
One After the Other #105

Author's note: you peanut-brained, sub-human wastes of oxygen never learn do you? You just have to open your moths and spew your shit... and now I gotta get that shit and shove down your throats...

1- Saint Charlos took a lot of beating, including a full powered punch from luffu, and being and clobbered with a spikey iron mace and sruvived. He might be an imbecile like some of the people on this site, but he's at least durable.

2-Yes, Cedric could have put more strength into the attack, but he wanted the guy to suffer, and it wouldn't have landed anyway. With Kuzan, a FRIGGEN ADMIRAL, lurking in the shaodws, do you stupic fucks honestly think Cedric can kill Charlos? Couldn't you consider that Kuzan maybe let Cedric hit Saint Charlos because he knew the attack wouldn't kill him?

BuT wHy wOuLd KuZAn lEt CeDRic hIT ChARlOs? I could give you a millions reasons, but I'll stick to this: because I fucking said so, that's why!

3-Even if if by some miracle, Cedric managed to kill Saint Charlos, do you really think Kuzan would let him go? Does the idea that a goddamned admiral can let go of a guy who killed a celestial dragon and get away with it seem feasible to the piles of shits that are your brains? If you answered with yes, then please seek medical attention or a support group because your mom must have dropped you on your fucking head when you were a kid. There is no other explanations for such dumb-fuckery.

I've been saying it since I started writing, and I'll keep saying it as long as dumb fucks continue to flock my comment section and spread their dumb-fuckery. Use your fucking brains and think about what you want to say before you start typing, you dumb fuckers!

Finally, to the most special kind of fucktards on this site, no body gives a shit if you stop reading, especially not me, you fucking overgrown brats. Heck I wouldn't care if a thousend of you fucktards stopped reading. I get hundreds of new readers every day, so yeah, I'm not gonna miss your dumb asses. In fact I don't think anyone would, so you might as well ******. (I'll leave the rest unsaid)

And finally, for the love of god, or gods, or whatever tickes your goat, for once in your goddamned miserable lives, just shut the fuck up and spare everyone your fucking whining you bitch ass basment dwellers!

Ahem, and well, enjoy the chapter.


Cedric nodded, his focus shifting solely to Onigumo. He tightened his grip on his spear and unholstered one of his seven revolvers, ready to engage in combat. The air crackled with tension as the two adversaries faced each other, a storm of emotions brewing within.

Without hesitation, Onigumo lunged forward, his body a blur of motion. His armament haki coated his fists, imbuing them with a formidable strength. He aimed a powerful punch at Cedric, intent on knocking him off balance.

Cedric's observation haki alerted him to Onigumo's attack, granting him a split-second advantage. He swiftly sidestepped, narrowly evading the punch. With his enhanced physical strength, Cedric retaliated with a swift strike of his spear, aiming for Onigumo's exposed side.

Onigumo, however, reacted with lightning speed. He brought his arm up, clad in armament haki, blocking Cedric's strike. The impact reverberated through the air, the clash of their weapons creating sparks.

The two engaged in a fast-paced exchange, their movements a blur of calculated strikes and agile dodges. Cedric relied on his physical prowess, delivering powerful blows with his spear and utilizing his revolvers for ranged attacks. Meanwhile, Onigumo used his armament haki to deflect Cedric's attacks and retaliated with lightning-fast punches and kicks.

Onigumo's observation haki, more potent than Cedric's, granted him an advantage in predicting Cedric's moves. He managed to land a few solid hits, each blow carrying a tremendous force. Cedric felt the impact, but his endurance and resilience allowed him to withstand the attacks.

As the fight raged on, Cedric's frustration grew. Onigumo seemed relentless, pushing Cedric to his limits with each strike. His armament haki proved a formidable defense, preventing Cedric's attacks from landing with full force.

Cedric knew he had to think outside the box to gain the upper hand. Drawing upon his Devil Fruit powers, he summoned flames around his body, forming a fiery aura. The scorching heat intensified the battlefield, adding an extra layer of danger.

With a renewed determination, Cedric infused his spear with his fire abilities. As he swung his weapon, the flames extended, creating a wave of fire hurtling towards Onigumo. The vice admiral reacted swiftly, dodging the fiery assault, but Cedric saw an opportunity.

While Onigumo was momentarily distracted, Cedric unleashed a barrage of shots from his revolver. The bullets whizzed through the air, narrowly missing Onigumo but forcing him to continue evading and lose ground.


Cedric took advantage of the situation, closing in on Onigumo. His spear became a blur as he struck with precision and speed, each blow aimed to exploit any opening, testing the limits of Onigumo's armament haki.

Onigumo, growing more ferocious with each passing moment, refused to yield. He launched powerful counterattacks, his sword swings carrying a devastating force. The clash of their attacks echoed through the air, the intensity of their battle increasing with every passing second.

Despite Cedric's relentless assault, Onigumo's armament haki was the biggest obstacle. Once a formidable weapon, Cedric's spear began to show signs of strain under the vice admiral's constant barrage. The cracks on its surface grew more pronounced with each collision.

