
ONE PIECE: Tale of Max Fireblood

In a world of One Piece, Max Fireblood, a celestial dragon with ancient giant, fishman, and dwarf bloodlines, possesses a rare gift: a physique capable of consuming up to three Devil Fruits without adverse effects. With this extraordinary ability, Max embarks on a journey with a unique power: a machine that fuses Devil Fruits into mythical beasts. Chill and lustful, Max will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, dispatching enemies with ease along the way. With each new ally and Devil Fruit consumed, Max edges closer to unlocking his true potential and becoming the most powerful being in the world.

Ethan_Storm · Cómic
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9 Chs


Max's arrival at Marie Groise was met with a sense of reverence and awe, his status as a Fireblood commanding respect even among the highest echelons of the Celestial Dragons. As he strode through the halls of the castle, his wives at his side, there was an air of power and authority that surrounded him, a testament to his formidable lineage.

Not a single Celestial Dragon dared to cross him, their gazes averted in deference to his presence. They knew better than to challenge one of the most powerful beings in the world, especially one with the backing of the Fireblood family.

As Max entered the grand hall of the castle, Lucci, his loyal servant, knelt before him, a gesture of fealty and respect. Max acknowledged him with a nod, his expression impassive yet tinged with a hint of approval. Lucci had served him faithfully, and Max recognized his unwavering loyalty.

"Rise, Lucci," Max commanded, his voice resonating with authority. "You have served me well."

"Master, news has just come in," Lucci began, his voice steady and measured. "The Straw Hats, the group you instructed us to keep an eye on, have defeated Crocodile. Furthermore, Crocodile has been arrested by the navies."

Max's voice cut through the air with authority as he issued his command to Lucci. "Lucci, go and intercept the Marines. Bring Crocodile to me," he ordered, his tone unwavering and resolute.

Lucci nodded in acknowledgment, his expression stoic as he prepared to carry out his master's bidding. Without a word, he turned on his heel and made his way swiftly to the ship, his steps purposeful and determined.

As the vessel sailed towards its destination, Lucci's mind was focused solely on the task at hand.

As Lucci's ship met the Marine vessel, Crocodile stood under heavy guard, flanked by the formidable presence of Smoker and Tashigi. Smoker's gaze narrowed as he observed the unexpected arrival of the CP ship, his suspicions piqued by its presence in these waters.

"What's a CP ship doing here?" Smoker's voice rumbled with authority, his tone tinged with a hint of suspicion as he regarded the unfamiliar vessel.

Tina, standing beside him, echoed his sentiments, her expression mirroring his curiosity. "We will soon find out," she remarked, her tone resolute as she prepared for whatever lay ahead.

As Lucci's ship landed on the Marine vessel, he stepped forward with determination, his gaze fixed on Crocodile. "From here on, I will handle Crocodile," he declared, his voice firm and authoritative.

However, Smoker and Tina intercepted him, their expressions stern and unwavering. "No, we haven't received any such orders from the Fleet Admiral," Smoker asserted, his tone resolute as he blocked Lucci's path.

Undeterred, Lucci pressed forward, intent on carrying out his mission. Before Smoker and Tina could react, Kyros stepped forward, offering to deal with them himself. With lightning speed, he delivered a powerful sonic punch, incapacitating Tina with a single blow.

Smoker, transformed into his smoke form, launched a counterattack, but Kyros merely laughed in response. "Is this supposed to hurt me?" he taunted, his laughter echoing through the air.

With a swift motion, Kyros enveloped his fist in a layer of Haki, delivering a devastating blow to Smoker's head. Smoker's defenses crumbled, and he was sent crashing down into the depths of the ship.

As the Marines prepared to retaliate, Lucci unleashed his Conqueror's Haki, sending shockwaves rippling through their ranks. One by one, they fell to the ground, overwhelmed by the sheer force of his will.

Even Crocodile, formidable as he was, found himself struggling against the overwhelming power of Lucci's Haki. With a determined stride, Lucci seized Crocodile and swiftly carried him away, his mission accomplished.

As Crocodile locked eyes with Lucci, a defiant smirk played across his lips. "What does CP0 want with me? Do the Five Elders want me dead personally? Hahaha," he jeered, his tone laced with arrogance.

But Lucci's response was firm and unwavering. "Shut up. I am taking you to my master, not to the Five Elders," he retorted, his voice tinged with authority and determination.

Meanwhile, on the Marine ship, Tashigi stirred from the effects of Lucci's Haki, her gaze immediately darting to Tina. Rushing to her side, she shook Tina awake, concern etched on her features. "Tina, wake up!" she urged urgently.

Once Tina was awake, Tashigi wasted no time in alerting Sengoku to the situation. "Sir, it's not good. Crocodile has been taken away by CP0," she informed him, her voice urgent with a sense of impending danger.

Sengoku, ever composed, nodded solemnly. "I will handle the rest. You guys go back to your posts," he instructed calmly, his demeanor unwavering in the face of the unfolding crisis.

In the grand halls of the Fireblood Castle, Crocodile knelt before Max, his demeanor one of submission and defeat. As Max leisurely sipped a drink offered by Luna, he addressed the fallen former Warlord.

"So, you are Crocodile, huh? Once you were able to confront Douglas Bullet, but look at you now, defeated by a rookie," Max remarked, his tone tinged with amusement.

