
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Cómic
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623 Chs


"Breaking News! Breaking News!"

"The Sea Sovereign, Rocks D. Xebec, has been defeated by the Marines in the New World. Members of the former Rocks Pirates, Silver Axe and Wang Zhi, have fallen in battle, marking the disintegration of the notorious Rocks Pirates!"

"Extraordinary News! The Golden Lion Shiki announces the recruitment of new members for the Flying Pirates, offering strong candidates the opportunity to become captains of their own crews under the Flying Pirates' banner! Joining the crew provides protection and support from the Flying Pirates!"

"Breaking News! Former Rocks Pirates member Charlotte Linlin declares control over the Totto Land territory, intending to establish a vast empire."

"Latest Update! The Marines have initiated a new round of global recruitment. Anyone interested in joining the Marines can apply at the nearest Marine branch. Generous benefits and rewards await the first applicants!"


With each news bulletin released, the world trembles with anticipation. Countless news birds fly in all directions, disseminating the earth-shattering announcements. Whether it's the Marines, the Pirates, or other kingdoms, even commoners purchase newspapers to read the headlines that could shake the world.

In the New World, in the Sovelin Sea, two pirate ships are docked side by side.

On the vast deck of the ships, numerous pirates gather, visibly divided into two groups, with an underlying tension between them.

In the center of the crowd, three figures sit cross-legged on the deck, surrounded by bottles of fine wine.

"Glug-glug-glug~ Ah, this is delightful!" Roger wipes his mouth and plants his bottle firmly on the deck.

"Glug-lala-lala-lala! Roger, it's unbelievable that you would choose to ally with the Marines." Whitebeard chuckles heartily before fixing Roger with a serious gaze.

"I believe the Marines offered Captain Roger terms he couldn't refuse, isn't that right?" Nicholas looks towards Roger, curious about the conditions that prompted Roger to join the war effort.

"Huh? Are you two trying to get me to spill the beans? There weren't any specific terms, just a promise. But I can't tell you what the promise entails; it's part of the agreement I made with them," Roger replies nonchalantly, leaving Whitebeard and Nicholas without further inquiries. After all, as prominent figures on the seas, they understand discretion.

"What are your plans next, Nicholas?" Whitebeard's question draws the attention of Roger and the crew.

"What else can I do? Lay low for a while; strengthen my power. After all, you monsters have reached your peak, but I haven't reached mine yet. The seas are a place where strength matters most. Without power, you might end up getting eaten by fishes one day. I still have many things I want to accomplish, and an early demise isn't one of them. Besides, I've been feeling signs of breakthrough lately. I need to consolidate my foundation," Nicholas says. His rapid growth trajectory places him squarely in the upper echelon of the New World's first tier. In a few years, he may possess top-tier combat prowess in the vast sea.

Upon hearing Nicholas's words, Roger and Whitebeard are speechless. Does this lad have no plateau in his growth trajectory?

How many prodigies set sail each year, only to reach their zenith by the age of twenty? Yet, some of them remain stagnant for the rest of their lives.

In contrast, Nicholas's growth seems unstoppable. He's destined for the upper echelons of the sea's power structure in the near future.

"Does he have the potential to grow into the 'Strongest in the World'?" Rayleigh mutters to himself.

"Alright, let's take a picture with the future strongest person in the world," Nicholas proposes with a smirk, and the crew gathers for a precious photo. In the background, the vast sea stretches endlessly, framing Roger's crew members, with Nicholas, Whitebeard, and Roger in prominent positions. In Nicholas's arms, two infants cry, adding a touch of warmth and humor to the scene.

[Author's note- guess who they might be? 😏🤫]


"That's it for the farewell. Thanks, Whitebeard, and I wish you the best in finding your family members," Roger bids farewell as he watches the Moby Dick sail away.

"Glug-lala-lala-lala! Farewell, Thunder Boy! May you have an exciting adventure ahead," Whitebeard shouts back, and the massive ship gradually disappears into the distance.

Once the Moby Dick departs, Nicholas turns and walks toward a nearby city on the island.

"Grilled meat, grilled meat, piping hot grilled meat!"

"Mystical Cactus Juice Grand Sale! Select cacti grown in the Alabasta Desert for over twenty years, extract their essence, and drink to rejuvenate and invigorate, suitable for all ages! Only 999 berries per cup!

You heard it right! Not 99,999 berries, not 9,999 berries, only 999 berries! Drink and feel the difference!"

"Originating from the ancestral recipe of the Celestial Dragons..."

"Hey, mister, wanna play...?"

Amidst the bustling streets, with vendors peddling their wares and locals engaging in lively chatter, Nicholas feels the familiar pulse of life.

"Boss, I'll have some grilled meat, extra spicy," Nicholas orders at a stall, watching as the succulent meat sizzles over the flames, making his mouth water.

"No problem, just a moment," the vendor replies as he sprinkles secret spices over the meat, and Nicholas eagerly awaits his savory treat.

Unbeknownst to the vendors and passersby, Nicholas's true identity remains hidden. To them, he's just another face in the crowd, another resident of this small island where many have never ventured beyond the shores.

Little do they know that the fearsome pirate described by the World Government as a ruthless killer is now standing before them, waiting for his grilled meat at a street stall.

With his grilled meat in hand and a coconut in the other, Nicholas strolls down a nearby alley, passing by a group of tough-looking individuals leaning against the walls, toying with knives or smoking cigarettes.

If an ordinary person were to witness this scene, they'd hurry past, avoiding eye contact with the shady characters.

But Nicholas is no ordinary person, and he's here to find someone.

As Nicholas approaches, the group of tough-looking individuals pays him no mind, engrossed in their own activities.

Soon, Nicholas reaches a wall and clears his throat before speaking, "Makabaka."

As he utters the word, the wall in front of him opens, revealing a passageway.

Without hesitation, Nicholas steps inside.

Inside, he encounters individuals dressed similarly to the Black flag merchants, but the one in front of him wears a golden mask and a blue cloak.

"Welcome, guest. Welcome, Nicholas," the figure greets him respectfully.