
One piece Shinigami: Reborn with a system

Anime & Comics
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What is One piece Shinigami: Reborn with a system

Lee la novela One piece Shinigami: Reborn with a system escrita por el autor Ancestorlord publicada en WebNovel. All Things of this World, Turn to Ashes, Ryūjin Jakka!Reborn in the One Piece world, eleven years after Gol D. Roger’s death, Roja becomes marine hero Garp’s nephew and obtains the Sword Soul system, ...


All Things of this World, Turn to Ashes, Ryūjin Jakka! Reborn in the One Piece world, eleven years after Gol D. Roger’s death, Roja becomes marine hero Garp’s nephew and obtains the Sword Soul system, which lets him gain strength without limits and learn various skills. Flowing Blade-like Flame (Ryūjin Jakka), Mirror Flower, Water Moon (Kyoka Suigetsu), Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer (Getsuga Tensho), Thousand Cherry Blossoms (Senbonzakura)…… Roja looked at Akainu in front of him and told him seriously “If this sword descends, you may be roasted to death.” ============= An: if you like the story you can support me on pat-reon, you'll give me the support I need to keep going and deliver more content and you will also get early access to at least 30 chapters patreon.com/Ancestorlord

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The sex was wild and passionate, like nothing Emily had ever experienced before. She felt alive, free, and utterly reckless. As the sun began to rise, Emily lay tangled up in the stranger's arms, feeling more alive than she ever had before. But as she looked at him, really looked at him, she realized that she didn't even know his name. "I want you, Emily," he said, his voice low and seductive. "I want you to join me in my world, to be a part of something bigger than yourself." CHAPTER 1: Emily had always been a good girl. She followed the rules, got good grades, and never caused trouble. But tonight was different. Tonight, she wanted to do something reckless, something wild. She found herself at a bar she had never been to before, watching the crowd as they danced and laughed. She felt out of place, like she didn't belong there. But then she saw him. He was tall and dark, with piercing blue eyes and a chiseled jaw. He had a dangerous look about him, a hint of trouble that made Emily's heart race. He caught her eye and made his way over to her. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asked, his voice low and seductive. Emily hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should trust this stranger. But then she looked into his eyes and felt a spark of something she had never felt before. "Sure," she said, smiling nervously. They talked for hours, about everything and nothing. Emily found herself laughing and flirting without a care in the world. The stranger seemed to understand her in a way that no one else ever had. As the night wore on, they found themselves getting closer and closer. They danced together, their bodies pressed together in a way that made Emily's head spin. Before she knew it, they were stumbling out of the bar and into the cool night air. The stranger hailed a taxi and they climbed in, his hand resting on her thigh as they rode to a seedy motel on the outskirts of the city. Emily knew she should be scared, but she couldn't help but feel excited. She had never been with a bad boy before, never done something so wild and reckless. Inside the motel room, they tore off each other's clothes in a frenzy of desire. The sex was unlike anything Emily had ever experienced before. It was raw and passionate, like they were both trying to lose themselves in the moment. As the sun began to rise, Emily lay tangled up in the stranger's arms, feeling more alive than she ever had before. But as she looked at him, really looked at him, she realized that she didn't even know his name. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. The stranger smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "You can call me Jack," he said, pulling her closer. Emily knew she should be worried, but she couldn't help the way her heart raced at the sound of his voice. She was in deep, and she didn't even know it. When she looked up, she saw Jack standing over her, a smirk on his lips. "Miss me?" he asked. Emily couldn't believe it. Jack had been following her, watching her every move. She felt a mix of fear and excitement, unsure of what to do next. "What do you want?" she asked, her voice trembling. "I want you, Emily," he said, his voice low and seductive. "I want you to join me in my world, to be a part of something bigger than yourself." Emily felt a shiver run down her spine. She knew that Jack was dangerous, but she couldn't help but feel drawn to him. She had tasted something new and exciting with him, and she wasn't sure she could go back to her old life. "What do I have to do?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Jack smiled, his eyes glinting with the promise of adventure. "Just follow me," he said, extending his hand.

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The search for true love

Namaku Azafa astriliani usiaku 18 tahun aku hidup dalam Keluarga yang penuh konflik, suatu ketika keluargaku sedang dalam pertengkaran yang hebat di rumah.Aku pergi dari rumah untuk menemui tunanganku dan aku ingin menceritakan segalanya tapi saat aku tiba di rumah tunanganku aku langsung pergi ke kamarnya dan disaat aku membuka pintu kamar itu aku melihat dia sedang melakukan hubungan intim dengan seseorang yang tak lain adalah sahabatku sendiri nasa, seketika hatiku hancur berkeping-keping aku langsung pergi meninggalkan rumah itu namun sayang saat aku sedang dijalan menaiki mobil aku ditabrak oleh mobil yang berlawanan arah dengan kecepatan tinggi naas setelah itu aku langsung meninggal dunia di mobilku sungguh perjalanan hidup yang memilukan dan singkat.Nah mulai dari itu perjalanan dimulai kembali lagi jiwaku (rohku) dibawa ke sebuah dunia yang berbeda dan aku menjadi seorang Putri Raja berusia 14 Tahun dari sebuah kerajaan yang bernama Negeri cahaya bulan.jiwaku masuk ketika putri sedang sekarat dia berkata "kau harus membantuku membalas dendam untuk kematian seseorang yang aku cintai, Pembunuhnya adalah Perdana Menteri Negeri Sky aku akan memberikan tubuhku padamu tapi kau harus berjanji untuk membalaskan dendamku aku mohon aku harus segera pergi,oh ya namaku adalah zafana". ucap Putri Raja."baik aku bersedia tapi bagaimana caranya aku bisa tahu tentang masa lalumu". tanyaku."tenang saja jika kau sudah bersedia aku akan meninggalkan memoriku(ingatanku)padamu,aku harus pergi terimakasih atas bantuannya". ucap Putri Raja lalu dia menghilang ditelan oleh cahaya yang sangat terang.Aku pun masuk kedalam tubuh Putri itu ketika aku bangun hari sudah pagi aku melihat sekeliling semuanya terlihat asing.dan aku memikirkan apa yang dikatakan oleh Putri itu"bagaimana caranya aku bisa membantunya membalas dendam,ahh aku yakin aku pasti bisa menemukan jalan dan aku juga bersyukur bisa hidup kembali walaupun aku tidak tahu ini dimana".gumamku dalam batin. follow the story of Azafa in this strange world to seek revenge for the Princess and seek her true love.

Meizarita · Fantasía
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This is a tall tale, it's not the best but it has its own, much of it is about the protagonist looking to please the system and train but the normal part is quite entertaining.


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Exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp


the original Is god of soul system 700 chapters you can read it un lightnovelpub


Revela spoiler




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