Onigumo's devil fruit powers manifested as the fight escalated, sprouting six spider-like arms from his back. The additional limbs enabled him to weild the hidden sabers concealed under his marine coat, adding to his arsenal of weapons. Now armed with eight swords, Onigumo unleashed a flurry of sword swings and flying slashes, creating a whirlwind of deadly attacks.

Cedric's eyes widened in astonishment at the sudden surge of weapons. He knew he had to be cautious and rely on his agility and reflexes to defend against Onigumo's onslaught. With quick sidesteps and nimble footwork, Cedric narrowly avoided the flurry of slicing strikes aimed at him. However, as the speed and precision of Onigumo's attacks increased, Cedric found himself forced to block.

Cedric parried several of Onigumo's sabers, but the vice admiral's relentless assault proved overwhelming. The strain on Cedric's weapon became too much to bear, and his spear finally shattered into pieces under the relentless barrage.

Cedric stepped back, his eyes scanning the battlefield for an opening. He could no longer rely on the reach and versatility of his spear, but he refused to back down. Determination burned in his eyes as he assessed his options.

Onigumo pressed the attack, his eight sabers swirling through the air in a whirlwind of deadly slashes. Cedric relied on his agility and reflexes, his body moving with the grace of a dancer as he evaded the lethal strikes. He ducked, twisted, and weaved through the onslaught, narrowly avoiding each blade.

Despite Cedric's skilled evasion, Onigumo's assault grew more relentless with each passing moment. The sheer speed and ferocity of the vice admiral's attacks pushed Cedric to his limits.

As the battle raged on, Cedric's body began to show signs of weariness. Sweat dripped down his brow, and his movements became slower and less precise as bloody cuts appeared over his torso and arms. Onigumo seized the opportunity, landing a blow that sent Cedric crashing to the ground, his body wracked with pain.

Struggling to push himself up, Cedric felt the weight of his injuries bearing down on him. Blood trickled from a deep gash on his arm, staining his clothes. Onigumo loomed over him, a victorious smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Just give up, criminal scum," Onigumo sneered, his voice filled with contempt. "Your resistance is futile."

Cedric gritted his teeth, ignoring the vice admiral's words. He knew he couldn't afford to lose. A surge of determination coursed through his veins. He dug deep within himself, drawing upon the well of strength that lay dormant.

With his vision blurred and his body trembling, Cedric focused on a single thought: he couldn't afford to lose, not here, not now. As his willpower surged, a radiant energy enveloped him, crackling with otherworldly power.

A flaming shockwave emanated from Cedric's body, causing the ground to tremble. Onigumo staggered back, his smirk replaced with disbelief. The injuries that had weighed Cedric down moments ago now seemed insignificant as he stood, a beacon of unwavering resolve.

As a dark metallic sheen covered Cedric's fist, his veins coursed with a newfound power that transformed his very being. The injuries that plagued him moments ago began to visibly heal as his internal organs produced enzymes and hormones that could not occur without external stimulants.

The awakening of Cedric's armament Haki and the injuries suffered during the battle with Onigumo brought a higher understanding of violence as the young man finally tasted his medicine.

A brilliant dark aura surrounded Cedric, pulsating with intense energy. The air crackled with electricity as his armament haki manifested in full force. He clenched his fists, feeling the immense power coursing through his veins. His eyes gleamed with newfound clarity, and he grinned savagely.

With his newly awakened armament haki, Cedric launched himself at Onigumo with renewed vigor. His movements were fluid and precise, each strike carrying the weight of his determination. The vice admiral, caught off guard by Cedric's sudden surge in power, struggled to defend against the onslaught.

Cedric's haki-infused punches and kicks landed with devastating force, bypassing Onigumo's defenses and leaving him reeling. Each blow struck true, exploiting every opening in Onigumo's guard. The tides of battle had shifted in Cedric's favor, and he pressed his advantage.

Onigumo, once a formidable adversary, found himself overwhelmed by Cedric's newfound power. His attacks were deflected effortlessly, and his defenses crumbled under the relentless assault. The fight had become one-sided, with Cedric firmly in control.

As Onigumo staggered under Cedric's blows, a sense of desperation flickered in his eyes. He realized that he had underestimated the young man before him. With one final, decisive strike, Cedric delivered a blow that sent Onigumo crashing to the ground, defeated.

"Take that, you goddamned lackey!" Cedric said with a grin, giving the fallen vice admiral both of his middle fingers. "One is for you. The other is for Akainu!" He added with a chuckle.

Still, Cedric's victory was short-lived as the thunder of canons echoed behind him. Marine soldiers had arrived, rushing from the land, and several marine battleships appeared on the shore. They had spotted the pirate ship that Kieran and the others had finally secured and launched an attack.

What's more, Cedric's observation haki flared up as he felt the presence of two more vice admirals approaching with the soldiers on the land.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me..." Cedric muttered to no one in particular as he turned around and saw Vice Admiral Doberman and Vice Admiral Dalmatian leading the marines.

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