Crocodile, though humbled, retained a sense of defiance. "So, you only brought me here to mock me, huh?" he retorted, his voice laced with bitterness.

Max's response was calculated and direct. "Yes, but I can give you power. You have been constantly seeking Pluton, neglecting your own strength. You even forget your Haki. I can give you power to even kill Whitebeard, the one whom you hate the most."

Crocodile remained skeptical, wary of any offer that came without a price. "Nothing comes for free. What do you want from me? I can't even use Haki now, and my body is badly injured," he countered, his gaze locked with Max's.

Max's proposition was clear and unwavering. "I can not only make your Haki come back but also cure and enhance your body. In return, I want your loyalty. Work under me, Crocodile. You have talent; don't waste it on arrogance. You can be as arrogant as you want after you are under me."

Crocodile pondered Max's offer for a moment, weighing the potential benefits against the risks. Finally, he met Max's gaze with resolve. "I accept it. If I can gain power, I don't mind working under you," he declared, his voice tinged with determination.

With a gesture, Max presented Crocodile with a cup containing his own blood, a symbol of their newfound alliance. "Drink it, Crocodile. Prove your loyalty to me," Max commanded, his eyes locked on his new subordinate.

Crocodile hesitated only briefly before raising the cup to his lips and consuming the potent elixir within. As the miraculous effects of Max's blood coursed through his veins, Crocodile felt a surge of energy coursing through his body. His wounds began to heal, and his lost abilities returned to him with newfound vigor.

With a triumphant laugh, Crocodile unleashed his Conqueror's Haki, a testament to his renewed strength. However, his display of power was met with an equal force, as Lucci's own Haki countered his with unwavering resolve.

Observing the exchange with a sense of satisfaction, Max issued a warning to his newly empowered subordinate. "Remember, Crocodile, my blood has cured your body, and you have drunk my blood. I can kill you whenever I want, so you better not make me unhappy."

Crocodile's body trembled with a sudden surge of pain, a reminder of the precarious balance of power that now existed between him and his new master. Obediently, he complied with Max's instructions, seating himself upon a strange machine that Max had summoned.

With a flourish, Max produced two Devil Fruits: the Ancient Beast Titanosaurus Fruit and the Sea Star Fruit. With a swift motion, he merged them together, creating a new and formidable Devil Fruit: the Mythical Beast Fruit, Model: Sandscale Titanoceratops.

**Mythical Beast Fruit, Model: Sandscale Tiatanocaeratops**

1. **Sand Manipulation**: The user gains the ability to control and manipulate sand at will, akin to the Sand-Sand Fruit. They can shape sand into various forms for offense, defense, or traversal, and transform their body into sand for intangibility.

2. **Hybrid Form**: The user can transform into a hybrid form that combines the characteristics of a sea star and a Tiatanocaeratops, enhancing their physical attributes such as strength, durability, and underwater mobility. 

3. **Regeneration and Healing**: Drawing from the Sea Star Fruit, the user possesses remarkable regenerative abilities, allowing them to heal wounds rapidly and regenerate lost limbs over time. This makes them incredibly resilient in battle.

4. **Underwater Breathing**: The user can breathe freely underwater, courtesy of the Sea Star Fruit. This ability enables them to explore underwater environments without the need for specialized equipment.

5. **Elemental Fusion**: By combining sand manipulation with the properties of seawater, the user can create unique sand compositions infused with corrosive properties. This sandy sea mixture can erode opponents' defenses over time, making it difficult for enemies to withstand prolonged exposure.

6. **Territorial Dominance**: The user can establish dominance over their surroundings by transforming the terrain into a desert-like environment. This ability allows them to control the battlefield and dictate the terms of engagement against opponents.

Crocodile, awestruck by his newfound abilities, erupted into laughter, relishing the power coursing through his veins. However, he swiftly composed himself, kneeling before Max in a display of reverence. "Master," he intoned, his voice tinged with deference.

Max's gaze held a mixture of satisfaction and authority as he addressed Crocodile, "Henceforth, you shall serve as a member of the CP0 under my command." With a nod from Lucci, the emblematic mask of the CP0 was presented to Crocodile, a symbol of his new allegiance.

Max's directives were clear and unwavering as he instructed, "Crocodile, you will train rigorously with Lucci. Ensure that Kyros receives intensive training, particularly in mastering his Haki."

Turning his attention to Kyros, Max's voice carried a note of expectation, "Your place under my banner hinges on your ability to demonstrate your worth, Kyros. Train diligently, for greatness awaits those who seize it."

Kyros, undeterred by the weight of Max's expectations, met his gaze with determination. "Rest assured, Master," he affirmed, his resolve unwavering, "I will dedicate myself to mastering not only my Haki but also honing my Devil Fruit abilities to perfection."

Satisfied with their commitment, Max dismissed them, laying the groundwork for their future endeavors amidst the grandeur of the Fireblood Castle.


1. Kalifa - Nebula Nebula Fruit, Model: Mythic Feline.

2. Rob Lucci - Striped Dragon Fruit, Model: Stormclaw.

3. Who's Who - Primeval Beast Fruit, Model: Thornfang Lupine.

4. Doflamingo - Arachnix-String-Cut Fruit: Mythical Weaver Beast.

5. Kyros - Anklo Ape Fruit, Model: AnkyloSonic Primeape.

6. Crocodile - Star Titanocera Fruit, Model: Sandscale Tiatanocaeratops.