blackbeard pirate.

The forest was laced with the screams of a man and the laughter of a monkey.

— — — —

A/N: Sorry for the late upload, guys. Enjoy.

I wasted too much time on Laffitte, but oh well. I wanted to flesh out a few details about Sparky's powers in there as well. Next chapters will be about the brother trio against Blackbeard.

Have a great day! Bye~

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