
One Piece: Stronger Bounty Hunter System

"Is it really fun to reincarnate with a system or a trap, isn't it? What would happen if instead of helping you, this system would set you back even more? Sengoku: "Damn Johan, what did you do to the headquarters!!" Dragon: "He poses an even greater threat to the World Government than we do." Gorosei: "Useless!!! CP0 is a disgrace..." Follow Johan on his 'Adventure' in the world of One Piece as he leaves chaos in his wake."

ArielBender · Cómic
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28 Chs


3 Months Later, Year 1501

On the island of Kyuka, Johan's current main base, the key members gathered within a large chamber deep beneath the underground city.

In the center of the room, a massive table with five chairs awaited the start of the crucial meeting that would determine the fate of their organization.

The first to arrive, unsurprisingly, was Johan. He took the seat at the head of the table, resting his chin on his hands, patiently waiting with a smile.

Following him were Baldur and Rose, who surprisingly had developed a more peaceful relationship and managed to tolerate each other's presence.

Baldur: "Oh, I'm glad to see you, Lexter. It's been a while... ¿What have you been up to these months without calling us?" Baldur sat to Johan's left, and Rose, who was slightly annoyed by her companion's comment, took the seat to the left of Baldur.

Johan/Lexter: "I've told you before that daily communication wasn't necessary. Each of us has important tasks to carry out, and we will only contact each other in case of an emergency or to discuss matters of significant importance, like today."

Rose: "We understand that perfectly, Lexter. On another note, I wanted to inform you that, thanks to the giants' deaths, production has increased rapidly, and we've managed to relocate our base to Little Garden to maximize purification."

Johan: "Hehehe, that's excellent news. Soon, we'll expand further and send some of the pirate groups under our command to explore more islands and discover exotic plants and herbs."

Baldur: "I still think having pirate groups in the organization is rather uncouth. Hahahah."

Johan: "I know... But we need to mislead people so they don't think we're affiliated with or protected by the World Government. Just think about it for a moment. ¿What would happen if people found out we were working for the Government? Not only would nobody want to do business with us due to the troubles that would entail, but we'd also risk being wiped out by the World Government itself."

Rose: "Fufufu, when you put it that way, it makes perfect sense."

A few minutes later, particles of sand in the air condensed into the figure of a person.

Crocodile: "Kukuku, I hear you're having a dull chat. Sorry for my tardiness; I had some trouble on the way." Crocodile took the seat to Johan's right.

Baldur: "Huh, too bad you didn't die on your way here..."

Crocodile: "¿Eh? ¿Are you still upset? I didn't expect you to be that type."

Without much concern, Crocodile lit a cigar and started smoking.

Rose: "Tsk, both of you, shut up. You sound like squabbling children." Her comment earned her two pairs of eyes staring at her intently.

Before things could escalate further, the door opened, and a young man, no older than 20, with white hair and a slender build, entered.

This was Elric, Johan's personal bodyguard. He slowly walked to the table and took a seat next to Crocodile, who observed this with a hint of mockery.

Crocodile: "Kuahahaha, ¿who's this? ¿Your babysitter?" Baldur couldn't help but burst into laughter as well.

Johan/Lexter: "He's my personal bodyguard, and don't underestimate him... he has the potential to become the world's number one swordsman."

Crocodile and Baldur put on serious expressions and looked at Elric with interest. Rose, on the other hand, also regarded him with different... eyes.

And Johan wasn't lying; currently, there wasn't a swordsman on the level of an Emperor or Admiral. Famous swordsmen like Dracule Mihawk and Shanks the Red-Haired hadn't yet made their names known in this era. During these times, no one could claim to be the world's number one swordsman.

The closest contenders were Oden, who was currently in Wano and would die within three years, and Rayleigh, who was already an elderly man with no such ambitions.

Johan/Lexter: "Very well, now that we're all here, it's time to get to the important matters."

The five of them talked for several hours, discussing the main topics at hand.

Johan/Lexter: "Crocodile, you'll be in charge of Devil Fruit collection and weapon manufacturing.

Rose and Baldur, you'll continue trafficking the drugs. Along with your subordinates, you'll also be responsible for establishing another secondary base, in case this one is destroyed. I don't care where you set it up, as long as it's discreet.

And lastly, Elric... you'll guard the territory and eliminate any threats. In any case, leave the severed heads of your enemies in the freezer in our storeroom. I'll also provide you with the Den Den Mushi that connects to Strawberry.

If you're wondering, I'll be away for several months. I need to prepare for the future. Don't contact me unless it's an emergency.

I'll provide you with some Beli to purchase supplies or whatever you need. Is that clear?"

Everyone nodded, except for Baldur.

