
One Piece: Sign in

a traditional world traveler armed with a unique tool - the Sign-in system. One Piece World Fanfiction... (Other Worlds Travel is also possible)...

Aizen_Sosuke · Cómic
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25 Chs

Chapter 1

East Blue, Sea Calendar 1522..

A luxurious tourist ship glided gracefully across the azure expanse of the sea, its opulent decks adorned with shimmering lights and the laughter of its passengers. Amidst the splendor, Nami, resplendent in a noble red dress and exquisite jewelry, stood lost in a reverie, her thoughts drifting through the labyrinth of memories.

Suddenly, a familiar and magnetic voice pierced through the haze of her musings, pulling her back to the present moment. A hand, as pure as alabaster, halted inches from her face, accompanied by an invitation that stirred the depths of her soul.

"Mind to share a dance with me?" The words, infused with a magnetic charm, emanated from a striking figure.

 A tall young man (189cm), lean yet muscular body in a extravagant black tuxedo.

Long, flowing silver hair, which cascades down his back in ethereal waves, piercing blue eyes gleam with warmth

"Seph-kun..." Nami's voice faltered, disbelief mingling with recognition as she succumbed to the allure of his presence. With a mixture of shock and intrigue, she acquiesced, allowing herself to be led onto the dance floor by the enigmatic stranger yet familiar individual.

As they swayed in perfect harmony, their movements a symphony of grace and fluidity, envy flickered in the eyes of the onlookers, while admiration echoed in the whispers of the crowd.

Nami's defenses rose as always instinctively, her skepticism manifesting in pointed questions and sharp retorts.

"Are you a stalker?" she quipped, her words laced with a blend of amusement and suspicion.

Undeterred by her rebuke, the young man chuckled, his laughter a melody that danced upon the air. "How rude of you to say that. It's merely fate that has brought us together again," he replied, his gaze unwavering in its intensity.

Though intoxicated by his charm, Nami's resolve remained steadfast, her words a shield against the allure of his presence. "Dream on... only if you are a rich man will I promise to date you," she countered, her tone tinged with playful defiance.

"As expected of the legendary Thief Cat, yet, I'm really not here to ask for a date. I have something important to do. It just so happened that we met here by coincidence. Seeing my lifesaver, it would be rude not to come to salute," the young man explained, his words flowing effortlessly, his blue eyes brimming with calmness and sincerity.

Nami hummed, observing him for a moment before sighing in resignation. "Idiot... at a time like this, you should blush and get nervous... try to tell clumsy lies; you would definitely make my heart sway and shake my determination... sadly, you're as wooden as ever."

The young man sneered in disbelief. "I don't believe it at all... You tricked me away and took the boat after abandoning me in that desolate town. If it weren't for the fact that your saving my life is such a big debt to repay, I would hunt you all over the sea."

Nami's face flushed with embarrassment as her eyes wandered, finally noticing his luxurious suit. With interest, she inquired, "I recall that you're a poor guy. Did you trick a noble lady to take care of you?"

The young man smiled in response. "I wish, but sadly the beauty ran away and left me poor and alone..."

Nami began playing with her hair in embarrassment, but her face remained stoic, her eyes exerting an aura of suppression on him to answer.

The young man sighed in defeat. "Who made me a great student with super learning ability. I saw you stealing the baggage of nobles before sneaking onto the boat, so I followed suit. 'Sigh' as expected of you, stealing is really the code of wealth..."

Nami's face turned dark. As she was about to rebuke the annoying and audacious young man, she was interrupted by the sounds of artillery.

The ship trembled beneath their feet, the sudden upheaval jolting the passengers from their reverie and plunging them into a maelstrom of chaos and uncertainty. In the midst of the turmoil, the young man's embrace enveloped Nami, shielding her from harm as the world teetered on the brink of chaos.

Boom... Boom...

The ship swayed along the waves, coupled with the cries and howls of fearful passengers.

"Pirates... Pirates are attacking the ship... hurry up and hide yourselves," a voice cried out.

In the embrace of the young man, Nami felt a complex array of sensations, her resolve wavering as her gaze lingered upon the enigmatic stranger who stood as her protector and confidant. Yet, she soon shook her head with determination.

The young man didn't pay attention to her expression, his mind more focused on the impending arrival of the pirates.

'After three days of shadowing Nami, the pivotal moment is finally upon me. No longer will I remain a mere pretty face devoid of substantial power.'

Indeed, this young man is a traditional world traveler armed with a unique tool - the Sign-in system.

Each encounter with a significant character or pivotal scene presents an opportunity for a Sign-in, promising bountiful rewards without fail.

It has been four days since his arrival in this world, and the most tragic aspect is that only a shard of his soul has endured.

His physical form reduced to ashes during his journey, and even his soul suffered severe damage. Yet, by some stroke of fortune or perhaps guided by unseen forces, his remaining memories are imbued with the knowledge of various animations and common sense. Though his true identity remains a distant memory, he feels unburdened, detached from the past.

Once again, by chance, his soul drifts upon the sea, encountering Nami as she rows her small boat.

With the Sign-in system activating, he receives an extraordinary reward.

[CHARM - Concept (Growth)]

An irresistible allure emanates from you, captivating the opposite sex effortlessly.

Your appearance embodies the ideal of beauty, drawing admiration and fascination from those who lay eyes upon you.

Endowed with high charisma and innate leadership, you command the respect and attention of men, who are drawn to your magnetic personality.

As you journey through the One Piece world, you awaken the regal aura within you, a testament to your innate authority and unwavering will.

Empowered by the world's mechanisms, your willpower grows exponentially, shielding you from the influence of spiritual powers seeking to sway your resolve.

To grasp the peculiarity and miraculous of this concept class ability, one need only look at his current form.

His body, fashioned after his favorite character, Sephiroth, stands as a testament to the extent of its power and transformation.

While his physical ability is average, his body looks like a greek god, full of beauty and power.

Without such a remarkable ability, not to mention having a flesh and blood body, a cunning individual like Nami, known for her distrust and caution, would never have rescued a naked man adrift in the vast expanse of the ocean.

Emerging from his reverie, he was taken aback to find Nami had vanished into thin air.

"What's the fuss... Nami's run off. Not a major issue... If I slip onto Alvida's boat... my current predicament will surely be resolved," Seph muttered, determination gleaming in his eyes. Ignoring the tumult surrounding him, his movements became fluid and purposeful, anticipation building as he awaited the pirates' arrival on the ship.