Baldur: "Huh, ¿what are you going to do? ¿Go visit some ladies? ¿Why can't I do that?"

Rose: "Because you're not the boss, idiot."

Elric: "I apologize for the interruption, Sir... Lexter. ¿But why don't you entrust the defense of the territory to Mr. Crocodile?"

Politely asking, Elric voiced his opinion.

Johan/Lexter: "Your task is to obey, Elric... If you successfully complete your mission, I'll assign you another in the future. But for now, only the five of us have enough power.

From this moment on, you will be referred to as 'Pillars.'

Crocodile will be the Pillar of Sand.

Baldur, the Pillar of Wind.

Rose, the Pillar of Weapons.

And finally, Elric will be the Pillar of Protection."

-2 Hours Later

After concluding the meeting, they all went their separate ways to fulfill their missions. Johan, on the other hand, headed toward the storeroom.

At the far end of the storeroom, Johan entered another room. Upon opening the door, he was bathed in a golden light, reminiscent of his first encounter with gold in this world.

Johan: "Bahahaha... it's time."

After collecting all the gold and Belly, a bell rang in Johan's mind.

System: (The host has collected a total of $1,049,000,000 Belly. Considering that $1,000,000,000 was obtained by their subordinates, originally, 90% of the total would be deducted. However, since it is now under their full control, it is counted as if the host had done the work.)

Johan was suddenly surprised. ¿Did the system just benefit him? While he had managed to bend the will of Rose and Baldur and make them his own, he didn't think the system would consider this an achievement.

Unfortunately, this would only work with people who had weak minds or little willpower.

Originally, Johan had more treasure, but when he distributed it among the Pillars, it diminished rapidly. The $1,000,000,000 corresponded to the amount paid by the World Government for the drugs. Baldur and Rose had exceeded expectations, producing 20 tons of drugs.

Johan: "System, current status."

System: (Name: Johan Hannibal/Lexter)

(Age: 22 years)

(Status: Excited and Happy)

(Current location: Grand Line "Paradise". Island Kyuka)

(Special Abilities: Virtual map, Three-dimensional space for storing objects - Current limit 300kg)

(Strength: 9/100 - Attack power or destructive power)

(Stamina: 3/100 - Endurance to blows or physical exertion)

(Vitality: 5/100 - Healing of injuries or lifespan)

(Agility: 3/100)

(Devil Fruit: -)

(Melee Combat: 1/10)

(Fencing: 0/10)

(Rokushiki Techniques, Shigan: 0/10)

(Rokushiki Techniques, Soru: 1/10)

(Rokushiki Techniques, Tekkai: 1/10)

(Rokushiki Techniques, Rankyaku: 0/10)

(Rokushiki Techniques, Geppo: 0/10)

(Rokushiki Techniques, Seimen Kikan: 0/10)

(Armament Haki: 4/10)

(Observation Haki: 0/10)

(Bellys: $

Johan: "System, allocate 6 points to Armament Haki, 1 point to Observation Haki, and 4 points to Close Combat.

In physical attributes, allocate 12 points to Agility, 22 points to Stamina, 15 points to Vitality, and 6 points to Strength.

And finally, open the shop."

System: (Name: Johan Hannibal/Lexter)

(Age: 22 years)

(Status: Excited and Happy)

(Current location: Grand Line "Paradise". Island Kyuka)

(Special Abilities: Virtual map, Three-dimensional space for storing objects - Current limit 300kg)

(Strength: 15/100 - Attack power or destructive power)

(Stamina: 25/100 - Endurance to blows or physical exertion)

(Vitality: 20/100 - Healing of injuries or lifespan)

(Agility: 15/100)

(Devil Fruit: -)

(Melee Combat: 5/10)

(Fencing: 0/10)

(Rokushiki Techniques, Shigan: 0/10)

(Rokushiki Techniques, Soru: 1/10)

(Rokushiki Techniques, Tekkai: 1/10)

(Rokushiki Techniques, Rankyaku: 0/10)

(Rokushiki Techniques, Geppo: 0/10)

(Rokushiki Techniques, Seimen Kikan: 0/10)

(Armament Haki: 10/10)

(Observation Haki: 1/10)

(Bellys: $556,000,000)

A second later, Johan felt a profound pain in his heart and head. He fell to the ground, screaming in agony, his body convulsing.

Johan: "Aaaghhhhh, aah... aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!"

Loud screams echoed on the island as citizens looked on in shock and terror toward the tall building at the island's center. Some even opted to leave on boats.

After a few minutes, the screams subsided, and Johan stopped suffering.

Inside the main building, Johan slowly sat back in his chair and crossed both of his feet.

Johan: "Hehehehahahaha!"